《Smile For Me || Niall Horan》Epilogue


"LEXI! Open it, open it, open it! I made it myself!" Claire announces proudly, handing me a box wrapped in snow man wrapping paper. I smile and take it.

"You did?! Wow. I'm sure it's going to be the best gift here," I assure her, winking.

"No. Nialler got you a-"

Niall interrupts her by picking her up and tickling her. "I told you not to tell her!" he says as she collapses in a fit of giggles. I laugh at the two of them together. So cute.

"Well, you gonna open it?" Harry asks, smiling and collecting more wrapping paper that was lying around the floor. The pile under the tree seemed never ending. Most of the Christmas gifts were for Claire. I got a gift or two for each of the guys and a few for Claire. Louis had a blast at Toys R' Us buying just about every girls toy in sight and wrapping it up to give to her.

"Here, I'll help," Niall offers, scooting closer to me. I used my right arm to open half of it while Niall tore off the rest.

I still had my stupid cast on. It's a real pain in the ass. The guys all help me out though with things like this, things I can't do with one arm. Another few weeks and I get this thing off. Thank god.

"Oh my gosh! It's a picture!" I exclaim, holding up Claire's gift. It was a framed picture of something Claire drew. "Thank you Claire-bear!" I say, pulling her over and hugging her. She giggles and points to a shortest stick figure in the picture with blonde hair.

"That's me and that's you," she says, now pointing to a taller version of her which is apparently me. "And this is Niall," she says, showing me the other blonde stick figure with hair sticking upward out of his head. He was holding hands with me in the picture which made me smile.


"And this is Boobear and Hazza," she points to two figures. One with a massive afro and another with brown hair. They were also holding hands, which made me burst out in laughter.

"And Zayn and Liam!" She shows me Zayn, with black hair that seemed to all swoop drastically to one side of his head. I chuckled. Liam had giant brown circles for eyes and hair like Niall’s, except it was more Louis’ color instead of blonde.

"Oh, and there's Austin." He was standing off to the side with his blonde hair and huge eyes, clearly visible in her crayon drawing.

I chuckle and kiss her head. "Thank you Claire! I love it! I think I'll hang it up in my room so I can look at it every single day."

She smiles. "When can I go play in the snow?" she asks, looking out the window at the white flurries falling to the ground. I smile and roll my eyes.

"How about some hot chocolate first?" Liam asks. She considers this before nodding her head and running to the kitchen. I smile and watch as Liam gets a mug from the cabinet and begins to make her drink.

I heard Niall clear his throat, causing my attention to turn to him. He was grinning at me. I smiled back. "Want to open my gift next?" he asks. I nod.

"Sure. Since you already opened mine," I say, smiling. I got him a guitar pick necklace type thing. It was engraved, and it says the same thing his bracelet he gave me said. Forever and always.

"WAIT!" Liam screams, running into the room. "Okay, now you can open it," Liam says, waiting. "Sorry, okay? I want to see this."

"Does everyone except for me know what this gift is?" I ask, looking around the room at each of the boys. They all exchange looks and nod.


"Is Nialler giving Lexi his gift?!" Claire asks, bouncing into the room with a huge smile on her face. Niall smiles and nods. "YAY!" She sits down cross-legged gripping her hot coco mug in her hands and watching us closely. I chuckle, wrapping my sweater tighter around me and scooting closer to the lit fireplace. Who doesn't love Christmas?

"Wait," Niall says, standing up. I look up at him. He looked so tall from down here. He holds his hand out to help me up. I take it and stand with him, facing each other. He grins.

"We are standing because...?"

Instead of answering he reaches into his back pocket and pulls something out as he kneels down on one knee. I gasped, having a feeling of what would come next.

Oh my God.

"Alexis," he says, opening up the small blue box and revealing a shiny sparkling ring. I bit my lip. "I love you, and I always will. You are the most amazing person in my life, and I never want to be apart from you. Will you please marry me?" He gave me a hopeful grin, as if he wasn't positive of what my answer would be.

As soon as the words left his mouth I nodded my head. "Oh my gosh...yes! YES! A thousand times, yes!" I wrap my one working arm around him and let a single tear of joy fall from my eye. I could hear the boys all cheering and making comments as I kissed him. "I love you, Niall," I remind, not wanting to let go of him as he slips the ring onto my finger.

"I love you too, Lex." He smiles and wraps his arm around my waist. I can't believe it.

Mrs. Alexis Horan.

I could get used to that.

~Smile For Me, over and out~

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