《Him & His Muslimah》40


The day had flown by quickly as they prayed their shortened prayers and after taking a tour of the cosy apartment, Zoya pulled apart the blinds from the window and stared in awe. The sky had darkened, bringing forth the moon and the stars. Zoya didn't think Switzerland could be any prettier but she preferred night mode.

Because the crescent moon hung low with stars filling up the dull navy. It was a perfectly serene place to spend time together. There was a time where Zoya would be afraid of the dark, but now she found comfort in the vagueness of it all.

"This place captures a full landscape view. Zaib, isn't this expensive?" She muttered, turning away from him, her arms folded as she stared outside her window.

Growing up with a family who always reminded her to value money, she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable at the thought of money being wasted. He sighed. Her caution about the expenditure was sweet but he didn't want her to keep on worrying.

He kept the digital camera he was holding back on the table and walked towards her. He swiftly wrapped his arms around her waist and eased his chin on her shoulder. Zoya shrivelled with glory but quickly retained her inner self, hoping he didn't notice her freeze up against him.

"Zoya, we barely spent anything for the marriage. I want this trip to be our best one," he answered, closing his eyes and losing himself within the serene moment.

"Yeah I know but we can start saving. I mean, you don't have to waste money making things perfect."

Zaib's eyes flew open and he pulled away, shocked at her blunt words. He turned her to face him, his eyes wider than usual. "What does that mean? I'm just trying to make this a good trip and you think I'm wasting money?" She was taken aback by his raspy tone and gnawing gaze.

He was always one who didn't have a problem spending money if it was for his loved ones. The fact that Zoya even used the word 'waste' stung like salt to a wound.

The contrast between his voice made her panic and lose her composure. Zaib rarely spoke to her indifferently. Zoya almost swore at herself realizing how her words might've come off. She frowned, shaking her head. "No, I didn't mean it like that." She muttered, her heart dropping.

"I just meant that- you don't have to. I mean, you can but you don't have to do it for me. Because everything's already perfect when I'm with you. I don't need a perfectly beautiful sky," she visibly struggled, stumbling upon her words and grew anxious.

"Zoya, doesn't this beautiful sky make you happy?" Thank god, his voice had softened up again, making Zoya ease up as she looked into his eyes.

"It does."

"Then, I didn't waste any money. As much as it makes me glad that you think I'm enough, you deserve everything and more. You wanted the marriage to be simple and I respect you for that. But this is your honeymoon. I want to spoil my wife like there's no tomorrow." He cupped her cheeks and pecked her tiny nose.

Zoya smiled and it was a smile which had the potential to light up the entire darkness of an ocean.

"Thank you so much," she whispered and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.

He embraced her tighter and breathed in her alluring scent. She looked like a gorgeous painting and smelled like warm cinnamon buns. He couldn't get enough of her.


The sudden ring of the bell separated them and she quirked an eyebrow, curiously. He patted her head and chuckled before walking towards the main door and opening it.

He thanked the delivery man and grabbed the bag before paying him.

"You ordered food?" She gasped and dashed forward, sitting on the chair.

He nodded, grabbing the plates from the kitchen before putting them down on the wooden table. He pulled out the containers and Zoya edged forward to take a look.

"Oh my god, I love Chinese food!" She squealed, beaming with delight. He chuckled upon noticing her wide eyes dazzling as if a star or two had jumped down into her gaze. She opened the containers and quickly emptied them into the plates.

"I bribed Bilal into telling me," Zaib confirmed smirking and she giggled. "You could've just asked me," She chimed, swirling the noodles onto her fork and slurping them down.

"It's been so long since I've had any so I'm not sure if I missed it too much or it's just very delicious," she told him, humming at the taste of the spicy Chicken Chow Mein. The different flavourings burst in her mouth, the spiciness heightening her senses and giving her the satisfaction she desired.

"Do you also like Chinese food?" She inquired. She realized there was a lot she still didn't know about this man yet he always found ways to know more of her.

