《Him & His Muslimah》45


Zoya rechecked the time on her wrist watch as she rushed into the lecture hall, panting for air. She almost didn't make it as there was a lot of traffic on the way but fortunately, she was exactly five minutes early. She hurried past the rows and smiled upon seeing her friend Kei waving her over, her pastel purple hair recognisable from miles away.

In the first semester, Kei Yamada was merely a friendly classmate but when the two girls were assigned a project together, they seemed to develop a stronger friendship. They were grouped together with two other guys who were both uncooperative. They had kept making excuses to slide their way out of work and even pushed Zoya to complete their part of the research until Kei had put her foot down and forced them to finish their part overnight.

With the project ending well with an A+, the two grabbed coffee together and stuck close throughout their classes.

"I heard somebody got married over the break," Kei teased with mischievous eyes and her high-pitched voice squeakier than usual as the flustered Zoya set her belongings on the table. Zoya turned to her animated friend. "I did invite you, you just didn't show up," she playfully rolled her eyes.

Kei nudged her apologetically, "My family spontaneously visited Japan to see my grandmother during that time! Even begging my dad didn't make him surrender," she explained and then shrugged. "Anyways, how does it feel to be a mrs? From the pictures you sent, I can tell he's crazy in love with you!"

The mention of her husband caused an embarrassing smile to uplift her lips as she recalled the events from earlier this morning. Zaib had been so sweetly, preparing all the things she needed for the day. Even in the car, he had reminded her numerous times to keep her ringtone on and text him when she could.

"He's... great. I couldn't ask for anyone better." Every time she was asked this question, her brain fessed up a five hundred words essay to answer but she realized that would not be smooth enough and could only muster up synonyms of all good words from her vocabulary.

"Oh, look at you! You're getting all fluttery just thinking about him." Kei giggled at Zoya's starry-eyed frame. "By the way, you're so lucky he took you to Switzerland. I've always wanted to go there."

"My great grandparents were Swiss." A voice called out from behind and the two ladies turned their heads to get a look. It was Evan, the brunette genius with dimples setting down his books and pulling up a chair next to Zoya.

"Hi, Evan." Kei's liveliness died down a bit at the sight of the dimpled man.

Kei disliked him as he was her number one competitor in their class. They had been bumping heads since the first day when they both volunteered for extra work but their professor had unapologetically chosen Evan.

"Hey Kei," he addressed her rather coldly and then turned his attention to Zoya. "Hey Zoya, haven't seen you in a while. Hope you're doing well." He grinned at her, his dimples deeper than the ocean. "Likewise," she responded, shifting her position a bit as he was too close for her liking.

Evan, however, didn't notice and stayed settled, opening his newly bought notebook. Kei just rolled her eyes at his obliviousness and pulled Zoya away. "Good morning!" The professor's voice vertebrated across the hall.

The lecture officially started with a rough rundown of the syllabus.



"I feel so bad for you Zoya. You got paired with Evan for the research. Watch him complete the whole thing without you and even volunteer to present it." Kei shook her head while patting her friend on the back, expressing her condolences. The girls manoeuvred their way through the crowd to get to the main entrance.

Their lecture was over and the professor had announced a new mandatory research which was to be done in pairs. Kei's boyfriend, Austin, who had arrived significantly late to the class had already declared her as his partner, leaving Zoya with her fellow HASU member Evan.

She had asked around for other partners, preferably girls but in the end, Evan was the only one available and willing. He was very diligent and passionate when it came to assignments so at least he wouldn't concern her. They discussed and decided that he would e-mail her the work division so they could finish faster.

"I mean, he's not that bad Kei. I get why you guys don't get along but he is a hard worker from what I've seen." Zoya shrugged, not wanting to throw words around about anyone. Kei rolled her eyes, knowing her friend was always annoyingly positive about everybody but realizing that was also her charm as she was nonjudgmental.

Right when they exited the chilly building, a gush of humidity overtook them and Zoya squinted her eyes in the sunlight, trying to spot Zaib's car. She had texted him a while ago, informing him that her lecture was over. A horn bonked near them, surprising the two and Zoya craned her neck to get a look.

To her disappointment, it was just Kei's blonde boyfriend bringing the car around. "That's my ride, bye Zoya!" Kei waved at her and ran off, shielding herself from the sun with her book bag.

Zoya sighed and sat down, patiently waiting for Zaib to arrive. Suddenly she heard her name called out and she looked around muddleheaded. It was Evan, approaching her.

"Oh, Evan. What are you doing here?" She stood up, with her eyebrows raised in question. "You left your water bottle in the hall, here." He passed the plastic bottle to her. "Thanks and sorry for the trouble. How did you know it was mine?" Zoya gave him a little smile of gratitude.

