《Him & His Muslimah》48


The next few days, Zoya wrestled her mind, thinking of possible ways to support her family in this time of crisis. She occasionally spun her swivel chair around, the lidless highlighter in her grasp left to dry. She dropped her head onto the table, frustratedly pulling on her hair.

It was early afternoon; Zaib had bustled off to attend an emergency meeting. She returned from an early morning lecture when her phone chimed up, the label reading, .

"Zoya, how are you doing sweetheart?" Zaib's mother's chirpy voice emerged through the speaker whom almost freaked Zoya out as she bellowed away from the phone. Quickly redeeming herself, she answered.

"Alhamdulillah, what about you mom?" The woman on the other side blissfully replied. "Is Zaib too annoying to live with? You can visit us whenever Zoya," the female teasingly chuckled and Zoya only smiled, embarrassed.

"Having him around is far from annoying. I'm lucky. He's doing everything to make me feel unburdened about university and marriage. In comparison, I've done nothing for him," she felt her throat tighten, interrupting the words left in her throat and suddenly felt overwhelmed. She didn't even realize how much she missed him until she was talking about it to someone else.

"Zoya, stop thinking like that. You're working for a better future and he's there supporting you for it. That's what marriage is, a bond of support and love." Zoya felt herself choke again as a tear ran down her cheek.

"What's wrong? Did you both fight?" His mother emitted with discontent. Zoya quivered at the idea of fighting him. She couldn't even imagine it.

"No! Of course not."

The past few days were long and busy. She had found herself drained as fresh homework kept piling up. The new semester had just started and yet the professors were already breathing down their necks, emerging with every possible reason to occupy the students. Along with this, she couldn't stop fretting over the things weighing down her chest about her family.

The whole situation had taken a toll on her mentally and physically. Her anxiety caused her nausea which led to a loss of appetite. Sleeping had become a luxury she got reduced amounts of due to her dynamic state of mind.

Zaib was..amazing, as always. He never uttered an aggrieved complaint about it but Zoya felt the loss of connection. She missed him despite being a few footsteps away from him. She observed the unsaid things he did for her.

He would routinely complete his work-related business on the desk parallel to her before kissing her forehead lightly and leaving the study. Then silently, he would tiptoe back, bringing her a mug of hot chocolate and then reluctantly exit to make a phone call. In the evening, she'd finally retire from the study but he'd have to leave to an appointment.

This unfamiliar routine continued for the past week and they could only have quality time once she made it to the bed where they would exchange conversation about their different set of afternoons. Yesterday, she felt her heart tug in longing as he talked about the new project he managed to take up, his eyes brimming in ecstasy. He described the joy flooding him when he heard the news and Zaib said he was so excited, that he almost returned home to break the news to her. He, however, decided against it when he realized she was working on an assignment.

It made her conscience-stricken.

She spent the night staring at his sleeping face, counting the times his heart drummed against his chest until it lolled her to sleep.


"Zoya?" The voice from the phone smacked her back to reality- she cursed herself for worrying his poor mother. "I'm sorry mom, I just have a lot on my mind." His mother sighed and then spoke again.

"You know Zoya, marriage is not as easy as it seems, especially the early days when you're young and fearful," she confessed, her words hinting some past fears she must've caged. "But, if you and Zaib are caring towards one another, you'll make it out. Because love never dies, only compassion might."

Zoya was relieved his mother didn't pry for more details and narrowly wondered if Zaib's mother, given normal circumstances, would be this sweet and understanding. They had started on the wrong foot of course, but Zoya couldn't just shake down the initial distaste of the family towards her.

Now they were welcoming her, all except one.

"Thank you, mom," she replied with gratitude and then voiced her thoughts reverently. "Mom..how's Zain?" She quite reluctantly asked, hoping she didn't seem too obvious.

The silence from the other end added a strange mixture of awkwardness and doubt in Zoya's mind. She almost played it off lightly when she heard his mother take a sharp intake of air and then replied, this time, her voice contaminated with friction and sadness.

