《Flower Crown》9


Mark opened the dorm door, and shut it with his foot. He was too concentrated on making out with Jack, that anything that was in his way would be pushed or knocked over.

"Mph~" Jack sighed, feeling his back hit the bed softly. Mark crawled on top of him, and kissed down Jack's neck. "M-Mark."

"Yes?" Mark asked between kisses and nips. His hands were trailing lightly down Jack's chest, eventually running under his shirt.

"I... h-had something- ah!" Mark stopped Jack's words by pressing down on him, their hips grinding against one another. Jack reached down and pulled on Mark's coat. "Something to show you..."

(Heh, no smut for you yet. Unless you guys are ready ;)

Jack pushed Mark off of him and sat up, panting and running a hand through his hair. "Maybe... we can... continue that later," Jack sighed out, resting his head on Mark's shoulder.

"Maybe... what did you want to show me?" Mark asked. Jack smiled and reached under his bed, pulling out a small box.

"You know when I leave for a little while?" Jack asked, starting to open the box. Mark nodded, and leaned in a little to see. "Well... I go out and collect flowers. I've been working on this for a while now... it's kinda hard to find plants around here."

Jack took out a crown, covered with purple and white flowers.

He handed it to Mark, and smiled softly. "I-I know flowers aren't really your thing but... purple looks good on you, at least, I think it would."

Mark looked down at it, studying it's shape and colors. He lifted it up and placed it on his head, only to have it fall off shortly afterwards. "I don't think flower crowns are meant for me," Mark chuckled softly, picking it back up and handing it to Jack.


"Of course they are! Watch." Jack tilted Mark's head down, and placed the crown gently on top. He made sure that it would stick before pulling away again. "See? You just didn't try hard enough."

Mark admired the boy's work, and kissed his cheek. He took out his phone to see how the crown looked on him. Jack narrowed his eyes, then gasped, snatching the phone from Mark.


"When did you take this?" Jack asked, facing the phone towards Mark. It was the picture he had taken that day Jack had created a hole in his fox.

"When you ripped that hole in your fox," Mark growled, grabbing his phone back and stuffing it in his pocket. "Don't take my shit again, that wasn't cool."

Jack looked away, mumbling a 'sorry'. He bit at the skin of his thumb, and scooted away from Mark. "I was just asking. It's cute that you have me as your phone background."

Mark looked over at Jack, and blushed softly. "Hey, put your shoes and coat on. I have somewhere to take you."

-Time Skip-

Mark held Jack's hand tightly, the cold air of an October night stinging his eyes and nose. They were walking through the woods just behind the college. Mark knew this place like the back of his hand. He always went here when he was studying for finals or singing his heart out.

"Why are we out here?" Jack shivered, clinging to Mark's arm. The moonlight lit their path, and the trees casted shadows that covered their bodies most of the time.

"Because you showed me something, so now I get to show you something," Mark smiled. He got behind Jack and covered the boy's eyes.

"Ma-ark," Jack whined, stopping in his tracks.


"Do you want the surprise ruined?" Mark whispered in Jack's ear. He pushed them foward for a little bit longer, and suddenly stopped.

Mark removed his hands to reveal a field of wildflowers. Jack stood their stunned, the colors of each flower popping out at him.

"Mark, this is..." but Jack didn't have anything more to say. He made his way through the field, careful not to squish any of the precious beings. "It's so pretty..."

He sat down in a small clearing, and Mark followed suitly. Jack picked a small sunflower, and smiled. He crawled over towards Mark, and sat in his lap.

"I knew you'd like it," Mark said softly, kissing the pastel's neck gently. "This field has been here ever since I was a little kid." He wrapped his arms around Jack's waist, and held him closer.

"Now I can teach you how to make a flower crown," Jack giggled, leaning back into the feeling of Mark's chest. He placed the sunflower behind his ear, and rested his head under Mark's neck.

"You know what?" Jack thought out loud.


"This is better than sex."

"Oh really?" Mark replied, laughing softly. "I'm pretty sure sex feels a hell of a lot better than sitting in a field of flowers."

"Mmm I don't know. Flowers turn me on pretty good. I might cum right about now," Jack joked, laughing harder and harder until his lungs felt like they were going to explode.

"Well, I know what I'm gonna be for Halloween." Mark giggled and kissed Jack softly. He moved up to Jack's ear and whispered,"But just so you know, this is nothing compared to what I can do to you~"

Jack blushed, and shifted in Mark's lap. "Shut up you big goof."


Oof. I was gonna make this a smut chapter, but then I was like "'meh it's too early for that" so you get fluff instead :>

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