《Our past, my present,your future.》Chapter 21: trap


Mo Ling shiver,but as bonehead as him ofcourse he didnt realized that the chill is coming from the man beside him so he continue

"Yes ah!you just forget that little Xiao and little Yun is our beloved youngest sisters!we want to always invite them but you are very overbearing so you never let little Xiao accept any invitation from anyone!even from us!"

Han Min didnt push it bit ask another question

"I am very strict?"

Mo Ling laugh and answer proudly

"Not only very strict!amazingly strict!a lot of things are not allowed!you are also very jealous,domineering,too clingy!every party we attended little Xiao is not allowed to have two steps away from you,she is not allowed to leave your sight!"

While talking Ko Pin and Kim Xi keep kicking Mo Ling under the table,

When Mo Ling was hit harder he only reacted

"Why are you both keeps kicking me?!"

The two just make a signal to look at Han Min only then he realized that he talked a lot

"Brother Han you are not mad right?by the way where is our sister in law?"

Han Min knit his eyebrow after drinking only then he answer

"No need to introduce her"

Mo Ling was confused wanted to ask more but Ko Pin stopped him,

When Han Min left Mo Ling finally ask

"Why did you stop me asking him?"

Kim Xi roll his eyes but still explain to the blockhead friend of them

"His meaning is,he didnt want us to acknowledge the new girl so no need to meet her!"

Mo Ling become more confused

"Little Xiao cry a river for him yet in the end he still didnt want to acknowledge the other girl?when did become brother Han become scum man?"


Ko Pin shook his head while reminding him

"Your words will gonna kill you someday!and will you please reduce being an airhead?try to become sensitive?"

Mo Ling just look at him confuse so Ko Pin and Kim Xi can only shake their heads silently praying for his future.

Qi Xiao managed to climb the highest mountain but it took her 20 days!

Although a long but it was gratifying!

So after taking a photo she climb down and transfer to another country,

While she is looking for another adventure in the C country a huge deal was closed!

The meeting was held in Qi company,after signing the huge deal the Tan,Su and Qi celebrate outside,

But Qi Fan only stayed for awhile so when he left the two started laughing

"What a fool Qi Fan!didnt even suspect the contract!just sign it!hahhaha!"

"Let us just wait brother Tan,surely before the end of this year they will lost a lot of money!"

But they didnt know that they already jump in the pit the Qis made for them.

They already find out who's the mole so Qi Fan focus on them,

The contract was made by him,and let the traitors check and keep it.

The traitors ofcourse thought that it was their big chance so they change the contract,took a photo and send it to the Su and Tan,

The both was satisfied and let them check the contract everyday,see if it will be changed again,

For a week the contract stayed still,after one last check the night before the signing they left happily,

They didny know that right after the traitors left Qi Fan's assistant came out and changed the contract,

He didnt change the amount because he is sure that the two will check it but change the party A to party B.

When the Tan and Su will realized this it will be too late that they can only vomit a bucket of blood!

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