《Him & His Muslimah》31


"I'm running late Zain hurry up!" Zaib hollered as he quickly took the driver's seat. After dropping his brother off to his university, Zaib speeded up, realizing the meeting was probably halfway done.

He rushed to the entrance and dashed out of his car throwing his keys at the buff security guard. "Sam, I'm really late-" causing the guard to chuckle, "I've got it covered sir." Zaib hurried into the building, straight to the conference hall.

He creaked the door open and scanned the room, trying to locate a spare seat. The chairs which were usually left empty were also occupied with some unknown faces; therefore, he headed to the other side of the hall.

"We were informed that this architectural firm is going to destroy the town and take away the shelters of those poor refugees." He felt the yet too familiar voice but remained focused on getting to his seat.

"We are here to fight for their rights. We demand that the community of Shahamill either be left alone or—" The voice drifted off into silence causing everyone not-looking and looking to stare. Zaib's gaze met the girl's before him and his whole body felt tingles upon catching sight of the blue orbs.

Zoya's frame faltered, her eyes falling dull and a large frown splaying itself over her mouth like an unneeded accessory on an already gorgeous face. Zaib surveyed her and recounted the previous words she said.

Shahamill... Destroy the town... take away the shelters... Architectural company?

Before he could even contemplate, she turned on her heels and sprinted away. It struck a cord within him and it was as if a reflex action, he immediately felt his feet dash after her as if they had a mind of their own.

The room flooded with gasps as the two hurried out of the room. Zaib caught sight of her, in front of the elevator. As he made it forward, she noticed him and seemed to change her rout, pushing open the door heading to the staircase. Now, his head was numb. He didn't stop to realize the problem. He knew he had to get to her before it was too late. He had to get to her.


As if bursting with new energy, his body rolled into action and he dashed through the hallway towards the staircase. She had crossed the first floor but it wouldn't take him more than a mere second to close the gap.

"I'm saying this now. Stop running, Zoya!" The thrashing of heels against the marble stairs came to an abrupt halt upon the roar of his voice. He leaned closer to catch sight of her and inhaled a deep breath upon seeing her frozen in her tracks.

He heard her heels click again.

"It'll take me not more than a second to catch up to you so don't Zoya." He sighed. The sudden burst of adrenaline finally got to his head and he felt his head fall heavy and the sound of his heart trashing against his chest maximized.

"What... what is it?" He heaved.

She remained silent. Like a corpse. He didn't even hear her breathe in the pin drop silence of the staircase.

"Zoya. What is it? Why're you present for this meeting and why're you're so upset?" His tone became harsher as if he was demanding an explanation.

He heard the first sigh from her mouth. Zaib stared from above, her head bowed down. His heart had began to ache seeing her this way.

He stepped further on the stairs now being on the same floor level, with the difference of him being five steps above her.

"Don't come near me," she muttered. But he heard her loud and clear and now he wished the pin drop silence had vanished so he had misheard her.

"Zoya. Look at me." His thick voice reverberated within the thin paper like walls of the hallway. Zoya remained unaffected as she stayed faced away from him.

With jaw clenched, he trudged the few steps finally facing her. His gaze weaved as he caught sight of Zoya. She was red with fury and her eyes were wide in agony.


"Zoya..." He couldn't help it. He itched his hand forward wanting to caress her cheeks but she jerked away quicker than the prey attacked by its predator, which yanked him to his senses.

"It's you? You are in charge of the architectural company; in charge of Shahamill's future?" She coated her words with poison as she spewed them at him. He stared completely unintuitive.

"Yeah? We're leading this project. What's the problem Zoya?" He was growing frustrated.

Her gaze hardened. "So it's you? The one who wants to build a museum after destroying the entire town?" She shrieked, her eyes wandering from his to the floor as she heaved for more air.

"Yes! I am building the museum. Can you just tell me the problem already! What's the—"

"Is this a game of charades, Zaib!" The confusion only grew larger. "Why do you want me to spell it out for you? You're building a museum, destroying lives of the hundreds of refugees who reside there. It's their home! It's their entire livelihood! And you're going to destroy it just to make some bucks—"

"What are you even going on about? The people of Shahamill will be provided with proper homes in another developed city. We're not taking away their homes!" He explained intently, hoping she'd calm down because seeing her full of distress only made him want to embrace her.

"No Zaib. Stop it. I've inquired from the company itself. There are no homes for them. As you build the museum after destroying Shahamill, they will be homeless, abandoned on some streets of the city."

Zaib's throat ran dry and the taste of his own saliva became metallic. Soon his face lost all its color and within a second he was turning away from her, dashing towards the exit. "Zaib!" She called out but it passed through him like an unheard cry of a grave as he exited the staircase.

She stared at the lingering shadow of his frame.

He was unaware.


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