"I do eat it frequently but I specifically enjoy Pakistani food. My mother makes the greatest Biryani and since then, all foods have been bland for me," he merrily stated, his eyes dreamy. His eyes lit up so brilliantly, she almost felt jealous of the 'Biryani' he was chiming about.

Zoya was jealous over food.

Now that's something she never imagined herself to be doing.

"Is it that great?" He nodded. "When we get back, I'll tell mom to make some. You'll get the real taste of heaven," he stated and Zoya gritted her teeth at the prolonged spark in his gaze.

Why didn't he just marry that biryani? Her thoughts raged. She sighed at herself for being an idiot and dismissed her childish thoughts.

"This is actually really good," he took a bite of the noodles and Zoya smiled in response, forgetting her inner battle with his favourite food. These days, smiling was so natural that she had forgotten how to frown.

She felt an urge to show him her thankfulness, so she brought up a whole bite of noodles and pushed it forward to his mouth. He sat stunned at the suddenness but internally melted as he realized his wife was trying to be affectionate.

He wrapped his fingers around her hand and took the bite, his face lighting up.

"It tastes way better when you feed me," he moaned and she threw her head back laughing.

They finished dinner, playing around and feeding one another after which Zoya grabbed their suitcase and unzipped it looking for some necessities while Zaib read his prayer.

"I'll help you," he called out from the prayer rug after he finished but she shook her head.

"Finish your Dua'a, I'll tidy this up," she answered as she kept pulling the stacks of clothing out and re-arranging them.

Zaib finished his supplication and swept his gaze around on the bed. There were a variety of Zoya's colourful headscarves sprawled across the bed. There were some bright coloured dresses which made his heartbeat escalate upon imagining her dolled up in the future.


A black leather piece of clothing caught his eye and he immediately shifted forward grabbing it from the bed.

His eyes widened.

Zoya stared curiously at his actions and then gasped rushing forward and grabbed it away when she realised. It was the memory of a Non-Mehram which she should've thrown away but merely forgot about. She had no idea how that jacket had gotten into her suitcase. How would she explain this to Zaib?

"I can explain- this was from this guy. Basically, I was on my way to the supermarket with my scooter and almost killed a man—"

"And since it was raining so hard, he gave you his jacket to ensure your body was covered."

Zoya stared blankly. Zaib gazed at her intently, eyes pooling with an unknown emotion.

"Yes, how—how do you know?" She felt like she was missing out on a huge secret. How did Zaib know something even Bilal was unaware of?


"This was my favourite leather jacket."


They were now sitting outside their cabin on the outdoor folding chairs, lit firewood right in front of them as they sipped some coffee which Zoya made for the both of them.

"Isn't it so weird? I always knew that Bilal had a sister but he never talked much about you. I couldn't have imagined that the girl I bumped into on that rainy day would become my future wife," he chimed in wonder.

How wonderfully fate had worked in their favour! Zoya let out a light laugh before replying "All I remember from that incident was fearing for your life. I really thought I killed someone," she muttered.

Zaib rolled his eyes playfully and took a sip of his coffee, "Of course you would remember that part."

"Why don't you like tea?" She muttered as she eyed the drink in his hand, remembering the time when he came for the proposal and refused tea. He shrugged as he looked at her. "It's just bitter. I can drink these instant coffees since they're sweet," he replied.

"The milk tea I make is not at all bitter. I'll make it for you tomorrow," she chimed and he nodded lovingly.

He would try everything she wanted if it were to see her beaming.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" She suddenly asked looking up at the jaw-dropping night sky. It was as if all the stars had decided to meet up in Zurich at that time.

The sight was a gift of The Magnificent.

"Not really."

"Aren't we as Muslims supposed to believe in soul mates?" she stated, staring back at him confusedly.

"What's that got to do with Islam?" He inquired, looking back at her.

"In Islam, we believe everything happens for a reason so, soul mates must be real. Plus, it's known that certain souls have an inclination towards each other in this life," she explained.