He flashed a smile in return, his hazel eyes twinkling. "It was just an observation." She hummed in acknowledgement, looking away awkwardly. She never really interacted with any of the guys in her classes unless some assignment was on the line so it was impossible to smoothly converse without a necessity.

"Oh, by the way, when I entered the class today I overheard Kei talking about some 'he' who took you to Switzerland? Who's 'he'? Forgive me for being invasive," he blurted.

Zoya opened her mouth to reply but before she could, a familiar voice answered for her. "He is her husband. Nice to meet you, I'm Zaib. The 'he' in question," Zaib stood tall, extending a hand forward, his eyes glued to his surprised wife. She stared wide eyed, just a while ago she was waiting for him and he randomly made a grand appearance.

Evan looked stunned, his smile faltered and he raised an eyebrow. "Husband?" His voice suddenly turned squeaky. "Uh— nice to meet you too. I'm Evan, Zoya's classmate." Evan received the handshake and greeted Zaib.

Zoya noticed the tightness of Zaib's smile and stared questionably. The two men broke off the handshake and the next second was eerily quiet. She felt the silence cut through her soul but her husband's stare was piercingly loud.


"We got married over the break, not many people from class know," Zoya replied, unsure of why there was palpitating tension but she wanted to ease it. Hearing her voice, Zaib snapped out of his trance and gazed at her lovingly. "Yeah, Zoya only informed her close friends." Zaib smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist.

Evan's eyes travelled to the arm and he smiled nervously. "Well, congratulations. I have to get going now. I'll e-mail the details later Zoya. Nice to meet you again, Zaib." He flipped around and dashed away.

"Let's go now, I wanna spend as much time as possible with Naimat." Zoya pulled her husband along, holding his hand as they walked to the parking lot.

"Are you close with that dude?" Zaib enquired as they approached the car. He opened the door for her and waited for her to get seated. "Not really." Zoya slipped inside. He strode back to his side and climbed into the seat.


He was about to start the engine when his gaze landed upon her and he noticed that she had forgotten to put her seatbelt on. "You're so forgetful," he muttered, like it were a crime and leaned over, buckling in the seatbelt across her. Zoya's breathe hitched at their proximity. When he was done, his gaze met hers and her eyes seemed to be prettier than usual as he stared shamelessly.

Some car's horn interrupted them and he pulled away with a grin.

"Did you remember to bring the gift for Naimat?" Zoya initiated a new topic of conversation as he started driving. "How could I forget? You reminded me like a million times," Zaib chuckled, answering her.

Zoya sighed in relief. She had bought her best friend a rose-gold bracelet that she had wanted since their highschool days. It was difficult to find as they weren't manufactured anymore from that brand; however, after immense research and communication with various managements, Zoya got the bracelet. It would be a perfect wedding gift.

Since their wedding was set the following day, Zaib was dropping her off to Naimat's house to stay overnight and he would pick her up the next morning. Zaib planned on spending the night at Ehsan's place for the time being.

"We're almost there. If you reach the backseat, I packed your overnight bag for you. Don't forget to take your vitamins; they're in the right pocket and please keep the phone's ringtone audible at all times," Zaib instructed, focused on his driving.

Zoya thanked Allah for her flexibility when she managed to reach the bag and pull it to the front, on her lap. She rechecked the items and felt warmth enwrap her chest at the thought of her husband carefully packing all her things. He was always considerate when it came to her affairs.

Overwhelmed with thankfulness, she leaned towards him and pressed a little peck on his cheek. Caught off-guard, Zaib steered in the wrong direction for a moment before gaining control of the wheel. "Zoya! Don't ever do that again without warning me, especially when I'm driving." He heaved out a breath of relief as he parked the car outside Naimat's house.

Zoya giggled, "Fine, I won't, now that I know my life is at risk because you still get panicked at my affection." She rolled her eyes playfully and unbuckled her seatbelt, ready to leave.

Before she could, she was pulled back into an embrace. "I admit it, your affection still does get a reaction out of me but can I really help it when my wife is this gorgeous," he stated matter-of-factly into her shoulder, his chest filling with joy.

The morning felt unusual as he dropped off his wife to the university before buying her a cheese sandwich since she hadn't eaten anything. Even after a few minutes of dropping her off, he lingered outside, checking if she hadn't forgotten anything or needed something important. After a while, he drove off only before muttering for Allah to protect her.

"You— you're so annoying," Zoya blushed at his words. "I'll miss you, make sure to text me before you sleep." He pulled away and pet her head fondly. "Okay you big baby, I'll miss you too." She remarked and proceeded to leave the car, holding her bag.

