《Him & His Muslimah》41


"Zaib, why are you so far back? Come and see this!" Zoya yelled with exhilaration as she ran up a hill, getting closer to the base where they would take a cable car up the mountain. Near the base was a unique playground which seemed to be for kids as well as adults. There was a tyre hanging off a zip-line where a person was to sit and enjoy the pushing.

There was a small swing set and a bigger one and various different kinds of activities, including a hammock.

Zoya was having the time of her life, running around in her puffy cream coat which she wore with a black top and light-washed jeans underneath. A beige beanie sat on top of her black hijab as it would get very cold higher up the mountain. Zaib had insisted on her wearing gloves due to the climate even though she was sure she could handle the cold.

Behind her, Zaib took his time coming up the hill, admiring the scenery and taking pictures with his camera. He found his breath caught in his throat when his eyes fell upon Zoya who was laughing in delight. There was a sparkle in her eyes and her whole face lit up, her cheeks and nose pink from the cold.

Absentmindedly, he clicked the button on his camera and captured that moment. Looking down at the photo he felt overwhelming adoration for his wife. This picture captured Zoya in a way he wanted to see her forever- truly happy.

He would be printing this the second they returned.

Looking up, he realised she was nowhere to be seen. Confused, he stalked up the hill at a faster pace and looked around. Then he saw her standing near the playground, turned to him. "Come here!" She gestured him over.

There were not a lot of people there due to the extreme weather, only a couple of families were visible. It wasn't a vacation period in the year so there weren't many tourists in general.

When he arrived, she sat on the bigger swing. "Push me please?" Zaib grinned and wordlessly pushed against the swing. Zoya shrieked at the strength, going higher with every push. "You can stop now!"

He stepped back and watched her soar. She looked so blissful. Zoya hadn't been on a swing in years and she had forgotten how it felt like to take a step back and just enjoy life with the flow of wind hitting her every second. After a few minutes, she slowed herself down and jumped off the swing.

"I want to try the hammock next."

After spending about half an hour at the playground, they decided to start their journey up the mountain. They approached the cable car station first base and stood in the short line to get on. Seeing that people had to get on while the cable car was still moving, Zoya felt a bit nervous.

Zaib felt Zoya stiffen next to him and squeezed her hand, "We'll get on together so don't worry," he promised. She nodded, feeling the courage takeover. She didn't trust herself with anything but Zaib was beside her.

When their turn came, Zaib while holding her hand, pushed himself forward helping Zoya along with him. She let out a sigh of relief and they both sat down in the small compartment.


There were going to be two more bases before they would reach the glaciers.

"Zaib, the view from here is even more pretty," she gushed and Zaib stared at her lovingly.

"My view is better." Zoya looked at him wondering what he was referring to and blushed when she realized his gaze was pinned at her. His gaze on her gave her an overwhelming sense of joy.

"Zaib, why are you so good at flirting?" She stared with disdain, eyeing him suspiciously.

His eyes grew small as he broke into a melodious laugh, his body shaking with the effect. She, however, remained unamused. When he finally calmed down, he pulled her arm, pulling her towards him to sit next to him.

She gave him a blank stare.

"Are you seriously jealous?" His question threw her off the edge and she jerked her hand out of his grip, folding them over her chest and turning away from him. He surveyed her annoyed actions, enjoying every bit of it. He had never seen her lose her composure and this was slightly fascinating.

"Is my Zoya jealous?" He repeated and she remained silent.

"Come on, at least admit it," he poked at her side causing her to jerk back around, rolling her eyes at him. "When is this ride ending?" She gritted causing him to chuckle again.

"I've never said any of this to any woman before you," he declared which caused Zoya's head to calm with all the questions weighing down her chest. She eased next to him. He grabbed her hand and she looked at him.

"Then why are you so good at flirting? I don't know a thing about it. I feel shy even calling you handsome!" She stammered and then halted abruptly.

Another thing to add to Zoya's list of embarrassing moments.

A smug smile uplifted the corner of his lips. "Am I handsome Zoya Malik?"

"Maybe," she muttered which only pushed him to laugh hard. He smacked a loud kiss on her cheek and she gasped at the suddenness of it.

"Don't be shy around me. You have the right to call me anything that comes to mind, handsome, charming, the love of your life." Zoya gasped and punched him in the arm.

"Right now, I'm thinking clown!" She yelled and burst into giggles while he stared at her seeming offended.


"We're finally at the top."

They both walked towards the first place they wanted to visit at the glacier paradise- the snow activities glacier. Zoya bounced up and down as she came across a zip line, from the mountain across to the other end with almost five hundred meters apart.

"Oh my god, I've always wanted to go zip lining!" She beamed, dashing towards it while dragging Zaib along since he was holding her hand. He stared blankly and halted, causing Zoya to stop along with him.

"What's wrong?" She inquired.

"We're not going zip-lining," he stated, pulling her away. She frowned. "Why not?" She questioned. Her love for these crazy rides was unexplainable. She always wanted to try them out but her family chickened out and trying things alone was less fun.

