《Girl crush Monday (GxG)》Chapter Two


♥Jenny's POV♥

Arriving at the school, I immediately parked my ride in Tyler's parking space. It's not like he would appear out of nowhere. I mean, when the guy says he isn’t coming a place, don't wait up in hope. I learned the hard way, trust me.

The journey to my locker was the same as any other day. The jocks of the school greeted me because I was on their teams. Yes, I, Jenny O'Brian, am on the male basketball, football and soccer teams. The girl teams made no sense and won't recognized that much so I took the challenge and completed the mission by being captain of all three.

Also, my 'fan club' had a short chat with me as usual. They were a bunch of girls who were impressed in how brave I was to actually try out for the teams. Other than them, because I am extremely popular, almost the entire senior population had a little 'hi-hello' session with me.

I was already at my locker putting stuff into my bag when I heard a few cheers. Turning my head in the direction of the voices, my mouth hangs open. Andrew was leaning down and then planted a swift kiss on a girl's lips to tempt her. He then did it again but this time with tongue. It lasted a few more seconds and the girl stood there in shock.

Hmm, another kissing bet I see.

I couldn't take it so I turned away. There was no way that I was going to watch the guy I think I like kiss another woman. Hell no. I was steaming now and I didn't even notice that someone was tapping me on the shoulder. Turning around with a mean expression on my face, I saw that this individual stumbled a few steps back.


Seeing that she had that frightened look in her eyes, I calmed down a bit. I didn't want a complete stranger scared of me, you know. I must say, she was a beauty and a little innocent looking too. I couldn't help but smile as she fiddled with the hem of her opened jacket.

She wasn't tall or short but in between. Her long, golden brown hair was placed in curls and hang loose. Her eyes were a magnificent shade of brown and her lips... oh my God it was so pink and juicy... I wonder how it would feel-

Oh my f**king ghee, why the hell would I be thinking about this girl's lips like that! No, no, no... What was that about?

"Um, a-are you Jenny?" She asks, finally finding the courage to talk and stop playing around with her jacket.

"Are you some stalker chick?" I question. A smile came to my face as I imagined Tyler's facial expression due to the way I asked my question. He taught me well, too well at times.

"N-No. I-I swear, the principal told me your locker was number '308' and you'd be able to show me around because you're respected here," She explains and I smirk because even my principal noticed my excellence.

I nod, closing my locker from behind and the made a 'let's go' movement with my finger. She didn't hesitate but smiles for the first time for the morning. Her smile was so beautiful; her entire face glowed as her lips spread apart. How could someone be so gorgeous, I mean, I looked great but not gorgeous. A normal person would see me as handsome.

"What class do you have first?"

"Um Bio with Mr. Bright," She answers, picking up the pace and follows after me as I nodded. It seems that we have the same class for the morning.


Walking towards the Biology Lab, I decided to take her outfit into account. She wore a pair of dark jeans, a red tee shirt, a black long sleeved jacket and a red knitted hair thingy on her head. Her choice of shoes we perfect for her outfit, converse. Now, that's my girl... She knows how to dress simple and make it worth a million dollars.

"We're here," I announced as we entered the classroom. She jumped a little at the sound of my voice because she was spacing out, I guess.

We entered the classroom and she took a seat directly next to me. Not bothering to make conversation with her, I pulled out a notebook form my bag and started to draw. My mind strayed away for a while but I felt as if someone was staring at me.

Turning to face the same girl who I met next to my locker I raised a brow. At first she just sat there smiling at me but when our gazes met, she flushed and looked away. 'What was all that about?' I thought to myself as I shook my head and went back to what I was doing. I could already sense that today was going to be weird.


The morning classes went by fast but I had each one with the new girl. She kind of freaked me out. This girl, which I didn’t know the name of, followed me everywhere for the morning. I understand that we had the same timetable but not same d*mning life plan.

It was now time for lunch and I was already getting out of my seat when I noticed a familiar person standing in front of me. What was wrong with this chick? Don’t tell me she was going to annoy the sh*t out of me at lunch too!

“Hey, I was wondering if we could have lunch together.” She suggests, looking me in the eyes.

“Now you listen here. I don’t know your name or anything about you for that matter and you’re already annoying the crap out of me. My business with you is to bring you to class, you hear? Now you listen and you listen well, leave me the f**k alone. You’re creepy,” Cute as f**k too.

“Okay,” She simply says and then storms out of the class. Tears were running down her face and I could tell that she didn’t want me to see them.

A blanket of guilt enveloped my chest because I knew full well that I hurt her feelings. Not being able to chase after her and apologize for being such an A-hole, I simply took a seat on my desk. Being frustrated with myself, I scream, “What the f**k have I done?!”




Love you guys! Picture of mystery girl to the side --->

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