
Normani Hamilton The man said


You have been Survived he said and walked away

No no! She cried pulling out her phone


Lauren I need you over here now and bring Ty with you many said into the phone

Mani are you alright she asked

Just get here She said


What's the problem Lauren said

This Mani said

They are trying to take my Baby from me Mani said interrupting Lauren as she read

When is the court date Ty asked

"One week from today"

Mani you can fight this and win because Cheryl is a fucking Junkie and Who the fuck is jet

Lauren said

Plus Melody only Knows as mommy Ty said

Mommy I want Down Melody Yelled from couch

Normani looked at her


No matter what Mommy Loves you okay Man I said

So do I Dinah said

DJ Melody said

Dinah you came Mani said

Of course I did I will be one of your Witnesses or something

All rise for judge Ray The man said

What! mani said looking at her friends While Arin's wife came in

You may all be Seated

We are in Case Number 435 Hamilton vs Hart and Graham

Okay Mr.Hart Ms.Graham why are we here to Day

We want bout Daughter back Jet said

And your reasons to why Me.Hart

I never Got a chance to Claim my rights to the child She was Just Handed over to Ms.Hamilton

He said

"Ms.Hamilton care to elaborate"

Melody wasn't just Handed over to me

I had to Wait 16 Week's To officially adopt her Waiting for any other Parent and or Family member to Come no body came so I was Given the right to sign the paperwork even to social worker to tell you this Mani said


Lauren Jauregui please Step to stand raise your right hand

Do you promise to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth you're under oath

Yes Lauren said

Now ms. jauregui you are best friends with the defendant in the right he said

"That's is correct"

"So you talked about everything right"

"Define where you say everything"

"Is Job do you to ever talk about where you work and what you do"

She knows where I work and what I do details my job small Leaf my office Lauren said

"Is ms.Hamilton A Good Mother "

She is A very good Mother Melody doesn't want for anything she has Clothes on her back And A nice Roof over her head Lauren said

"Ms.Hamilton has A Good Job Isn't that right"

Yes Lauren said

Well 5 years Ago Is it true that Ms.Hamilton was caught what's possession crack cocaine He challenged

the is true but it didn't Belong to her it belong to her exhusband Arin ray

When what pulled over he got out the car in ran since it was Normanis car she took the blame Now what does this have to do with Melody Lauren Asked

No further questions he Said

Dianh Jane You may approach the stand

Raise your right hand And State your full name

Dinah Jane Hansen

Now ms Hansen is it true that you and Ms Hamilton have A Sexual Relationship going on

Yes Dinah said

Just Sexual He asked

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