"He's fine." Zoya almost gasped at the bitterness that flowed out of her. Did she— did she know? Zoya silently nibbled on her lower lip, wondering what catastrophe had broken out back in their house.

"Zoya, I know and I know you know too."

She felt a gut-wrenching punch and almost dropped the phone, her heart heftier than it already was and her breaths haggard. "He's my son: I know him better than he knows himself," Zoya heard her voice wobble and her heart almost broke for the poor woman.

"I'm sorry for remaining silent," Zoya found herself desperately trying to appease her. His mother heaved another ounce of air then she cried out sadly, "he's not listening Zoya. He says it's his paradise. I've done everything! I've tried to catch the dealers, but he's adamant."

Zoya felt herself unable to breathe, her body shivering with fear. She hadn't realized the extent of the desire for drugs that had overpowered Zain's consciousness, to the point where he defied his mother and disrespected her. She couldn't imagine how gutted Zaib would feel when he eventually found out.

"Don't—I beg you don't tell Zaib," the woman on the other end rasped, her voice eerily calm astoundingly quiet, as if she were scared the walls had ears and would spill their secrets.

"Mom, I haven't said a word, but if we want to save Zain, we have to let his older brother know. Zaib will have a hard time but this is the only way," she muttered, her heart galloping with pain as the cruelty of the situation dawned upon her.

She was taking her time and hadn't said one word about it to Zaib; she couldn't bring herself to do so. Hiding the truth didn't make it disappear though, it seemed to be making Zoya more anxious as days passed.

"No— Zain won't be able to live with himself! He loves his brother so much Zoya—he won't be able to ever look him in the eye!" The mother wailed, her voice sharp and quick, as quick as Zoya's thudding heartbeat. A little sob escaped through the phone generating Zoya's heart to clench tightly, painfully.

"Mom, I'm so sorry. I am, even so, you need to understand. Please, he needs to know before it's too late. Zain will keep falling deeper into this hell. It'll only make it harder to pull him back out," she rasped, her dry throat making her voice seem thicker.


"O-Okay, but not now, please. Not yet," she fearfully whispered and Zoya agreed without a second's thought. The poor woman was already so tortured, it was the least Zoya could offer as comfort.


After the horrid conversation, Zoya dismembered the frozen chicken pieces, her head still throbbing as the sobs of Zaib's mother reverberated within her head. She tried to get rid of them by reading some Quran and it worked for a while. However, now that Zoya was again doing normal worldly things, she felt herself shrink in pain.

Those sobs only made her more frightened for what awaited her husband. She couldn't even imagine the bewildered expression on his face as he heard the discerning truth of his brother. She almost wanted to double over and vomit when she eventually imagined the pained shadows in his eyes.

To her relief, the phone rang loud enough to pull her out of her trance. She quickly jolted to grab onto it, wanting to get rid of the image in her head.

💖" the phone displayed.

She impatiently answered the phone on the verge of crying in relief as she heard his soothing, beautiful voice. She took a deep breath before replying to his greeting-the horrible nauseous feeling dissolved immediately upon hearing him. She already felt better.

"Are you okay?" He was as quick as a cat's reflexes, catching onto the shaky voice of his wife. His words were laced with concern as he patiently waited for her answer.

"I'm okay, I'm okay now," she found herself replying and then felt him exhale in relief.

"Were you busy?" He instantly questioned and she was quick to deject. "No, I was just about to cook some creamy herb chicken for you," she explained, her stomach tingly when she heard him chuckle dearly.

"My favourite," he remarked and she nodded despite knowing he wasn't able to see her. She always wanted to cook his favourites whenever she had the time. It was the only way she could express her love and care amidst the chaotic schedules they both followed.

"Zoya," his voice lingered, empty of any further phrases. She curiously waited for addition to her name yet his silence only prolonged, making her slightly perturbed. She then responded hesitantly. "What's wrong?" She nibbled on her lip.

He was never one to shy away from her. He was a very confident man which was fascinating because she'd never come across someone aware of the fine line between confidence and cockiness. Zaib balanced his confidence perfectly, his conviction a humbling point, making him so much more attractive.

