《Him & His Muslimah》46


"Zoya, how much longer will it take?" Zaib hollered up the stairs, waiting for his wife to be finished with perfecting her headscarf so they could leave. It was Naimat and Ehsan's wedding day and Zoya had returned from Naimat's house a few hours back to get dolled up for the event.

Zaib was not a man of many complaints but he was always cautious of time. He hated arriving late to any event and his anxiety always piqued when big events arrived.

Zoya, on the other hand, took her sweet time. Not because she wanted to be late but because she always messed up in a hurry, thus he grew slightly impatient as they were late to leave the house by half an hour.

"Coming! You should start the car. I'll be down in a minute," Zoya's voice echoed from above.

Zaib sighed, his forbearance tested, but quickly went on to scold himself. This event was their best friends' wedding, after all, of course, she would want to look her best. Zaib was still struggling with his bow tie but he thought of just asking her to do it for him in the car.

Zaib gathered the car keys, wallet, envelope with their wedding money and searched around, hoping he wouldn't forget anything. Laying beside other miscellaneous items on the entrance table, was Zoya's phone. He knew his forgetful wife would leave it behind in a hustle, so he grabbed it.

Just as he picked up her phone, it vibrated and a text message flashed across the screen. It was an unknown number which arose Zaib's curiosity. Tilting his head, he swiped and unlocked the phone, opening the message. Zoya wouldn't mind him looking at a message right? He was her husband after all and it was an unknown number.

His heartbeat palpitated at the sight of the message.

Hey Zoya, it's Evan.

I got your number from Kei~

I was going to e-mail you but I figured texting would be quicker. Here are the details for the project. *attachment*

Look forward to working with you~ we make a good pair!

Jaw clenched, Zaib set the phone down. The audacity of this guy was unbelievable. That day, outside the university, it took everything in him to not throw a jab at that arrogant brunette. Knowing Zoya would not like that, Zaib subtly pulled Zoya close and signalled for that jerk to back off with his flirtatious words and disturbingly adulated gaze.

Zaib wondered how Zoya would respond to his text and felt agitated. As he thought of her, her voice chimed behind him, "I'm ready. What are you still doing here?"

He whipped around to face a glammed up Zoya, her beige silk dress catching the light with her intricately set headscarf framing her beautifully groomed face. A smile graced her nude lips and her light eyes stood out beneath her dark mascara. He forgot about everything in the world, even the ignorant Evan guy and that stupid text and just looked at her.

She timidly peered at him. "Weren't you supposed to start the car?" Zaib regained his composure, "Uh, yeah I was about to when I saw you got a text message."

"Oh, maybe it's auntie, let me check." Zoya grabbed the phone, referring to Naimat's mother and clicked on the messages. Zaib inspected her expressions to see how she would react. To his utter disappointment, she just texted something back and turned off the phone nonchalantly.

With his eyebrows furrowed, he inquired, dismayed, "What did the message say Zoya?"

Zoya looked up as she slid the phone into her clutch. "Oh, it was just Evan sending me the details for our research." She explained, pulling her heels on. Zaib stared blankly and then sighed, anguished at her calm response.


"So it's not concerning you that he's just texting you so personally?" He felt his voice waver slightly in anger, his fist clenched.

"What?" She looked up, astonished at his sudden outburst. "Zaib, it isn't a big deal. Our interactions are strictly professional. He just sent me some files," she explained, flustered as she surveyed his expressions which were full of agitation.

Why was he so annoyed?

"Zoya, he's texting you when he literally could've just mailed and he said that you two 'make a good pair', is that professional?" Her obliviousness pressed Zaib's tolerance and he harshly raised his voice.

Zoya felt her head reel. "He was probably just referring to when we worked in HASU together and complimenting me for my work ethics," Zoya stood up, feeling anxious as the fury in his eyes remained unaffected.

Then suddenly, it hit her. How did Zaib know exactly what the message said? "Did you go through my messages?" She questioned.

"I just clicked on this because the notification came when it was in my hand," he rasped.

