
So you Faked your Death Melody's Girlfriend of year and Six Months Said

No I was Trying to Kill my Self it didn't work so I switched the Name's

Baby I told you this Because I really Want you To know me Melody said

Thank you for Telling me And I'm Here you Girl We may only be Six months in But I love you I want us to grow Together She said

Tell me When Knew you Loved me Melody Said Laying on Her lap

Well As you know I was the biggest Player In Santa Ana,Melody nodded

But when I saw you I knew You would Change my World I had just had to prove that I was Good enough for you so I Dropped All my Hoes and make you my Baby Marie said

You have done very well Proving that to me Melody said

Are you ready for Your Birthday Marie Asked

Yeah I'm I'll be 20 tomorrow she said

Yes you will Baby Marie said Kissing her


Baby Birthday is tomorrow Mani said

Looking at Old Pictures of Melody

Mani Maybe you shouldn't be Looking at These Anymore this Puts you in so much Pain maybe we can Go for a Walk Dinah said

Dinah I just want to be Alone Mani said

How Can I help you get pass this Dinah said

Can you Bring her Back huh Dinah can you bring My Baby back Normani said with Tears coming down her face


I Didn't think so Normani Snapped at her

Why are you so mad me I'm trying Dinah said

I didn't Ask you to Normani said

You Didn't Have to Dinah said

The Fuck is Wrong with you Dinah said Holding her Bleeding ear

I hate you So much Right Normani said


You Throw A Fuckin Glass at me Dinah said

Get out Of my House She said Pushing Dinah out

Leave Mani said Pushing her to the Door

Are you Crazy Dinah said

Baby Dinah said Hugging her

I killed my Baby I took her Life Mani cried


Bae you need to See Your Mother She probably Going insane Marie said

I can't-

Yes you can Your Hurting with out Them and I bet they are Hurting just the same Marie said

We don't have the Time And where would we get Plane tickets Melody said

Yes we do We Leave in one hour the bags are in the car Marie said

Babe I can't Fly Melody said

Why not Marie said Putting on her shoes

Because...I'm Um...Pregnant Melody said

Grate we will have some good News to tell them when we get there Marie said


No get in the Car Marie said

But I-

I will Carry you if u have to Marie said

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