《Flower Crown》2


You get a last minute update cause I love you guys ❤️


Mark woke up to the sound of Jack's snores. He groaned, and picked up a pillow, chucking it towards the pastel boy's face. Mark laughed as Jack awoke with a startle, his face first masked with fear, then anger.

"What the hell?" Jack asked angrily, standing up and throwing the pillow back over to Mark.

"You were snoring, so I solved the problem," Mark answered cheekily, catching the pillow Jack had thrown back.

"It's two in the morning! Let me sleep God dammit! I drove here all the way from Washington, and I'm not here to be bullied by your punk looking ass," Jack scowled, laying back down and covering himself with the blanket.

Mark tried to hold in a laugh. Even if he was a soft, pastel looking boy, he had a bite to him, and Mark just had a little experience with it. He decided he was awake for the day, and got dressed. It was hard to see in the dark, so he ended up putting pants on his head insead of a sweatshirt (I've done this before, true story).

After finally dressing properly, he grabbed his car keys and set out. He didn't know where he was going, most likely the local pub that's open 24/7 just outside of the campus. Jimmy's Pub, Mark's heaven. He always went there when he was heartbroken, upset, sad, or happy. It was honestly one of the worst habits of his (besides chosing between vanilla bean or passion fruit body washes. Damn those amazing scents).

Mark arrived shortly, smiling at the fact that he was the only one here. He walked in with a strut, and sat down at his usual stool. The owner, Jimmy, turned to him and frowned.


"The hell you doin' here at two in the mornin' Fischbach?" he asked, grabbing a glass of Mark's usual. Mark just shrugged his shoulders in reply, and downed the first glass, tapping the table to signal for another one. "Who was it this time? Connor? Will?"

Mark shook his head, and drank his second glass as quick, maybe even quicker, than the first one. "Nah, just couldn't sleep and I ran outta whiskey at my place. Plus I got a new roommate and he's annoying as hell."

Jimmy leaned on the bar table, placing his chin in the palm of his hand. "Oh really? Why's that?"

Mark groaned,"Don't even get me started. First things first. He's a flower boy, a flower boy! Like? The dude puts flowers in his hair and pretends its a crown or somethin'! Plus, everything he owns is some kind of pastel bullshit. I haven't seen a splotch of black in his wardrobe."

Jimmy laughed, and poured himself and Mark a drink. "Not everyone is a emo punk like you Fischbach."

"I'm not emo!" Mark fought back, looking away with embarrassment. "I just like the color black okay? Get off my ass Jim!" He took a sip of his alcoholic beverage, this time going way slower than the first two.

"Oh and get this. He has a stuffed fox toy! What a kid am I right?! It's like he worships it cuz he never lets it out of his sight, and he is almost always holding it. His side of the room is like someone ate a bunch of candy and threw up on it. It's so gross and girly and... and just, ew!"

"Sounds like a handful," Jimmy chuckled, taking Mark's and his glasses to the sink. He saw Mark frown and sighed. "You're not here to get wasted. Go back to your dorm Mark, and sleep or something. I don't want to see your face here again for two days, got it?"


"Got it," Mark mumbled, grabbing his keys and waving 'bye' before heading back to his dorm. He was surprised to find Jack was awake, listening to music. He approached Jack, and could hear his music from where he was standing. It sounds like metal... Tool?

Mark crouched down and pulled an earbud from Jack, making him jump. "O-oh hey Mark. You're back. Where did you go?" he asked, pausing his music.

"None of your damn business," Mark growled back, snatching Jack's phone from him. He heard Jack cry out, but Mark ignored it. He turned it on to read Jack was listening to Tool. "I didn't know you would be into this kind of music."

Jack retrieved his phone back from Mark, frowning. "Yeah, well, maybe you're too quick to judge people," he said quietly, taking his earbud out and setting his phone on the nightstand.

Mark backed away, not wanting to get into another argument. He watched as Jack stood up, bending over to grab his stuffed fox toy. Mark couldn't help but look at Jack's ass, smirking. He has a nice ass Mark thought, turning to his bed. Wonder if he would ever let me fu- no, don't say that! He's annoyiny and I'd never want to date


Just a quick little A/N. I haven't left yet (even though I'm supposed to be up in 2 hours whoops!) but I decided to give you guys one more chapter before I leave. I'll try to make my chapters a little longer so that way you have more to read and stuff :P

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