《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LIX: Trust


Twenty two weeks. My stomach has been like a balloon and someone just kept enflating it. Small lines started to appear on my stomach, lines that Kol and Nik like to call my Tiger Stripes. They are just trying to make me feel better. I know it.

The lines are dark purple and seem to be scarring into my skin. I'm excited to be a mom, but I'm slightly depressed from how my body has changed.

The guys have been doing what they can for me. Finn was currently massaging my feet as I laid my head on Kol's lap. We were watching the Twilight saga. Kol's pick, not mine. Not that I had minded.

Elijah had left to take care of something a day ago. No ones really heard from him. But Nik claims he had a lead on something for the baby. No idea what that could be, but it seems that he was on a mission.

Nik was currently ordering me a pizza. Yes, just me. I'm starving. All. The. Time. And the morning sickness hadn't left yet either. Dr. Greyson prescribed me some medicine for it, but I refuse to take it. What if it doesn't agree with the fact I'm not 100% human?

"I wish I sparkled." Kol mumbled as his hand played with a braid I had. Kol had actually finally figured out how to braid my hair type. He claimed that if the baby has the same hair type then someone other than me has to know how to do it.

"What did you just say?" I questioned as I stared up at him. Finn had stopped his massage on my foot, staring at his brother in astonishment. Kol looked down at me before glancing to his brother.

"What?? You can't tell me it wouldn't be cool to sparkle in the sun like a damn disco ball." His voice lowered as he grinned. "I'd be stunning." I let out a snort before patting his cheek.


"You are stunning, sweetie. Absolutely alluminating." I assured him. Kol narrowed his eyes down at me.

"Damn right I am." He huffed. Finn shook his head at his brother, a smile on his face as he held in the laugh before pressing back into my swollen foot.

"Alright! Your pizza is ordered." Nik said as he came into the room with a smoothie in his hand. "And Elijah called, he's on his way home and told me to make you this." He handed me the smoothie, watching for my reaction.

Glancing down at it as Kol helped me sit up. My nose scrunched up at the green tinged drink in my hand.

"What exactly is this?" I questioned, moving the straw around in it to see how thick it was. It was like cottage cheese chunky thick. Just looking at it made me gag. Nik sighed as he ran his hand over his face. Like he knew I'd refuse it.

"It's a bit of everything it seems. Carrots help prevent anemia. Ginger root for your nausea. Some greens for something other and garlic." I snapped my eyes up at him. Clear disgust on my face.

"Garlic? In a smoothie?" The words left my lips as I reached it out to give it back to him. Nik shook his head, holding his hands up.

"Lowers a bunch of risks with blood pressure and such. Elijah said you habe to drink it to have a pizza." Nik grumbled, clearly not wanting to get on the bad side of his older brother. I looked over to Finn before looking to Kol. Picking my battles carefully.

I nodded before leaning closer to Kol and whispering into his ear.

"Get rid of this and we can go on another killing spree." Kol looked at me before narrowing his eyes at me.


"Just the two of us?" He questioned carefully. I nodded with a smile. He quickly grabbed the smoothie before flashing out of the room.

"Hey!" Nik exclaimed. His eyes snapped to me. "If Elijah asks, you drank it." He told me, his finger pointed at me like he was being all serious.

"Hmm and what if I tell him I didn't? Think he'll spank me?" I bit my bottom lip suggestively as I joked with them. Finn's hold on my foot tightened before his finger slightly grazed the arch causing me to jerk my foot away quickly. The tickle caused me to laugh aburptly which made him shake out of his daze.

"I wouldn't put it past him, love." Nik told me with a smirk. He knew I loved playing games with them. "But if you really wanted to be spanked, I'm sure any of us would step up to the challenge." He glanced over to Finn before snorting. Even he could tell his brother was into that. Not that Nik wouldn't be, but he enjoyed the more spontaneous moments between us.

"Are you suggesting that Finn spanks me, Nikkie?" I questioned in a sultry tone. I glanced over to Finn who had his jaw clenched and eyes dark. He was clearly restraining himself right now.

It was so easy to mess with the guys. The bond caused them to be horny just about all the time. Not to mention that me being pregnant has changed my scent. Something that Kol and Nik pointed out when I was 16 weeks. It made them want to, as they put it, jump my bones.

"What's the matter, Finn?" I asked him as I crossed my legs and leaned towards him. Nik shook his head before leaving the room. Clearly not want to see anything happen. Not that he wouldn't mind, but, seeing his brother like that might be weird.

"Do you even realize what you are doing to me?" Finn finally spoke once his brother had left. His darkened hazel eyes snapping to me and showing his underlining desire for me. It sent shivers through my spine.

"Whatever do you mean?" I played the innocent card before Finn took my hand and placed it on his leg.

Okay, not his leg. Definitely not a leg. I glanced down seeing the hardened dick under his pants and my hand.

"Are you telling me that it turns you on, the thought of spanking me?" I asked as I brought my eyes back up to him. "Do you want to punish me?" I reiterated. Finn closed his eyes, as if trying to calm himself down.

"I don't want to hurt you." He whispered. He still thought he would hurt me. Even during sex. My heart cracked at his words before I leaned closer to him. My hand cjpping his cheek so he would look at me.

"You won't hurt me." I assured him as my lips brushed across his. Urging him on. My eyes on his as his flickered to my lips for a second before remeeting my gaze. "I trust you."

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