《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LXXII: Father


I thought my soulmates were possessive before.. But now? I'm waited on hand and foot. Not a minute to myself. Whether it was sleeping in Finn's arms or having my feet massaged by Kol as we watched 80s and 90s movies. Not that I really minded those things, but the fact that Nik would try to follow me into the bathroom when I needed to....poop. It was becoming too much!

"I'm taking a bath." I announced as I stood up from the bar seat in the kitchen. I had just ate the Mac n cheese that Kol made for me. It was the only thing he could make that didn't burn. Finn was the cook in the household. Which was still shocking to me since he was in a coffin for nearly a thousand years.

"Oh, good. I'll bring the next Harry Potter book so I can read it out loud for us." Finn mumbled as he went to stand up as well. I paused, turning to look at him. As tempting as that was- we were on the third book- I needed some space.

"Actually, I was thinking I could enjoy a bath....alone." This pulled all of their attention onto me.

"Then I can read to myself in the corner." Finn adjusted, his hazel eyes on me- challenging me to argue with him.

"It'll be really dark, only candles for light." I told him. Trying to get him to back off without asking him outright. Finn shrugged.

"Great eyesight." He pointed out, walking towards me. Eyebrow raised.

"I'm going to...uh...masturbate. Alone." I cringed. The lie wasn't even a good one. But the words only made all of them look at me with a look of desire. Nik let out a chuckle that covered up a growl.

"Sounds like an invitation." Nik spoke in a low husky tone that displayed his thoughts on the idea. He got up so fast and used his speed to flash me against the wall away from Finn. His hands on my hips to keep from hitting my bulging stomach and my nack didn't hit as hard as it usually did. "Is that what this is? An invitation to a private show for all of your mates?" He questioned as his face leaned into my neck. Inhaling my scent and purring in satisfaction of it.


I let out a forced laugh, placing my hands on his chest and pushing him back some. Resulting to humor to get out of this one.

"For being a wolf, you sure do resemble a pussy cat, Nikki." Of course, all my joke did was cause his eyes to flash yellow.

Niklaus had his own kinks and preferences as they all did. But Nik was a switch. I could dominate him all I want, but one flip of a switch and he would be standing over me telling me to beg.

"Hmm, I know of a pussy I'd like to-" Nik started only for me to cover his mouth with my hand. Stopping the vulgar thing that would surely come out of it. I could feel his smirk against my hand.

"I want to take a bath alone. Completely alone." I told them with a sigh as Nik licked and nipped at my palm playful before grabbing it and removing it from his mouth.

"Yeah, like that'll happen." Kol chimed in before Nik could speak. "One second on your own and you could get kidnapped, killed or tormented in your mind. Nope. Not happening." Kol wasn't even looking at me as he laid down the law. He was eating a big forkful of mac n cheese that he had drizzled ketchup into, claiming it was better that way.

"I was actually think- maybe if I let it enter my mind..maybe-"

"Nope." Kol stopped my cringy stutter.

"But maybe I could find out-"

"Not happening." He did it again. I let out an aggravated huff of air before stomping away. Leaving my mates to their silence.


I had slammed my door shut but it didn't take long for someone to open it and enter the room. I had already made it to my bed though and I didn't bother turning around as the door closed behind them silently. I felt like a rebellious teenager right now. Which I can completely blame my hormones on right now.

"Octavia?" I closed my eyes and sighed at Elijah's quiet tone. The bed dipped with his weight before a hand moved to rest on my hip. Rubbing it gently and soothingly. "We're only trying to protect you." He stated calmly. I rolled over to look at him, his hand lifting off my hip as I did.


"I know you are." I sighed, looking towards him. "It's stupid, I know. But-" I pursed my lips as I looked up at him. "Nik tried to go to the bathroom with me this morning." I watched as Elijah cringed slightly at the thought.

"That idiot." Elijah mumbled, shaking his head. He laid back next to me before pulling me to his chest. "I'll talk to Nik, okay?"

"I guess." I muttered, relaxing into his side. "Why now?" I whispered. My mind buzzing in thought.

"Why what?" He questioned his fingers drawing light patterns on my arm.

"Why did all of this have to happen now? I mean- the voice had always been there but never tried to attack me-" I sat up out of his arms abruptly. My eyebrows furrowed in thought. "It's always been there.." I whispered out.

"What is it?" Elijah questioned, trying to process what I had even been mumbling. "The voice?" I turned to look at him.

"Elijah, the voice has been in my head since I could even remember. My mother never spoke about having a voice in her head though."

"So you think it has something to do with your father?" I shrugged.

"Maybe. But what if it's- It could be related to what I am? Like an alter ego or something?" I sighed, rubbing my face with my hands. Elijah sat in thought before he stood up.

"I think I know what you are." He announced before grabbing my hand and pulling me to follow him. I stumbled slightly at first, but followed him out of the room and down the stairs.

"Lijah!" I stumbled again at the bottom of the stairs before he pulled me to his chest and flashed us into his study. My head spun a bit from nausea of whiplash. Elijah steadied me before letting me go and going to his book case. "What are you looking for?" I asked as he floated his finger over the spine of the books before grabbing one. It was a deep red. Kind of the color of drying blood. It was dark looking and screamed evil.

"I received this book a few century's ago as a payment-" He broke off as he flipped it open. I looked over his shoulder- okay, I stood next to him and looked at the book trying to understand it, but the language was old. But I did catch onto one word that froze my blood.

"Demon?" I breathed, looking at the pictures of the old book as he flipped through the pages.

"Demons are known to have an alter that lives in the shadows of the mind. They are always there from the moment they are born." Elijah recited as if he was reading it fresh, but as he was still flipping pages, I assumed he was reading from memory. "There's a few options for who you could be descended from- The Seven Deadly sins." I raised my brow at him a bit confused and shock.

"You think my alter is a sin of some sort? Like Greed, Gluttony, anger-"

"Wrath, Pride, Envy, Sloth and Lust." Elijah corrected before listing the rest.

"And they are demons?" I asked as he looked down at one page. Pictures of creepy and scary looking beings stared back at me as he read from the book.

"They are Thee Demons. Lucifer-" He pointed to an image, "is Pride."

"Beelzebub, Gluttony."


I cringed at that one as Elijah kept going. "Leviathan. Envy."

"Mammon. Greed."

"Belphegor the demon of Sloth."

"And Asmodeus. The demon of Lust."

I glared at the photos. None of them seemed even remotely human. All the things of nightmares.

"And you think... You think I could be related to one of them?" I questioned as I looked at Elijah, trying anything to look away from the demonic beings glaring back at me.

"I don't think you could be just related to them... I think one of them could be your father." That was all it took for my head to spin and darkness to blur my vision before I felt the world falling.

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