《His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]》• Don't Disobey Me •


"What the fuck Calix?" His father asked in a thick voice. He had a Spanish accent which made me frown even more.

Wait don't tell me.

"Why would you bring this gringa in here?" His mother asked while pulling her face in disgust.

"We're in Spain?!" I asked wildly and Calix glared at me.

"She's a little jet lagged." He said with a smirk on his face.

"No this isn't happening, I'm dreaming. What the fuck?!" I asked loudly.

"She's never been in another country. This was actually a surprise, right mi amor." He said and his mom was still looking at me in disgust.

"Hi." I said in fear. "Can you guys please help me? See your son is an arrogant dick who thinks-"

"What the fuck are you doing?" Calix asked through a clenched jaw.

"I like this girl." One of the twins said.

"Fucking wife her up." The other one said before doing a handshake with his other half.

"Not if she keeps acting like a little bitch." Calix said and I've had enough.

"Fuck you!" I yelled in his face and the room dawned in silence. Oh shit-

"Okay, welcome to the family. I like her." The woman said and I frowned at her.

"They kinda remind me of us when we were younger." The dad said and I frowned at the lunatics around me.

"No! Please I wanna go home. You're insane. You're all fucking crazy. Take me home!" I cried in panic.

And they all went back to ignoring me. Calix grabbed my arm before leading us upstairs. He was shaking his head the entire way up there.

"Please I'm begging you. Let me go home." I said sadly.


"Sorry baby girl." He said before winking at me. "Do you know how lucky you are to even be here in the first place?" Shrek asked and I wiped my tears from my cheeks.

"Can I have my phone?" I tested and he glared at me before opening a door.

"No." He said pointedly. "Bruja." He said and I flared my tiny nostrils. Did he just call me a witch?

"Pussy." I retorted and he raised a single eyebrow at me.

"Punishment granted." He said slowly. "You were asking for it." He said before making me enter a giant room.

It's his, I could tell by the way his perfume hung in the air and it looked like a typical bachelor pad.

"What did I tell you to do?" He asked after he closed the door. I silently looked at him, afraid of what he might do.

"Answer me." He said and I sucked in a deep breath.

"T-To shut up." I breathed out.

"Good girl." He said in a husky tone.

"Why did you disobey me?" He asked before sitting on his bed. Then he pulled me closer to him by my hips.

"Why can't you talk now?" He asked while looking at me through hooded eyes. And in a swift movement he pulled me over his lap. I gasped at the gesture.

He hit my ass and I closed my eyes at the feeling. He rubbed my lower region through my jeans and a strained moan escaped my lips.

"You don't disobey me." He said pointedly before spreading my legs. He hit my ass again and I shrieked. This shouldn't be turning me on but fuck.

"P-Please." I begged.

"You want me to keep going?" He asked before hitting my ass again, a little harder this time.


"You're a naughty little girl." He said as his fingers rubbed my throbbing clit once more so I bit into my bottom lip.

"I'll o- obey you." I struggled out in a strained voice. He pulled me up before making me stand.

"If you won't hesitate to listen to me I won't hesitate to fuck you senseless. I will have you beg me for more." He said and my cheeks heated up.

"Are we clear, baby girl?" He asked and I nodded. He grabbed my phone from his nightstand and I frowned.

He gave it to me and I smiled before drawing my pattern. He grabbed the phone from me and removed my pattern with ease.

He clicked on WhatsApp before reading through my messages. I had several missed calls and chats from my mom and dad.

My eyes welled up with tears as I looked at the screen.

"Your mom is looking for you." Calix said slowly.

"Tell her I'm busy." I said blankly. Step one of the plan. I never chat in English with my family. And that's something that they know I would never do.

My mom started typing and I bit the inside of my cheek.

Since when do you speak English?

The text came through and I did a victory dance in my head. She knows it's not me.

"You little brat-" he said angrily then a call from my mom popped up on the screen and a tear slipped out of my eye.

"Talk to her." He said coldly before taking out his gun and holding it against my head. "If you say anything wrong I will kill you." He said rudely before handing the phone over to me.

"Zdrasti Mama." I greeted my mom.

"Nevaeh, kak ste?" Nevaeh, How are you? She asked in a voice filled with worry.

"I'm okay... Prosto malko zaet." Just a little busy. I told her and Calix raised a single eyebrow at me.

"Nevaeh I thought something happened to you!" My mom whined angrily and I bit back my tears.

"I'm fine, vizh mama ne moga da govorya v momenta. Imam klas da prisûstvam. I'll call you later." Listen mom, I can't speak at the moment I have a class to attend. I calmly told my mom.

"As long as I know that you're okay." She said in relief. "Obicham te." I love you. She said and a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Love you too mama." I said before ending the call. I ended up bursting out in tears and sitting on the floor. I sobbed loudly, knowing that my parents wouldn't come looking for me anymore.

They think that I'm okay.

Suddenly we heard a shot downstairs and I gasped before backing into a corner.

"Stay here." Calix said sternly and I just looked at him in fear. "If I'm not back in ten minutes hide under the bed." He said before exiting the room and my eyes widened in fear.


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