
Alright Melody Its for bed Dinah said

No She said Jumping on the bed

What is with you kids telling me No Dinah said

No sleep no sleep Melody Said

I let mommy put you to bed Dinah said walking out the room

Smart girl Now in the bed under the cover Mani said

Mommy Melody asked


I love you Melody said Scared to asked her real question

I love you too Mani said

Melody looked at me what's wrong mani asked

Mark kissed me she said

He did Oh wow its gonna be this kinda of talk mani said Pulling Melody into Her Lap

But Victoria Kissed me to She said Playing with her mother's finger

Do you Like Mark The Auntie Lauren Like uncle Ty Mani asked

Yes but I Like Victoria to Like She said

And that's normal to like two people means Your growing up mani said

But ms.Smith said I'm not suppose to like girls only Boy's This is very confusing I don't wanna grow up melody said

I don' t want you Growing up either but You tell ms. Smith to mind her Fucking Business okay mani said


We will talk more about this Tomorrow Okay Mani Said Putting her back in bed

Okay mommy


What's wrong Dinah asked

Melody just told me she she likes Mark Mani said

Lisa's little boy told her not let that kid get close to her Dinah said

"But she also likes Victoria"


They both Kissed her to Day mani said

They are growing up to fast Dinah said

I was stuck and didn't Know what to say so tomorrow After school we Need to talk with both of them Mani said


Oh and Call Lauren also


Mani do you think we take to mani Pictures of them Dinah asked

Are you Questioning My Parenting mani ask

No I'm gonna Go Start The Car Dinah said

Okay Day day Look at me Mani said

Mommy the sun is in my eye's

Okay Next Melody smile Mani said

Hey how come she gets three Pictures Jordan said

Cause I'm cute you not she said

Alright enough in the car let's get to school Mani said putting them in the car

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