《Him & His Muslimah》51



After a successful meeting with the new investment company, Zaib had eagerly greeted his supervisors and rushed to his car. He planned on buying raspberry cheesecake and some chocolate truffles for his wife on the way back. Spontaneously, Zoya had promised to return early today and spend time together; he was so excited he could soar to the sky. He bought the deserts from the local bakery and then headed back to their home.

Upon reaching, he ecstatically rushed inside; however, to his dismay, the house appeared to be very much empty. He quizzically walked to the balcony, bathroom, and even the shed but didn't find her anywhere. He frowned, sighing dispiritedly.

He pulled his phone out of his pants pocket and dialled her number. There were no rings; the phone was off. Zaib tensed up, redialing her number; yet again, the same words repeated. That was 'This person is not accepting calls at the moment, try again later.'

A bizarre feeling ignited in his chest; why wasn't Zoya picking up his calls? Maybe she was still working. But her shift was supposed to be over by this time.

After an uneasy fifteen minutes had passed, he tried calling her again. This attempt was also unsuccessful.


The home was empty.

Zoya was not there; Zaib had even phoned her work-place to enquire about her- they'd said that she hadn't shown up, which sank Zaib's heart. If she wasn't at home or work, where could she be?

Her family was the next option that popped up in his head, so without hesitation, Zaib called Bilal. "As salamu Alaykum, how come you're calling?" Bilal picked up after a few rings.

"Wa Alaykum As-salam, Bilal, this is urgent. Zoya's phone is off; I've been trying for the past hour. She hasn't been to work- neither is she at home."

"Okay, Zaib, calm down; I'm sure nothing bad has happened. She could be with Naimat possibly; I think she mentioned that she would see Naimat soon when I talked to her last time. You should call at Naimat's," he assured.

"Fine, I'll try that. It is strange, though, because we were supposed to spend the evening together. We haven't been as close recently, you see." Zaib guiltily admitted to his brother-in-law. Not only was Bilal his wife's brother but one of his closest friends of all time, so Zaib unhesitatingly confessed.

There was a mumble of acknowledgement from Bilal before he replied, "It makes sense with Zoya working so hard these days. I wish things didn't have to be this way, honestly. Ever since the financial problems have started, it's been affecting us all; Zoya the most from what I believe."

Zaib went frigid upon hearing Bilal's mumbles. "What financial problems?" His heart's thump started getting faster and faster.

Had Zoya told him about some financial problems? Did he forget something? He mentally strained himself.

"Surely Zoya has informed you about our father's company debt, right? It's been a few months since we discussed it with her." Bilal explained confusedly.


He stiffened. It was like a wave of cold water thrown onto his face; his body started to quiver. Company debt? It was the first time he heard anything related to debt. Was Zoya keeping this massive issue a secret from him?

As much as he wanted to throw the phone out and pull at his hair from disbelief, he wanted to know what else she had been hiding from him.

"Oh yeah. I'm very sorry about that. Is Zoya's new job helping to pay off that debt?" He attempted to sound unaffected, but his voice was hoarsely bitter.

And just as he was dreading, Bilal responded, "Yeah, of course, she had no intention to work this early into her career. I told her I could handle it alone; however, she insisted."

Zaib felt the room closing up around him as he registered Bilal's words. His breathing staggered, and harsh words remained on the tip of his tongue; he couldn't find the voice to say them. It was the gut-wrenching feeling of betrayal: to love someone so irrevocably that they're the only ones with the ability to wound you.

Zoya told him that she had to work for her university to gain the necessary experience. The whole time, she was lying to him, and he believed her and let her go, to work herself sick. Instead of rationally asking for his help, she left him in the dark. Working herself to the core and creating a distance between them was more important than just asking him for help.

His wealth could repay the debt in the blink of an eye, but she chose not to trust him.

The horror began to settle on his chest, his heart pumping faster than usual.

He felt insignificant.

He was just an outsider in her world.

"Zaib..." Bilal's voice ran through the forgotten phone call. Zaib abruptly shut the phone call. He ran his fingers through his hair, his head beginning to pound as if someone inside was pinching his nerve cells.

His wife lied to him. If Bilal hadn't told him, would he have ever even found out?

Just as he sat defeatedly on the couch, his phone rang. He looked at the screen, and his throat tightened. Zoya was calling. He didn't have the heart to speak to her over the phone when he was emotionally unstable, so he rejected the call instead, texting her to come home immediately.

They needed to talk.


"As salamu Alaykum," Zoya's meek voice resounded through the house as she entered. She stepped to the living room, noticing the lights were on.

There sat Zaib on the couch, staring off at nothing. His face was pale, and his eyes were blankly emotionless. She immediately rushed towards him; why did he look dishevelled?

"Zaib?" She met his gaze and immediately felt her anxiety dominate her head.

It was the same feeling when her mother would catch her doing something she wasn't allowed to- as if she were a deer in the headlights.

