《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LXXIII: Eye of the Beholder


Nothing but darkness and the images of the demons I had seen earlier ran through my head as I felt my consciousness start to stir. A low groan coming from my lips as I still felt groggy and like the world was spinning so fast. The beeping noise in the background made my eyes snap open quickly, confused.

"Octavia?" Elijah got into my vision. I looked around seeing I wasn't in a hospital again, thank goodness. But Kol was actually watching Grey's Anatomy and the volume was a bit loud. "Kol turn that show off." Elijah muttered as he examined my face.

"What?? Why?? It was just about to say who the bus guy was!!" Kol exclaimed, pausing the show, his eyes seeing me and pulling a grin to his face. I sat up slightly and glared at my mate. Still upset with him from controlling my life.

"It's George and he dies." I muttered before huffing and laying my head back down. Kol let out a gasp that reminded me of the episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S when Rachel tells Joey about Little Women.

"That was so mean!!" Kol exclaimed with a deep pout. I ignored him, turning my sight to look at Elijah.

"Tell me I didn't seriously faint." Elijah smiled slightly.

"Right into my arms." He teased causing me to groan. "It's reasonable, Octavia. The pictures and the idea of one of them being your father.. Most would faint just as you did." Elijah explained.

"Can't believe you could be half demon. How badass is that?!" Kol chirped after getting over the betrayal of me spoiling the show to him. "I wonder which one you could be descended from."

"Probably Asmodeus." Nik decided as he entered the room. A smirk on his face as he looked over at me. His brows waggle at me suggestively before chuckling.

"I don't know, Wrath is feeling rather relatable right now." I mutter annoyed. Kol snorted.

"That's just the hormones, sweetheart. You are naturally a very...giving and caring person." He chimed in. I glared at him before reaching over to my nightstand where the Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban was sitting, grabbing it before hurling it at Kol. He caught it with wide eyes. "Why are you so mean to me?!" He whined before ducking down as I tossed a pillow at him.

"Alright, as much as I love to watch you abuse Kol, it's time to get ready for your appointment." Nik told me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Appointment?" Kol perked up at this.

"Did you forget? It's ultrasound day." Kol grinned. I groaned at the reminder.

"I was trying to forget. It's also the Glucose test, remember?" I mumbled as I ran my hands over my face. It wouldn't be that bad normally. But the long appointment and not being allowed to eat after midnight was awful.

"It won't be that bad." Kol offered. I shrugged and got out of my bed.

"Now get out so I can change." I ordered as I looked at Kol, Nik and Elijah. Elijah nodded before moving to leave but Nik and Kol both grinned, crossing their arms. "Out!" Elijah grabbed the back of their necks before shoving them out of the room.



The ultrasound went normal. I had drank the Glucose drink before being taken back to the room for the ultrasound. All of my mates all crowded into the room with me on the table and a ultrasound technician. The baby had grown a bit faster than what we had expected. It looked like I was closer to 34weeks than the 28 I actually was.

"The baby seems to be more developed than usual-" The technician paused as she typed on the computer in front of her, her brows furrowed.

"Is that bad?" Kol questioned, tearing his eyes from the projection on the wall.

"Not necessarily. But not ideal. It could end in early labor- but I'll let Dr. Greyson speak to you about that possibility. This could also just mean you are having a large child." She smiled over at me. "Could end in a Cesarean Section instead of the natural Vaginal birth."I frowned, thoughts of if my Siren body would allow that to happen- or even my possible demon self. Finn grabbed my hand that laid near him, claiming my attention and distracting me with a sweet and calming smile.

With that the technician printed off some pictures and handed them to Elijah who was ready to accept them gladly. He had been taking all of the photos without any words. Before I could go to the patient room for Dr. Greyson, I had to get my blood drawn for the glucose test. I hate needles. Which is silly with my circumstance. The amount of times I've been bitten back my mates.. But needles are different. Not to mention, my mates couldn't come back with me.

I glanced at the phlebotomist as she entered the room. I had already sat in the seat after being led into this room. My eyes snapped back to the woman, confused. Something about her was....familiar. I just couldn't place it.

"Ms. Yorker? Ready to get some blood drawn?" She questioned with a smile. I stared at her, trying to place what my mind was trying to notice. Like it was something I should be seeing. But I couldn't- like something hiding in plain sight. "Everything alright?" I snapped out of it before smiling at the woman who wore a white lab coat and looked all professional.

"Of course- I just really don't like needles." I laughed nervously. The woman smiled at me, even though it seemed more like she was holding in some kind of joke before nodding.

"It'll all be okay. A lot of people are afraid of needles. But don't worry- I'm really good at my job. You won't even feel it." I let out a snort.