Zoya felt frustrated, feeling tightness in her chest. Did he not trust her? She was about to question but told herself she needed to be patient and understanding.

"I'm not mad at you for that but you know I am not the type to hide anything. If you wanted to know, you could just ask," she pressed, sighing.

"That's not the point Zoya. I don't want to go through your phone ever. I'm not blaming you for him texting either," his words were unnervingly quiet. "I'm upset because Evan is texting you and you're unbothered!" Zaib furiously yelled, the veins of his neck visible.

Zoya felt her throat tighten. She hadn't ever seen him get discomposed like this before. Seeing him so dishevelled, she didn't like it at all. She decided to play it off cool.

"Zaib can we just let this go for now? It's seriously not a big deal. We have a wedding to get to and we're already late plus your bow tie is a mess." Zoya giggled lightly, her eyes falling upon the rumpled tie and reached for it to fix it. Just as she was about to grasp it, her husband jerked away from her.

Stupefied, she tried to absorb the whole situation, staring at his back.

Had Zaib just rejected her?

He had never done this before. Before every argument they had would be resolved in the matter of a few minutes.

"I'll start the car," he rasped coldly and walked away. Zoya's heart dropped into her stomach at the sight of his retreating figure. She just wanted peace and love between them, why was he acting like this? It felt as if something was weighing on her chest and she felt a nervous sweat on her palms. She would try her best to placate him.

The car ride there had been very sombre with almost no words exchanged between the fighting couple. It was so quiet, Zoya could almost hear every pebble their car crushed. She tried to strike up a conversation a few times but Zaib was giving her the cold shoulder.

She had never seen him make such a deadpanned face next to her. She even tried to get his attention by staring at him without blinking for minutes but he drove the car like he was giving some tricky driving test and couldn't lose focus for even a moment.

Zoya sighed.


Zoya entered the glamorous reception banquet from the women's' side and Naimat immediately caught her eye from the stage. Zoya felt her spirits lift as she hurriedly approached her best friend.


Upon their arrival, she decided to focus on Naimat until the Nikkah was over.

The bride herself looked stunning in a royal blue embroidered two-piece complimented by her gold jewellery, which amongst that sat the rose-gold bracelet Zoya had gifted her the previous night.

"Naim you're glowing," Zoya tenderly complimented as she took a seat beside her close companion. "Really? It's not my oily skin again, is it?" the girl dabbed at her face with a tissue, panic-stricken.

"No! It's not your oily skin," Zoya smiled. "It's a special glow, it's Nur." Naimat calmed down and gave Zoya a wide grin, happy to be praised. "Awe Zoe, you always know what to say." Zoya gave her a proud hug and the two girls had a small chat while guests continued to arrive.

Within the guests was Zoya's mother, whom she met with a very warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek. They had spent some time catching up as Naimat greeted other guests. Some of Zoya and Naimat's high school friends, as well as masjid companions, were invited.

Weddings were always the perfect occasion to reunite with many loved ones and close friends at one time. There was a beauty in coming together to celebrate a bond that Allah had fated for a couple.

Zoya wished she could enjoy everything wholeheartedly but her head was filled with Zaib and his ferocious eyes. She kept glancing at the opaque curtain which distanced the two and felt her heartbreak. She should've just kissed him and told him she was an idiot.

After all the guests had arrived, the Nikkah ceremony officially began. The contract was signed, the couple rejoiced and many tears fell. Zoya was a blubbering mess, her own mother not able to contain her tears while comforting her daughter. The couple stood there on the stage, staring at each other as if there was no one else in the room. Ehsan looked like he was the most fortunate man in the world. It reminded her of the day she embraced her man, her Zaib.

Her chest ached.

As the dividers were removed for the buffet to start, Zoya caught a glimpse of her husband who stood tall, chatting with Ehsan and Bilal and a few other men, all laughing and teasing the newly-married man. Zoya's eyes softened at the sight of Zaib's laughter. She wanted him to smile at her like that. She felt a hollow ache and jealousy from his friends who got the pleasure of seeing him like that.