She immediately sensed a smile on his lips, without seeing him, and then a chuckle resounded through the phone. "Are you biting your lip?" He mumbled and it almost sounded like a whisper.

She grew embarrassed and giggled nervously. "No," she drawled and he caught onto her lies but decided against embarrassing her any further. He liked seeing the fierce blush overpowering her bright complexion, so he didn't want to waste the moment by hearing it through the phone and missing out the chance to see it.

"I know you're busy but... I miss you." His voice was so vulnerable and inexpressibly gentle, she felt her toes curl. It was so soft, almost inaudible but really, his voice was all Zoya could hear, all she ever wanted to hear. She silently absorbed his words, her thoughts an incoherent mess.

"Can we go on a date?"

She felt like she'd melt into a puddle of glory when he threw out the question. She perked up in her chair, her body ecstatically energized all of a sudden. Her heart crashed against her ribcage, her orbs expanding as the adrenaline pumped through her veins, overwhelming her small frame.

"Yes!" She passionately squealed then a thud overpowered the speaker as if something metallic fell to the ground hastily, impatiently. She heard him lean down to grab it, sounded like the keychain of the car keys.

"I'm arriving at seven." He effectually informed and the phone call ended.


She took a shower and dressed herself into the pink summer dress which reached her shin and black leggings underneath. She ruffled around blow-drying her long tangled hair and then tidied it up into a bun. She adorned herself, putting on her eyeliner and blush after she fixed her pink lipstick. She then wore the bracelet Zaib had gifted her, an emerald wristwatch and her engagement ring dazzling even in the broad white light of the room.

When she was looking for her silver heels, the sharp horn outside boomed aloud and she smiled cheerfully, quickly buckling her shoes and tugging the handbag off the table, she stepped out into the cold, her trench coat hugging her tightly. There against the black Mercedes, her husband stood tall in a grey sweater and a black overcoat, underneath was blue trousers, the outfit she had proudly picked out.

As if he sensed her presence, his gaze flittered towards the gate, his body immediately pushing itself off the car's surface, a glowing smile replaced the moroseness as he lunged forward, pulling her into his embrace. His sweet cologne enveloped her and instigated a pool of serotonin to gush into her system. She smiled into his chest, her heartbeat was ecstatic.

"Hey you," he whispered into her hijab and then kissed her cheek tenderly.

She looked up, smiling more than ever. "Zaib," her eyes flooded with immense warmth. Even though they'd seen each other literally in the morning, this felt completely different, as if they were meeting after the longest time.

"I miss you," she choked and he instantly understood the emotions hurling in her throat and silenced her by planting his lips on hers.

"I know."

And then they both were in the car, driving off to their date.

"Why're you wearing so less?" He retorted, taking a sharp turn around the corner. Zoya narrowly looked down at herself and quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "I'm fully covered?" She remarked.

He shook his head. "I don't mean it that way Zoya. Look at me, for instance. I am wearing a thick sweater and a thick overcoat. You're wearing the thinnest trench coat. It's freezing out here," he grumbled, rolling his eyes at her childishly. She shrugged nonchalantly.

"I don't feel that cold," she muttered. He looked back at her narrowly. "Well sweetheart, maybe, I don't know, the heater's on!" He retorted, his words laced with sarcasm.

She glared at him. "Okay, so? I'm fine. I'm not going to ask you to give me your coat, so don't you worry," she seethed, jaw clenched.

Zaib almost broke into an idiotic smile, seeing her very childishly pissed at him for merely stating a fact. Sometimes, she was the wisest woman on earth; other times, her inner child seemed to overpower every factual detail. He irrevocably loved both parts of her. She remained puffily mad, not glancing at him. He enjoyed her tantrums though because she looked adorable whenever she tried to be resentful.

He manoeuvred the car into the mall's parking lot and parked beside a ponderous truck. He grabbed her hand before she could push the door open to exit and brought them up to his lips, kissing her knuckles.

