《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LXIX: Girls plus One


"So your dad isn't your dad?" Caroline's voice rang out through the car. She sat in the back seat with Rebekah as I sat in the passenger seat. Elijah had come along and was currently driving. Something about not wanting to leave me completely vulnerable to the voice in my head. But I think he just wanted to go shopping with the girls.

I was in the process of explaining the letter from my mom to Bekah and Care. Elijah kept quiet as he listened. He had already gotten the chance to read it, as all of them had.

"I guess. That's what my mom had said-"

"So you're not half human?" Care pushed. I shook my head as she leaned forward in her seat to get closer to the front to see my face. "And yet you didn't read the journal? Why the hell not?? If I was in your shoes I would have skimmed through that thing to find out what I was." Caroline dawned on. I frowned slightly before pushing it away.

"I just- I'm not ready yet." I ended up saying. Elijah glanced over at me, studying my facial expression.

"What are you worried about?" Care asked. I sighed, turning to look at her.

"I don't know, maybe finding out my father, who may have abandoned me and my mom, could still be alive? Or maybe the fact that my mom could have left him? He could be evil or crazy." Rebekah pushed Caroline out of the way and leaned so she could be in my face. I literally had to move back some because she was within an inch of my face.

"You mean to tell me you are delaying finding out who you truly are- who you're baby will be, because of a possible evil father? Might I remind you of my father? I'm sure you've met. Mikael??" She exclaimed. I flinched a bit at the reminded.


"Also, my dad left my mom and I because he was gay and then tried to kill me because I was a vampire." Caroline chimed in. I sighed, sitting back in my seat.

"They're right, Octavia." Elijah spoke up, his eyes glancing at me from where he sat. I looked at him with a grimace. I knew they were right. My hand went to my stomach in thought.

"Wonder what you are." Caroline mumbled, getting the topic off of me somewhat. "You're a siren, right? Like from Greek Mythology. So maybe you're tied to that still?"

"Maybe a Harpy." Bekah laughed. "They are related to the bird." I turned in my seat to glare at her as Caroline covered her mouth to laugh.

"Maybe a Griffin?" Caroline chirped from her hand. I let out an aggravated huff of air.

"You guys are so mean!" I growled out. I leaned back into my seat with my eyes closed.

"Maybe you're a Dragon." I snapped my glare at Elijah who was doing a poor job of keeping his mouth straight.


Somehow I ended up alone in a rocking chair in the middle of a Buy Buy Baby as Elijah took a huge box of Crib parts to the car and Caroline and Rebekah carried a bunch of other things. My hands on my stomach as I rocked in the extremely comfortable chair. My eyes closed as I took in a relaxing breath.

They're right..

My eyes scrunched up tightly as the dark voice echoed in my head. The shadows casting over the small light that did peek through my eyelids.

Don't you want to know what you are? What you're baby will be? Be prepared? What if that monster comes out pushing gusts of fire from it's tiny demonic mouth? Or the bead red eyes? A tail, perhaps? Maybe even a tail...


My breathing picked up slightly. Sweat beading on my skin. My eyes felt like they were glued shut. Keeping me in the shadows. Forcing me under in the worse of ways.

You are a Monster. Just like how you're demonic spawn will be as well. How fitting for the Original Family.

The voice kept taunting me. My mouth running dry as it felt like the world was spinning around me. Faster. Uneven. Like I was on a slight tilt. If I wasn't sitting down I was sure I'd fall over.

You should have aborted before it was too late. But you're a monster- is it truly too late?

My hands tightened into fists. Tears burning at my shut eyes. My breath coming out shaky and uneven.

Did you know....if you become too stressed you can force a miscarriage?

The pain in my stomach was sharp as a small whimper rang through my throat. The pain rang through me like a bolt of lightening. Starting from my cervix and shooting up into the space behind my ribs.

Feel that? That's your body trying to reject the demon. It doesn't want to bring more evil into this world either. Why would it? The world already has you and your mates.

"Octavia?" Footsteps came thudding up to me, hands landing on my shoulder. "Vee?!"

Come on, Octavia. Focus on the pain that is shooting through you right now. The pain that is your child slowly losing its life.

"Elijah!" I let out a scream as my hands held onto my stomach, the pain doubling as the person screamed for Elijah. A breeze hit me as the scent of Elijah filled my nostrils. Hands grabbing my face gently.

"Octavia, open your eyes. What's wrong?" Elijah questioned, his voice held hints of panic, and yet he still seemed calm. The voice curled back from the light that Elijah brought with him. Echos of a hissing sound before a faint voice spoke once more.

....I'm coming for you....

My eyes shot open in panic. The pain still there, but fading back just as the voice did. Elijah knelt in front of me, his brown eyes searching mine. Rebekah was behind him, looking even more freaked out than my own mate. But Elijah was good at hiding his panic. At staying calm.

"What happened?" Elijah asked, his thumb running along my cheek and wiping the stream of tears coming out of my eye. "You're in pain- do you need to go to the hospital? Is it the baby?"

"I-" I'm coming for you. The voice echoed in my mind. The pain was completely gone. Not even an echo of an aftershock. Like it never existed.

"Come on. We should get you seen, you're extremely pale." Rebekah urged as she stood next to Elijah. I shook my head only to bring my hand to my head as I felt like whatever marbles I had in there were rolling around.

"It's not a question." Elijah muttered before grabbing me and picking me up like I was the lightest thing in the world.

I'm coming for you.

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