《His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]》• Not This Time •


I would've helped her escape? Why did they take her, I can't protect her if she's not with me.

I'm gonna fucking kill Vicente if anything happens to her. She doesn't know me anymore that's why she couldn't tell that I was pretending.

I erased myself from her memory. But I'm too bad for her, if she knows the truth about me it'll break her heart.

When she does remember, Carmella and I will be long gone. And if we're meant to be together our paths will cross again.

My thoughts were interupted by the doorbell so I went downstairs. I opened the door and found my mom and Camreigh outside.

"Hey honey." Cadelaria said before hugging me.

"Hey mom." I said before picking Camreigh up and spinning her around in the air.

"Hey bestie!" I said and she smiled at me.

"Hola mano." She said before placing her head on my shoulder. "Where's Levaeh?" She asked curiously.

"Nevaeh went shopping with the baby." I said before placing a kiss on my baby sister's forehead.

I don't care about anyone else in this family except for Cadelaria and Camreigh. They might not be my blood but they are my family. And I would walk through fire for them.

"But I wanted to meet the baby." Camreigh said sadly so I smiled at her.

"Next time, I promise you." I whispered into her ear so she held her pinky up.

"Pinky promise." She said so I linked our pinkies.

"Why would Nevaeh go shopping with her newborn baby? She doesn't even want Carmella to leave the house." My mom asked and I sighed tiredly.

"Camreigh you want ice cream?" I asked and she nodded so I placed her on the ground. I watched her opening the refrigerator before placing my gaze on my mom.


"You'd better start explaining." She said with one eyebrow raised.

"She went back to her dad's." I said and my mom frowned.

"What did you do now? No wait- I don't wanna know. Just fix it." She said pointedly.

"I can't." I replied shortly.p

"What am I gonna do with you?" She asked before hugging me. "Nevaeh loves you, no matter how much you mess up she'll always forgive you." My mom said softly.

"Not this time." I said surely.

"Are you kidding me? The two of you has been to hell and back. You've been through more ups and downs than most married couples. So how on earth can you say that?" My mom asked.

"I just have a feeling." I said before going over to Camreigh.

"Well whatever it is you'll get through it." She said proudly. She really has no idea.

"Sure mom." I said to satisfy her.

"By the way, Jose requested a family meeting." My mom said so I pinched the bridge of my nose. They must be planning on exposing me. But that's all they can do because I'll always be the head of this family.

"I'll be there." I said and she hugged me again.

"I can't wait to see my little Ella again. I always knew your children would come out perfect. I mean if I made you perfect." She said and I laughed.

"That's gross." I told her and she laughed at me.

"It's perfect science darling." My mom said before grabbing a bottle of whiskey and pouring some into a glass.

"Day drinking?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Your dad is obsessed with finding Valentina." She said before gulping the drink down. "It's obvious that he never loved me but give me a damn break. All I want is a divorce but he refuses to give me one." My mom said before pouring herself another drink.


"You should leave him." I told her and she sighed.

"I'm staying at a hotel with Camreigh. But he shows up everyday to take her to school and to tell me what a bad wife and mother I am." She said before downing the glass of whiskey.

"You're a great mom." I told her before pouring a glass for myself.

"Why don't you come stay in the cottage?" I asked her and she frowned.

"Here?" She asked and I nodded before gulping the burning liquid down.

"Sure why not?" I asked her and she shook her head.

"No it's okay honey. I'll just buy a new house. I still have a few millions of dollars in the bank. Also I don't wanna be in your space. With Nevaeh and the baby here. But thank you I appreciate it." She said so I nodded before filling our glasses up.

"Cheers to that." I told her.

I'm getting my wife back, I mean fianceé.

This is why I have to go to that meeting. I have to see her and make sure that she's okay. I need to get close to her again.


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