Zaib waited until Naimat opened the door for her and then they waved each other goodbye.


It was nearly one am and the two best friends were laying on Naimat's bed under her galaxy lights. Ehsan had bought her a galaxy light projector a few weeks before because she had stated how much she wishes to stargaze but the city lights make it impossible. She told this story eagerly to Zoya when they shared their experiences of love and fangirled with each other.

"Naim, I didn't even remember this before because we were having so much fun but I got you something." Zoya sat up, reaching for her bag. Naimat sat up with her in anticipation.

"You didn't have to, you just being here was a gift enough." Zoya and Naimat weren't the type of friends who spent loads of money on each other. They cared more for what came from the heart and only bought gifts for each other on important occasions, but because they were huge fans of meaningful gifts they often gave each other poetry, letters or art. Naimat had gifted Zoya a designer bag and earrings as a wedding gift because she wanted to spend more money on such a big occasion.

Zoya pulled out the gift box and handed it to Naimat and she anticipated Naimat's reaction. Curiously, Naimat started tearing through the wrapping, leaving only a velvet box. She opened it and there sat the sparkling bracelet.

Eyes growing larger, she realized it was the bracelet she had wanted from so many years ago. She had begged her mother to get it but her parents didn't budge and when she got old enough to get it, it wasn't sold anymore.

Now it rested in front of her in a black velvet box and she couldn't believe her eyes. She knew that this must've been cumbersome to obtain and just thinking of the fact that her best friend remembered and tried so hard to get her something she loved made her eyes well with tears. Zoya was yanked into a bear hug and Naimat let her tears fall.

"Zoe, you're such an idiot. Why would you do this for me?" She sobbed graciously, hugging tighter. "Why wouldn't I do this for you? You're one of my favourite people."

Zoya beamed from ear to ear, satisfied with Naimat's reaction. She pulled away and laughed at Naimat's face that was streaked with tears paired with a red nose. "You look like a clown," she pinched Naimat's nose and her best friend wailed even more.

"Where did our childhood go, Zoe? It feels like yesterday when we ran away from Mr Baldwin after picking flowers from his garden," they both chortled at that hilarious memory. "Now we're all grown up and you're married and I'm getting married and we'll have our own families. In my head, I'm still a teenager, it's so weird to accept all this," she conversed, her head reeling with all the emotions stringing down all at once.

Zoya ruminated over her words and realized she felt sad too. They spent so much time in high school discussing marriage and going on a world tour together with their husbands. They anticipated campus life and independency. Looking back, she realized she took their youth for granted because growing up came with a ton of responsibility. Their eyes were opened to the struggles of the world.

As a child, you are oblivious and egocentric. You can't tell apart good from bad. Even when your parents struggle, it's invisible to your eyes but as you grow older that blindfold slowly starts to tear off and you're pushed into reality.

Zoya had been through so much in the past year alone, from keeping up with her studies to her dad losing his job, to getting married to a wonderful man. Everything happened for a subtle reason and that's how life works. Allah chose this path for her and whatever path He chooses is the best of all.

"Naim, it is so overwhelming and sad how time flew by so quickly but rather than focusing on the bad stuff, think of all the good things that came along with it too. We both found love in amazing men; we're pursuing our dream jobs and have a loving stable family supporting us. Allah has truly blessed us."

Naimat held Zoya's hand, "Everything you said is so true. Alhamdulillah for what we do have now." They both sat in silence with heavy hearts.

"When did you get so wise, eh?" Naimat nudged her teasingly. Zoya giggled. "I don't know. Maybe Zaib makes me wiser?" She addressed and Naimat's laughter echoed through the room.

The two talked until fajr after which Naimat fell asleep. Zoya smiled at her and then grabbed her phone to text her husband. He probably also woke up for Fajr.

About to sleep~ Night 💜

To her surprise, he was online within the next millisecond and replied immediately.


She silently giggled, observing the capital letters.

Yeah Naim and I talked so much. Soon it was Fajr time!

Okay I'm glad you had fun. I can finally sleep now.

His message read. Zoya quirked an eyebrow curiously.

You didn't sleep either?

No, it's uncomfortable without you

Zoya's chest ached with fondness, her heart rushing to beat faster. The adrenaline rush leaving her wide awake and flustered.

Goodnight Zaib 💜

Goodnight babe

Zoya gasped.


She imagined him all smug and curled into his blanket as he texted her cheeky things.

I love you Zaib...

She sent the text with uncertainty. She figured it was easier to type that out instead of saying it to his handsome face.

Don't make me drive over to you right now because I can and no one can stop me.


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