《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LXXIX: Shadow Pain


Pain. Labor is painful. The breaks in between contractions didn't offer any sort of relief. The constricting feeling spread from the front of my lower stomach to my lower back. Like an electrical eel was wrapped around me like a snake and preparing to feast on me. Finn had somehow gotten me to the car where he drove well over the speed limit back to the house.

I couldn't very well go to the hospital drenched in others blood...could I? My breaths were coming out in pants. Eyes squeezed in agony. When the pain did let up, I felt like my demon was clawing at my insides. Like it wanted back out. It was more painful than uncomfortable though.

"What the hell did you do!?" Nik yelled as he appeared in front of me, catching me as I tried to get out of the car before Finn could even attempt to get to me first. Elijah and Kol appeared next, both looking uncomfortably upset.

"She needed relief. What was I supposed to do?" Finn questioned in a snappy tone. He was not going to let Nik walk all over him. Good.

My hand reached out and gripped itself around Nik's forearm as another contraction set in. The groan coming from Nik just barely filling my ears as I realized my nails were talons and digging into his skin deeply. I tried to pull back, feeling bad I had hurt him but he pulled me closer to him.

"It's okay. I've- we've got you. I can handle a little pain, love." He assured before guiding me into the house.

"What are we supposed to do? She can't give birth in a human hospital with her body changing rapidly like this!" Kol demanded as he watched as the talons changed into human fingers. Black smoke surrounding Nik and I as my demon seemed to be reaching out. Everything was happening all at once. I couldn't keep up as I was carried to my bedroom. Nik staying incredibly close to me, like he had no choice in the matter. Which I found out was because my black smoke was literally holding onto him for dear life.


Nik's jaw was set in a tense matter. Like he was feeling the contraction with me as he grunted.

"I don't think this is normal." He gritted out before a noise was heard in the living room. Footsteps- more than one set, ran up the stairs before entering the room. A man I had never seen before entered in a huff with my father. They looked like complete opposites.

"We will handle this." My father spoke up as he rushed to my side. His blue eyes scanning over my face before following the black smog that clung onto Nik. His eyebrow raised questioning. "Feeling alright there Hybrid?" He teased mockingly. Nik growled at him as another contraction hit. It was close together.

"Hey there, little Birdie." The other man spoke up with a grin. "I'm your Uncle Lucifer. We'll make pleasantries later. But don't you worry, okay? This isn't my first demon labor. Or my first siren labor. I helped your mother through hers as well." I looked at the blonde man before nodding stiffly.

"Tell me how you're feeling, Octavia." Ashmedai demanded as he hovered his hands around. His own black smoke hitting my body in a cooling mist. Steam lifting into the air at the mixing of the heat of my skin with the mist.

"Pain. I'm feeling Pain." I gritted as my body forced itself to sit up as another wave of pain ran through me. Forcing my muscles to contract along with it. "Make it stop!!" I screamed out into the wave. Nik sat down on the bed as the pain was getting to him as well.

"I know, sweetheart. I know. It hurts. It's labor, it's not meant to be a field of flowers and butterfly's." My father informed me, causing me to glare at him. "But you need to focus. You're hurting Nik. He can't handle this like you can. You need to pull back. Reel it in a bit." I slumped back into the bed as I felt the hot tears flooding down my cheeks in the feeling.


"I can't-" I sobbed out as my breathing came out deep and heavy. My eyes flickered to Nik for a second to see he was pale. Extremely pale.

"You have too. Come on. Focus on someone else." He turned his attention to his brother who stepped up closer to me. "Focus on Lucy here. He can take it." Lucifer grabbed my other hand and attached it to his arm, instantly my talons extended and dug deep into his skin as more pain radiated through me.

"Come on, little birdie. Is that all you got?" Lucifer antagonized. The black smoke curled away from Nik slowly before seeping itself around my uncle. Nik letting out a relieved sigh as I released him completely. Lucifer didn't even seem to be reacting to the pain at all. His eyes focused on mine. "Come on, Little Birdie. You're mother did more damage than this." He chuckled. My father rolled his eyes before a few more people entered the room. The woman who was my nurse at the doctors appointment was here, along with the doctor from the hospital. Knealy.

"Hey there, Octavia. Remember us?" Knealy questioned with a grin. "We're here to help get that baby out of you safely, alright? We're trained for this. You think you can trust us?" I stared at him, his blue eyes seeming to hold comfort and warmth. I glanced to my mates who all seemed on edge, but not about the doctor. I looked back to him, nodding slowly before gritting my teeth through another contraction. This time Lucifer let out a grunt.

"Too much for you, brother?" Ashmedai taunted. Another smoke of mist ran over my body, cooling me instantly as the doctor and nurse came closer to me.

"Feels like a little bee sting." He laughed back. His eyes pulled from mine before glancing to my mates. "You all can stay here or sit outside. This will be long and painful. Theres always a risk of her shadow reattaching to one of you- and it could potentially kill you." Lucifer explained to them. Nik stood up fast. I think he even stumbled a bit. Did I hurt him that badly? Kol took his place on the bed.

"I'll stay." He decided. Ashmedai and Lucifer raised a brow before glancing to each other. Exchanging a silent conversation before nodding at Kol.

"Very well. You all can step out then." The pain dulled enough so I could look to my mates. Finn pressed his lips to my sweat covered forehead before Elijah took his place.

"You are strong, Octavia." Elijah assured me. His own way of encouraging me. Nik inched closer slowly before kissing my forehead as well.

"It's going to be okay, love." He whispered before the three left the room. I could see they hadn't really wanted to go, but they also didn't want to see me in pain. I closed my eyes as pain ran through me like ice. A hand grabbing mine and causing me to peek over at Kol. My tendrils of magic wrapping itself around him.

"Hmm, see we have a father." Ashmedai smiled. I snapped my gaze to him before looking back at Kol who was grinning madly. He didn't seem to be in pain nearly at all. He actually seemed elated. "Only the actual father can withstand the pain."

I let out a long scream as another contraction ran through me. It felt like murder. Dark and brutal. Eventually, I let the shadows encase me, letting the world go dark.

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