"It's very dangerous Zoya. We can do everything else but this, nope." Zoya stared blankly and then her frown widened. She pulled at his arm like a young girl.


"Come on! It's not dangerous. It'll be super fun Zaib," she wailed, tugging at his arm. He was unaffected as he shook his head. "No. There are high chances of an accident," he declared and Zoya stared frustrated.

"I'll go myself," she stomped away, hoping this would get him to agree. "Zoya!" He reacted quick, grabbing her back as a struggled groan escaped him. "You're as stubborn as a mule!"

She turned to face him. He still seemed persistently unmoved. Zoya had to resort to other measures. She pushed herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. He froze against her, his breath halting.

Her touch was still as new as the first night.

"Please, it's been my dream since ever." She squeezed him tighter as she made her eyes wide and her lips pout. He felt lost within her gaze and her pink lips. Despite his head knowing it was her tricks, he felt conflicted, his heart skipping beats.

"Roohi, please."

His mouth dried up, his eyes widening. "What did you just call me?" His voice cracked. He knew exactly what she meant but he wanted to confirm it.

Zoya's lips twirled into a soft smile as her cheeks ignited into red hot stains. "I called you my rooh, my soul." His heart felt a tug and instinctively, he wrapped his arms around her petite frame and softly pecked her lips. She gasped against his mouth and then looked around, anxiously.

"Call me that again, I'll kiss you for real."

Zoya pulled away immediately, feeling her stomach ache with the whole zoo parade executing within her abdomen. She clenched the plastic water bottle, restraining her emotions.

Zaib's grinned brightened and he grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the zip line.

How could he reject her after she called him her soul?


"Now put your arms around her." They both exchanged a glance before he placed his arms around her waist, her breath hitching at their close proximity. The friendly helper at the ride instructed. Thankfully, the zip line was equipped with couple seating. Zaib already felt nervous but Zoya's eyes were fearlessly wide. Zoya leaned her head back, resting it on his chest with an apologetic smile.

Zaib's heart thudded at her small gesture and he closed his eyes saying a supplication for their safety. He wouldn't have cared less if it were him alone going on this dangerous ride. Her safety mattered the most.

And they were off.

A gush of ice-cold wind sliced their cheeks pink, exuberance alerting every fibre of their being. Zaib was stunned, literally. Zoya let the adrenaline consume her and thrilled screams echoed across the air. They were flying.

Zaib tightened his grip around her waist, holding his beloved close. Never had he imagined that such a day would come in which he would be zooming across the air with none other than his own wife. He melted at her cute gesture as she spread her arms out, taking in that blissful feeling.

This would not be the last time he would step out of his comfort zone- if he could see that happiness on Zoya's face every day he would sacrifice his comfort every day.

Never had Zoya felt so free. In this moment, she didn't think about her studies and financial issues. She didn't think about the hardships she had endured for the past few years. She didn't think about the burden of worrying about everyone around her. She was doing this for herself. She was soaring. She was free.

Allah had led her to Zaib. If it wasn't for the fate that Allah had set up for her, she wouldn't have been here to experience this. She looked down at the mountainous range she had just explored. It looked so small from where she was. She was even smaller than that.

Allah created such a beautiful world and she had to explore as much of it as possible.


"Zaib, come here and try this one on," Zoya turned to her husband holding a pair of sneakers. They were currently in a shoe store, shopping for each other. After spending a couple of hours snow-sledging and enjoying the view at the glacier, the couple had retreated to their cabin for a short rest before hitting the shops.

Zoya had insisted that she wanted to buy him everything as he had paid for the accommodations. She didn't just want to receive but she wanted to give back as well. Besides, she had a sum of money saved up from years of part-time work and she never really had the urge to spend it. She would only use it occasionally if she really wanted to buy something but she wasn't a very materialistic person.

Upon entering the shoe store, her eyes had favoured a couple's pair of chunky white sneakers with a very edgy style to them. Realizing they could be easily styled with multiple outfits, they were cute and convenient. She couldn't help but blush at the idea of them wearing something matching.

She had always wanted to do a couple look with her husband but not in a very extravagant way. Something simple would do.

Zaib sat down and tried the size on, the shoe fitting perfectly unlike the last three pairs he had tried. "This is the one." He grinned as Zoya gave him a high-five in excitement. She was just starting to lose hope.

"Then let's buy it," she held the two pairs of shoes in her arms and headed towards the counter, Zaib following. Just when Zaib was going to try to insist on paying, she stopped him. "I didn't let you pay for anything else that we bought today and I'm certainly not going to let you pay for this."

Shaking her head, she handed the cashier her card and soon they'd bought the shoes. Walking out of the shop, Zaib asked, "How come you're so determined to buy these yourself?"

Zoya sighed and turned to him, "You've given me so much already and I know that if you spend your money it won't make a dent on your bank account but I just wanted to do this for you for once. I also want to spoil my husband." She giggled and ruffled his hair playfully.

She then turned and quickly rushed away before he could retaliate. Snapping out of his senses, he exclaimed, "I gave you a head start!" before he rushed after her.

It was just the two of them in their own little world.

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