Zaib silently listened and then replied. "Yes, but the definition of a soul mate is someone ideally suitable as a partner. If that were the case, wouldn't divorces not exist?" He commented. She seemed to reflect upon his words and nod with a slight frown.

"Everything does happen for a reason but it doesn't necessarily mean the reason was a good one," he added. She nodded again sighing.

"That is true actually. But the idea of having soul mates is affirming," she said with a pout.

Zaib chuckled before grabbing her hand and rubbing circles on her palm which caused electricity to shoot up her skin. "Do you know what does exist?" He wanted her frown to disappear as soon as it came up.

"What?" She inquired.

His gaze was already on her. He couldn't take his eyes off her. Even for a minute.


"Qadr, as they say in Arabic concludes that most aspects of our lives are written before we even existed. So meeting you was destined, loving you was destined. Just like that jacket. I protected you not knowing you were my other half." Her heart sped up at his words.

"Our fates were always aligned. Even if we probably aren't perfect for each other, we can make the relationship strong because Allah chose us for one another," he concluded.

"So, you are my fate, Zaib," her eyes were flooded with immaculate warmth and admiration that it made his breath hitch and body feel the absence of gravity.

She declared him as her fate and something about that statement made a soul-stirring change within his body. Before she could even utter another word, he was pulling her to him, kissing her breathless.

They were together, away from the world with a lovely night sky wrapped within the strongest of emotions. Zoya was in his arms and even though the weather was intense, he had never felt warmer.


"You have your ticket with you, right?" Zoya repeated for the third time that day. They were on a train on their way to the town of Zermatt because it was on Zoya's bucket-list to see the mountain that was on every Toblerone packet- Mount Matterhorn.

She was the type of person who would make sure everything was perfect when travelling within a foreign country. She had her and Zaib's passports and documents put into a ziplock bag which was within another bag and then put into a safe compartment in their main backpack. Additionally, she would have maps and schedules printed out and even emergency snacks.

Zaib, on the other hand, was careful but not as apprehensive as Zoya. He just wanted to enjoy his time and even if something did go missing, he would improvise and find another way.

"Yes, I have my ticket Zoya, you don't have to worry we have everything. Just sit back and enjoy the train ride," Zaib rubbed her knuckles with affection.

Zoya nodded. After all, she was on a honeymoon with the person she loved and they were surrounded with the beauty of nature.

"Okay, but you have to keep your ticket somewhere safe. We might need it," she looked up at him and her heart melted instantly, a smile forming on her face at the sight of her husband. Zaib returned the smile just before an idea popped into his head.

"How about we play a game? There are about three hours left until we arrive." He got up and sat in the seat facing her. They were sitting in a four-seater compartment on the train with Zoya sitting next to the window with a table between her and Zaib, who was now on the other window seat.

"Sure, what game?" Zoya asked curiously and leant forward slightly on the table.

Zaib thought for a moment, "Truth or truth" Zoya raised an eyebrow, her and Zaib were getting to know each other more and more every day but maybe this would help in basics. "I know it's a bit childish but-" Zaib was interrupted by her. "Yes. Let's play."

"Okay, well, let's start with the basics, what was your first impression of me?" Zaib wondered.

Zoya smiled, thinking back to memories of him. "Honestly I didn't pay that much attention to you when we first met at Naimat and Ehsan's proposal but I did notice how modest you seemed. You had your gaze lowered, and there was just an air of humility around you. I don't see many men like that these days," Zoya paused, looking up to see his thoughtful expression.

She continued, "But you made a strong impression when you and Bilal came to pick me up at Naimat's house. You shared that story about your cat running away when you forgot to feed it." Zoya burst out laughing thinking of how flustered he was at that time.

Zaib's goofy smile told her he became embarrassed as he scratched his head.

"Before that, I thought you were some serious quiet guy who didn't bother but that day made me realize that we're not so different after all." Zoya finished answering the question, smiling at him. She wasn't used to opening up about the intricate details yet so she felt a bit shy doing so.