When she noticed Zaib break off from the group to get a glass of water from the dispenser near her, she took the opportunity to approach him. But just as she was about to reach him, he noticed her presence and swiftly walked away.

She froze, her eyes growing large in disbelief. She stared longingly at her husband who rejoined the group of lucky men.

"Having fights already?" Bilal teased, appearing out of nowhere from behind her. "I mean, not surprised, we couldn't go two days without arguing. I feel bad for Zaib."

Zoya groaned and pinched her exasperating brother. "Can you shut up? I'm already having a hard time, making up for it. He won't budge."

Bilal scowled at his sister, his arm hurting from the pinch. "Woah," Bilal adjusted his posture, getting closer. "You must have really gotten on his nerves. He doesn't easily get upset Zoya."

Capitulating, she explained the text message situation and Zaib's reaction to Bilal, who listened intently until the last word. "Well, Zoya, you must realize the art of marriage and trust."

Zoya listened carefully, wondering what he was trying to convey. "First of all, it's important for you to admit your weaknesses to yourself," he spilt some wisdom. Zoya listened restlessly. "Like what?" She muttered impatiently.

"Well, first and foremost, you're an idiot."

The tension it took all her body to intently listen eased off as she punched him in the gut, perplexed at her blood-related brother who managed to remain useless at all times. She rolled her eyes and looked away, searching for her husband who also, to her surprise, was staring directly at her.

She bounced up, elevated but as he looked away immediately, her heart plummeted back into the corner. Bilal, who was studying the entire scenario voiced out his honest opinion.

"I think you're both at fault. You didn't understand or acknowledge the reason he was upset about and he also kind of overreacted, ignoring you this whole ceremony," Bilal explained, his demeanour more serious.

"You are the idiot for playing it off like that like if my wife did that I'd be mad annoyed," Bilal again stressed upon the fact that she was an idiot and Zoya honestly could not even rebut his statement.

"Put yourself in his shoes. Zaib probably didn't like the vibes he got from Evan so he's being cautious. You're a married Muslim woman who rarely texts non-mehrams outside the study setting," Bilal further elaborated.

"Zaib is protecting you. He's mad at you out of love for you."

It dawned upon Zoya why her husband was so upset and she understood his side more from a male perspective. To her, it was a professional, harmless text from a classmate but Zaib felt uncertain from the first time he met Evan and didn't like him. She shouldn't have brushed off Zaib's concerns like that earlier.

She understood her mistake but was it really a problem big enough for him to give her a cold shoulder the whole marriage ceremony? Couldn't he have explained it in the car?

"Thank you, Bilal. Never thought I would take relationship advice from you, but desperate times call for desperate measures, I guess," she patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

Bilal rolled his eyes. Women were so confusingly annoying and by now, staying with two women his whole life, he had learned to become the best adviser in the world.


It was time for everyone to leave as Naimat and Ehsan had already departed after Maghreb prayer and the very few remaining guests were getting their cars ready to leave themselves. Zoya bid her family goodbye with the plan of having dinner with them next week.

Despite being mad at her, Zaib had greeted her family warmly and had a very long, peaceful conversation with her father. Though, he remained indifferent every time she tried intervening.

Zoya wanted to slam him to the wall for ignoring her so terribly bad.

As they said their goodbyes and exited to the parking lot, Zaib sped to the car, his pace quicker than usual. Zoya grew frustrated as their distance kept widening and then schemed a practical procedure in her head, to get his attention. If he wasn't going to look her way, she would force his attention.

She planned on tripping on her long dress close to him so he would catch her. He'd never want her hurt no matter how angry he seemed. This would be a risky plan but hopefully, she wouldn't get hurt and Zaib would notice her. She decided to put her scheme into action.

She sped up to be closer to him.

Just as Zaib turned around to see if she was still behind him, she let her dress get caught up by the end of the heel, expecting him to catch her. But the distance was larger than she had calculated. It all happened so fast that even Zaib couldn't process it and rather than landing in his arms, she landed on the harsh ground, with her ankle completely twisted.

"Ow!" She cried out as pain jolted through her ankle, spreading down to her toes and her back from the hit against the rough pavement.