"I doubt I won't feel it." I muttered as she shook her head and pulled my arm to rest on the armrest. Looking at my veins all calculated.

"So, tell me about all of those guys out there. Girl talk with me." She urged, smiling. I gave her a slight wary smile back, thinking to myself. Why would she ask about my mates? "I've noticed they are always here with you- are they family?" It wouldn't hurt to talk about them...right?


"They're um- more than that." Her eyes widen before a wicked grin appeared on her face.

"Oo, one of them? Sounds fun and entertaining. I bet you're never bored." She giggled. She was truly acting like I was her best friend and we were catching up on the latest gossip of the high school halls.

"You could definitely say that." I laughed. "It's for sure different." I said, pursing my lips. It's true. Not many people had four boyfriends.

"But they make it worth it, right?" I nod at her question, looking at her in thought. Her eyes.

"You have really unique eyes.." I muttered under my breath. She looked at me for a second before darting back to my arm.

"All done!" She cheered, placing a bandaid in place of the needle I hadn't even noticed. I blinked a few times as she stood up and smiled at me. "Let me take you back to your room where Dr. Greyson will be." I nodded, standing up slowly.


I sat on the examination table now, waiting for Greyson to enter the room. Finn stood by my side with Elijah as Kol and Nik sat in the two available chairs. My mind flooded with the eyes of that phlebotomist.

"What's wrong?" Kol questioned from his seat. His brown eyes staring at me in a way to try and read me. That was when I noticed the deep frown on my lips as I pressed my lips together.

"I don't know..." I muttered. I opened my mouth to continue my train of thought but there was a knock on the door that stopped me. Dr. Greyson entering the room with a smile on his face. I had seen Greyson a few times since he was my main OBGYN now, but I never noticed one thing that caused my blood to freeze in place.

"Sorry I made you wait- I had a very...complicated circumstance come up." Greyson said as he came into the room, a smile on his face. His blue eyes flickered to me, pausing in his step for a split second before his smile stretched more. "So I saw you might end up with a C-Section." He held up his clipboard that probably had all of the ultrasound information on it.

"It isn't dangerous, right? Otherwise it would be called Natural- right?" Kol questioned, jumping into his worried partner questions. Greyson pulled his eyes from me to laugh at Kol, shaking his head.

"It is just as safe as Natural vaginal birth- but it will look more extreme and have a longer recovery period." He pulled a pamphlet off the clipboard handing it to Kol who was already reaching out for it. "It does have some more risks, but with her being on the table it'll be easier to act faster on those risks."

"I don't like risks." Kol mumbled, his eyes on the pamphlet before handing it to Elijah who would actually study it and understand it better than him. "Would we all be able to still be there for the birth? Hold her hand and such?"

"You sure are prepared for those questions." Greyson joked before nodding. "But yes, you will still be able to be there for the part of the birth. But once the baby is born you will be escorted out so we can close her up. Typically only one is allowed in the room though-" He paused as my mates all stared at him instantly. Waiting for him to tell them they couldn't all be in the room. "But we can make an exception I suppose."

"What about the size of the baby? The nurse said something about possible early labor?" Nik brought up. I swear, I won't even be able to voice my own concerns with my mates here, which I didn't mind since they were asking what I was thinking.

"It is a possibility that we could be looking at an early labor, but I don't believe it will be a premature birth-" He turned his blue eyes to meet my brown ones. "You just need to make it to at least 32 weeks. So four weeks. After that if the baby decides to pop out, it should all flow perfectly."

"A month. I think we can do that." I nodded. Greyson grinned before going serious.

"So you haven't had any aches or pains, right? Any Braxton hicks? I see your nausea hasn't lightened up yet."

"I have had a few dizzy spells, but other than that not really." I explained. Greyson looking like he was writing it down, nodding.

"Make sure you guys keep an eye on her. Watch for swollen legs and ankles. If the dizzy spells get worse and fatigue." He told my mates before looking to me. "If you feel like you can't get out of bed from being sick or anything- go straight to the hospital. You are showing slight signs of Pre Eclampsia, which we have discussed before, but with being so close to your due date, we'll need to be careful."

"We'll keep an eye out." Finn nodded, his hand on my back rubbing it soothingly.

"If you have any other concerns that pop up, feel free to call the office. Make sure to schedule your next appointment for next week. With being so close I'd like to monitor you weekly instead." I nodded before Greyson reached out and shook my hand, his hand so warm it shocked me a bit before he nodded to the guys and left the room.


Once we all got into the car, Kol leaned forward in his seat to make eye contact with me.

"Now tell us what is wrong."

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