Zaib gazed at his wife affectionately, such a small gesture had made her think this way about him. She truly was a mindful person.

"My turn! When exactly did you fall in love with me?" Zaib almost choked hearing her boldly ask the question. He gazed at her astonished and smiled wide upon noticing her lowered gaze, meaning she was embarrassed.

He played their pre-couple memories in his head and wondered when exactly did he fall for this amazing woman. He voiced his thoughts.

"Was it when we played the board game and you stubbornly challenged me or even before, when I found out you were the infamous Mushu helping out with the Masjid? Or even before that when you were crazy embarrassed about owning a flip phone? Maybe when I heard you ramble on Bilal's phone and my heart only wandered to you. Or when I passed by the kitchen and your words to Naimat made me wish I had you."

Zoya remained dead quiet, her excited demeanor now perplexed and flustered.

"I can't tell you a moment Zoya. You're too valuable for one brief moment."

Her heart was in her throat and she stared at the man with love and passion evident in her eyes.

"Why're you so good with words," she rambled and shifted on the chair. He grinned and shifted closer, holding her hand within his and dropping a kiss on her palm.

"Now that we're married, what's the one thing you never want me to do? I don't want to upset you, ever," he inquired and she hummed.

"That's slightly precise," she muttered but she was relived at the fact that he gave her such importance.

"I hope that we don't ever underestimate each other. Sometimes things are very blurry but if we both demotivate one another, we'll never be able to improve. Like, Aisha (r) and prophet Muhammad (s), I wish we can encourage each other. Aisha (r) was so knowledgeable. She never stopped learning from the prophet (s) and even studied medicinal care for the prophet's well being. Isn't it wonderful?" Her eyes twinkled as she talked about her role model.

Zaib nodded, stunned by her knowledgeable insight. "I hope we can too Zoya. I want to be your support not your hurdle."


The couple spent hours talking away about their life experiences, thoughts and ambitions. Time flew by so quickly that they didn't even notice their stop was already there.

The first thing they saw when exiting the train station was a weirdly shaped bus. It was so oddly square that it looked like a box and wasn't as big as a regular bus. Soon they noticed the street filled with them and not only buses but trucks as well. "That's pretty weird, why do you think their vehicles are shaped that way?" Zaib wondered.

"Oh, I did research on this. Basically, in the nineteen sixties, the people who lived in this town voted to ban internal combustion vehicles. They had a vision for an eco-friendly place to live and wanted to preserve the natural beauty of this place. Therefore, they have electric-powered or battery-based vehicles instead so you won't find regular cars here." Zoya explained, appearing to have a lot of knowledge on the subject.

Zaib raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Why do you know this random piece of information?" He chuckled. Zoya never failed to surprise him, especially with her intellect.

Zoya shrugged, "I was part of the Eco-club in high school. It was my job to know more about the environment and how different places deal with climate change. Allah gave us such a beautiful earth to live on but His own creation ignores His blessings and doesn't take care of the gifts."

Once again, Zaib was awed by her words. Every word she uttered was true. Even Muslims tended to get caught up in this world and didn't think much about the consequences of everything they used in their daily lives. It should be all of humanity's duty to care for the environment. "I have such an intellectual wife Masha Allah," he pet her head adoringly, "Let's go to the cabin now."

Zoya giggled and proceeded to follow him down the street to where their accommodation was located. Due to its smallness as a town, Zermatt was was easy to explore on foot. Vehicles weren't necessary.

Upon approaching their cabin which was located ten minutes away from Mount Matterhorn, Zoya grew excited at the sight. It was like she had imagined but even more ethereal up close. It was a grey mountain, iced with glaciers all over it, giving it a snow-top feeling: surrounding it was vast greenery and hills. She paused outside their cabin, jaw ajar from the marvellous beauty of her surroundings.

This felt like a realistic dream.


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