
Honey pizza is here Arin said

Fine I'll get it my damn Self he said opening the door

Dinah what are you doing here he asked

Come take a drive with me she said

Daddy is that the pizza a little girl asked

I paid the gut you own me 12.50 Dinah said

Can you brake a 20 he asked

No now come take a Drive With me Dinah Said

No Arin said

Do you really want your kids And Wife to see you get your ass beat in your house Dinah said


Babe I'll be back I'm gonna take a Drive with a friend he said

Hope She kicks your teeth in Marie said under her breathe


Melody Hamilton She said to the lady

And you are She asked

Her fucking mother Mani yelled

Normani Over here Lauren said

Bitch I'll be back for you Normani said going to Lauren

Where Is my Baby Mani asked

In there Lauren said

Awe baby Mommy Is here She said

Baby its okay mommy isn't gonna let nobody take you away Again mani said rubbing her back Slowly

Wow this is the First time she Has Sleep all day oh and We need to feed The nurse said

No Eat Mommy she said putting her head in Mani's neck

She doesn't want it mani said politely

Listen Ma'am she needs to eat and -

She doesn't want to fucking eat it now get the hell out Normani said


Hand over the Gun Dianh said to Arin

What I don't have a Gun Dinah he said

Dinah Grabbed his Neck don't fucking try me

Guns are in safe with a Child Around Dinah said Taking the gun Rapping it up making sure her fingerprints aren't on it and leaving



Where is she I can't find her Jet Cheryl said High off Crack right alone with jet

Who He asked

Our Daughter umm.umm. She has a Name And its umm. Fuck Cheryl said

Maddie Jet said

Yeah Maddie where are you sweetie

"her Name is Melody you sick Fuckers"

Deenah Wassup Man Jet said

Dinah Look at him My name is Arin Dinah said with her Hoodie on

But you sound like Deenah he said

But my name is Arin okay remember it she said shooting him in the Leg

Stupid Bitch If you ever Come near my family again I Won't hesitate to kill you do you understand Dinah yelled

Y-Yes Understand She said

I'm sorry Dinah she said

"I'm on my way to the hospital now "

Okay Hey stop and get some food for us please Mani asked



Mommy I Hur Melody said In whisper

I know baby Mommy will make it better I promise Mani said


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