"How was work?" his voice was hollow and raspy, unlike his usual tone. "Good.." Zoya hesitantly approached him, uncertainly staring at him for some explanation.


"Really? Well, I called, and they said you weren't in at all today."

There was a consequential silence following his words. Zoya opened her mouth to say something, anything but then closed her lips tightly, incapable of spitting more lies.

"Zaib-" she stepped closer and grabbed his hand. Her touch was unbearable like he'd been electrocuted, Zaib snatched his hand away from her and stood up. His tall frame made her want to shrink, but she remained steady.

"Zoya, why are you doing this job? It's because of the opportunities, right?"

At that very moment, her breathing ceased, and her heart began to race painstakingly fast; the realization washed over her, and she quivered, her eyes flooding with tears.

She had never felt his fury to this extent. She could see his body trembling slightly, and his jaw tight, his eyes darker than the oceans.

"Listen to me, please," she let out a plea, and she wasn't even sure she said the words clearly, tears blurring her vision.

"I had to do it. I couldn't burden you." She muttered; she couldn't even look at him because she was so ashamed.

Zaib stuck out his hand and pushed her chin up to look at him, his grip on her chin soft but a fire burning in his eyes.

"Had to do what? Lie to me?" His voice laced with venomous placidity. His tone was dangerously soft as if he were mocking her. Zoya forgot her reasons and excuses when she saw the brutal indifference in his eyes.

"I told you so many times, what is mine is yours." His face dropped, overcome with emotions as his eyes narrowed.

"Ever since the day we got married, have I ever hesitated to spend a dime on you? I want to give you everything, Zoya. But you-you always push me away. You took away my rights to protect you- to protect your family."

She struggled; her cheeks streaked with fresh tears each second. She didn't realize what she had done until this very moment where Zaib broke things down for her. Seeing that look in his gaze—that look which always resembled sweet heaven—now hopelessly anxious.

He let go of her chin and looked away, disgusted. Zoya felt all the air being sucked out of her lungs, dryness settling in her throat. Before she could even put herself together again, Zaib probed further.

"Where were you today? Spare me of your lies, please, and answer me truthfully." Zaib looked at her pointedly.

Would he never trust her again?

"I-I can't tell you, Zaib," she sobbed helplessly.

Zaib's eyes widened shock and hurt flashing in his green eyes. He grabbed her shoulders, pleading, "Don't you get it? I deserve to know!" His voice quivered. She winced in his grasp, her shoulders shaking uncontrollably as another sob reeked her frame.

She then wiped at her tears, battling herself to break her promise to Zaib's mother or to lose Zaib even further. With the love of her life in front of her, she couldn't afford to lose him more. "I was with your mother."

His eyebrows knitted together in confusion. He had not expected that answer at all. "What business did you have with my mother?"

"Please don't pressure me further. I can't tell you." The sequence of events today was too overwhelming, and Zaib was not in the right state of mind to be hearing about his younger brother's foolishness.

Zoya stepped away, but Zaib grabbed her wrist tightly. "Am I even a part of your life at this point?"

"What are you saying?" She screeched, wanting to tear her hair in frustration. "I love you! I love you so much," she wailed; she needed him to understand her desperation for his love.

"Zaib. I was only trying to make ends meet for you, for my family, and even for your family! I know I was wrong, and I know that I deceived you. I'm sorry!" She cried desperately.

"Zaib, I know I messed up. God, I know, but please hear me out-" Zaib interjected.

"Hear you out? I was always ready to hear you out." He aggressively threw the vase resting on the table. The sound of the sudden shattering glass vase filled the room, making Zoya jump fearfully.

"Maybe you haven't trusted me since day one— maybe this marriage was just a mistake!"

No. Zaib didn't—he couldn't say that. There was an error; he didn't say that. She didn't hear him correctly. She must've imagined that deafeningly loud yell; her ears must've tricked her into letting her hear her worst nightmares.

The gut-wrenchingly painful look in his eyes told her otherwise; it confirmed her doubt. Her ears were perfectly functional.

He had, for sure, said the words.

Then it hit her like a slap to the face; something in her chest shattered. She could feel it: It was irreversible damage.

Her knees trembled. They almost gave in, but she quickly grabbed hold of the four-legged chair behind her.

Zoya was seething, visibly shaking from the surge of emotions. He called it a mistake. Mistake? Did he call their marriage a mistake?

Zaib let go of her wrist, "I can't stand being around you right now."

And he walked away, grabbing his car keys, and pulling on his shoes. Bile rose her throat as she realized he was leaving. His hurtful words were powerful enough to break her entirely, but her love for him was far more than that. She scrambled ahead, rushing to him.

She hated him for calling their marriage a mistake, but she knew once he walked out, she'd possibly lose him for good. She grabbed his arm desperately.

"P-please don't go," she was able to muster, her words almost inaudible, cracking and breaking.

He pushed her off his arm, and she stumbled back. "If you don't need me, then I won't need you either."


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