Zaib stood astonished and then instinctively dashed to her side. He kneeled down, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Are you okay!" He panicked, his forehead muscles all pulled taut as he inspected her limp body.

"I'm fine," she reassured as she tried to get up. "Ah!" Zaib winced as she groaned again. He held her waist down, restricting her from moving. He held the dress up, exposing her twisted ankle. His eyes widened, the painful sight making his hackles rise.

"Why were you freaking running in this long dress with heels on!" he exclaimed as his face lost all its colour, inspecting the injury. He immediately wanted to curse himself for not walking slower, so he could've protected her.

Zoya flinched at his deafeningly loud shout and tears gathered in her eyes. He was so immersed in looking at her ankle and only looked up when he heard a soft cry from her mouth.

She was crying.

Zaib's heart tore at the sight of her looking so badly distraught that his instincts drove him to unquestionably embrace her tight against his chest. His chest was aching more than hers.

God, why are you hurt... His head demanded.

Zoya's sob grew louder upon his touch and she tried pushing him away but he didn't budge. "Zaib, I am so sorry. I realized my mistake. Stop shouting at me!" She sobbed into his chest, her voice breaking.

"You didn't look at me once the whole event and you've been having such a great time while I was only looking at you and thinking about you!" She screamed, unashamedly letting out the stress built up in her chest from the whole evening.

"I'm sorry for not understanding your point back home. I get it now. I'm dumb and I never realize what you mean until after our fight." She looked listless as she cried out.

Zaib sighed. He wordlessly slipped his arms under her knees and gently lifted her up, bridal-style. He carried his wife to the back seat of the car and lay her down there.

"Let me see it properly," he lifted the bottom of her dress again and removed her heel to inspect the injury.

Zoya's sobs quietened and she silently observed his expression which was now filled with tenderness and concern. He had dropped his facade and was paying attention to her finally.

Well, even if she was hurt, at least he was done ignoring her. Mission accomplished.

"The pain seems extreme. I'll stop by the pharmacy to buy a painkiller. If it gets out of control, I'll head straight to the ER," he informed worriedly and then shut the door, rushing to jump into the driver's seat and drive off.

He stopped by the pharmacy near their home and kept asking her if the pain was getting worse or not during the ride. When they arrived home, he hurried to carry her out, into the living room where he placed her on the couch. He straight away dashed to the freezer and grabbed the ice pack, setting it to the swelling. And when he made her take the medicine, he kneeled down at the floor, carefully holding the ice pack in place.

"Zaib..." she mumbled, her eyes searching for his attention. Zaib placed his warm fingers at the sole of her foot, the heat spreading from her skin to her cheeks which turned rosy red.

"I'm not saying something because it's my fault. I'm embarrassed to look at you," he muttered, his fingers pressing lightly against her skin. "I can't believe I treated you like that," he worded out and pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Zaib, it's my fault for not understanding your concern," she validated, comforting him and hoping he would not blame himself.

"No matter what, I didn't have a right to look at the messages. And I didn't have to be so angry with you for something so stupid," he rasped and then looked up, into the depths of her gaze.

"I'm sorry Zoya for treating you this way. Believe it or not, I was not enjoying it myself the least bit. It was killing me and I hate that you're hurt because of me," he murmured and then edged forward, holding her hand into his tightly.

"But honestly, Evan has a look in his eyes which I don't like. That look, it sickens me to the point that I can actually go insane. I don't want him texting my wife when the project does not require it," he expressed, tracing her slender fingers with his thumb as he looked intently into her eyes.

Zoya nodded and lunged forward, letting the ice pack drop on the ground and even though the pain was excruciatingly bad, she didn't feel the slightest discomfort, hugging him close after a long exasperating day. She locked her arms around his neck and nestled her face into his neck, his sweet cologne rubbing on her.

"I won't ever let him text me again. Even if it's necessary, if you say his gaze is unnerving then I'll never let this happen again," she announced with a light smile even though her ankle was throbbing with pain.

Zaib tightened her hold and tenderly kissed her forehead.

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