"This overcoat? I'd give you my life if you asked Zoya," he truthfully stated, his eyes wide with affection. She eased up in his grasp, glancing at him with less annoyance than before. "Alright, let's go watch a movie. I don't want you out and about with just a dress and leggings. God, what were you thinking wearing such—"

She pulled her hand out of his hold and threw herself out the car before giving him a deathly glare. He bit his lower lip, withholding a chuckle. God, he loved pissing his Zoya off.

She tried to maintain a few meters distance away from him, but there was no way he was having it as he grudgingly grabbed onto her hand and clasped their fingers.

He wanted to snatch her away from her stupid university's claws and take her with him to every place he went to, even his office. He missed her so desperately and thought of her every minute he was not occupied in work.

He didn't blame her, never. She was working tirelessly to score excellent this semester- he knew how tough university life could be. He could only imagine how terrifyingly strenuous medicine seemed to be. But still, no matter how much he tried placating himself, he never could tame the selfishness inside him. He wanted all her attention, all her smiles and laughs. He reached a point where he wanted to tear apart her books or throw them into a pit of fire so he'd have her look at him.

He rejected his stupid ideas, of course. His love for her was far greater than an ache for attention. He wanted her to succeed. Hell, she deserved it more than him. He saw her efforts: her hand cramping up while she filled parchments with endless notes, her eyes shutting as she finished up her presentations, her words slurry at night when he spoke to her about his meetings. He noticed it all and wished he could take half the burden she carried. Instead, he prayed and supported her silently by her side.

So he refused to let go of her in this time of togetherness where no books, universities existed. It was only him and her, on a movie date.


"Well, that was a waste of time," she bitterly muttered as they left the cinema hall. Zaib carried an amused smile, exhilaration apparent in his green orbs and Zoya just looked like she'd spent an hour staring at a blank wall.

"What! You didn't enjoy it?" He gasped, eyeing her in disbelief. She stared back at him bemused. "What did we just watch?" She heaved. She then glanced at him bewildered.

"Don't tell me you understood any of it?" She gasped as the glint in his eyes told her otherwise. "How?" She was baffled. The movie was the longest movie she'd ever watched and it seemed to make no logical sense whatsoever.

"It was about the time traveller and his antics! Didn't you get it?" He laughed, quite surprised at her puzzlement. " I mean, it's critically acclaimed, a literary work. Only some geniuses understand," her husband dared infuriate her more than she already was after the stupidly long movie. Zoya stared at him, horrified.

"You're getting me madder each second!" She glowered and then rushed forward towards the shopping area where families rolled the trolleys around enjoying grocery shopping.

He cursed himself and hastened towards her before grabbing onto a new trolley and flashing her an apologetic smile. She tried to remain annoyed but then melted as his smile pulled along her heartstrings.

They meandered through the aisles of utilities. Zoya bought milk (specifically chocolate milk which was Zaib's favourite), fruits, including watermelon, orange juice (his preference), and a new mug for Zaib since his last one was in poor condition. He surveyed her as she kept on tossing all his favoured items into the trolley, his heart clenching out of love. She loved him so purely that she didn't even need to say something sweet or flirtatious. He could see her heart in her eyes when she looked at him and it was so much more than anything ever said out loud.

"Zoya," she was inspecting the packet of cheddar cheese, checking it's expiry date so she just hummed for him to continue not turning around. He circled his arms around her waist and pulled her to him and then kissed her nose.

"I love you."

She was taken aback, her eyes wide in shock as she stared up at him and then she broke into a jubilant smile. "Stop it!" She squealed, embarrassed. He noted the redness spreading on her cheeks and let out a satisfied chuckle. Oh, how he loved to see her red.

They returned home and Zaib helped her unpack the bought grocery. "God, you bought such useless things Zaib!" She hassled, holding up the packet of marshmallow candy and a box of Nutella.

"You wanted them!" He yelled and she shook her head defeated. "I merely looked at them!" She gasped, correcting him.

'True. But to be fair, Zoya looked at those items for more than a moment so she probably did want them', Zaib corrected in his head and applauded himself for buying it for her. Zoya rolled her eyes at his idiocy but also felt her heart skip a beat. God, he was so cute buying her random candies like she were a toddler.

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