《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LVII: Magic


You know when the woman finds out she is pregnant in the movies or television shows and the man freaks out and either leaves her or panics with the finances? Try having four mates. Finn was currently keeping me in bed. My head on his chest as he read out loud from the first Harry Potter book.

Kol was downstairs with Nik and Rebekah as Kieran helped them look for how this is possible and to see if they could figure out the voice I was hearing. Even if I wasn't hearing that voice right now, they were making it their priority next to the pregnancy.

But the most surprising one was Elijah. He was currently in his study reading pregnancy books. I know, he's always into reading- but him reading a book about the pregnancy was beyond crazy. He made my OBGYN appointment for today, had me take an actual pregnancy test and has been making sure I had a prenatal to take along with the unlimited amounts of ginger tea which has been helping me with my nausea.

"He brought the umbrella swishing down through the air to point at Dudley – there was a flash violet light, a sound like a firecracker, a sharp squeal and next second-"

"Do you miss having magic?" I interrupted him. His hand pausing as it was stroking through my hair as he held the book in his other hand.

"I do." Finn answered simply. He looked back to the book but let out a sigh as he placed a marker in and placed it down. Wrapping his other arm around me. "There was a rumor- that once you complete the bond with your soulmate that you can have your magic back..." His voice trailed off. He was disappointed. I had never seen any of them use magic, at least nothing I would notice.

"I'm sorry.." I whispered in a low tone. I felt somewhat guilty for him not having his magic back. Like it had rode on me. What if this was natures way of trying to say we didn't really belong? Could Soulmates be bad for each other?

"Stop it." Finn interrupted my thoughts. "Whatever you are thinking in that beautiful head of yours, stop it."

"I can't.." My voice cracked slightly as the unwanted tears tried to break free. I felt like it was my fault. Hell, maybe it was.

"You weren't the one who made us into Vampires. You didn't take our magic from us. If anything, in a way- you did bring us magic. You are our magic." I lifted my head up to look at him. Finn's hazel eyes staring into my dark eyes. So warm and welcoming.

"I love you." I whispered before leaning forward and kissing him. Finn responded instantly, his lips pressing firmly to mine. Like he was trying to ground me.

"Sorry to interrupt-" Kol's voice rang through the room. "But it's time for your appointment, sweetheart." Finn and I separated before we got up. I knew Kol wasn't sorry for interrupting. He loved to mess with his brothers in anyway he could.

"Thank you, Kol." I told him as he smiled my way. Finn stepped up next to me and placed his hand on my lower back as he guided me out of the room.

I had been dressed and ready to go for a while now. The nerves that filled my stomach caused it to flip around uncomfortably. I had to swallow down the bile of nerves constantly.

Elijah stepped up to me as I hit the bottom step. His hand held a bottle of lemon ginger tea he had just made for me along with my jacket.


"It's a bit chilly out today." He told me with a small smile. I tried not to, I swear. But my eyes rolled at his words, causing him to narrow his eyes at me.

"I'm a siren, Lijah. I don't get cold easily." I teased him. Nik stepped up on my side, letting out a huff.

"Just take the jacket, love." He told me before leaning down and pressing a sweet kiss to my cheek. I sighed, letting Elijah slip my jacket onto my arms before he grabbed the zipper and pulled it up.

I legit was feeling like a child. But I couldn't complain. It was how they showed their love to me. Also, this was completely new to then.


Sitting in the car, my brain kept rolling in the worry. I was sat in the passenger seat since sitting in the back made me want to throw up. Nik was driving and the others were squished, unhappily, in the backseat. Kol in the center.

"What if they do an ultrasound and they find my baby has horns- or a tail??? Oh, my god.... I might have a demon in me." I ranted, my hand on my stomach as I looked down at the flat flesh. Nik glanced over at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you saying that we are the devil?" He questioned, a smirk already sliding its way across his lips.

"Oh, my god. Elijah siad the heartbeat is like fluttering wings... what if the doctor hears it?? What if-"

"Calm down, sweetheart." Kol interrupted. He leaned forward in his seat and placed his hand on my upper arm, trying to sooth my worries. "Everything will be fine. I promise." He assured. I glanced back at him, not feeling any better. If anything, I could feel the heat of nerves running up my throat.

"Pull over." I ordered, causing Nik to look at me confused. "Pull over!" I repeated loudly. Nik quickly did and I jumped out of the car quickly before expelling the little bit of food I had been able to eat onto the side of the road. Finn was by my side immediately, his hand on my back and a bottle of plain water in his hand.

"You're causing your body to panic, Vee." He whispered. Keeping his voice down in case I had a headache. I usually did after puking. It had always been the case. "You need to breath and think about something else." I glanced up at him after wiping my chin off.

"Like what?" I questioned, accepting the bottle of room temperature water and sipping it carefully.

"Like- how proud your mother would be right now." He offered. A smile tugged at my lips at the thought. Finn knew I held my parents dear to me. We talked about them often.

"She always wanted grandkids." I agreed, the smile winning and taking over my appearance.

"Do you think she would care if the baby had a tail? Or horns?" He asked, his eyebrow raised as he took the bottle back and threw it into the car. I shook my head.

"She would love it no matter what." I agreed. Finn smiled.

"And so will we." He assured, grabbing my waist and pulling me to him. "We'll figure things out as it comes. I give you my word."


We got back into the car. Nik putting on music to help distract me as his hand laid peacefully on my thigh.

It was a quick drive to the hospital where I had my appointment with Dr. Greyson. Elijah had mentioned that many community pages said that male OBGYNs were much more gentler than women. Of course the others were on edge with the thoughts of a man touching their mate.


But once I assured them that Dr. Greyson wouldn't even be looking down there today, they sighed in relief. I just had an ultrasound scheduled for today. So the ultrasound tech would be the one in charge. And 97% of the time those were women.

Kol tried to get me a wheelchair when we got there for god know what reason. He was talking about how it was to make sure I wouldn't fall and get hurt- but he was quickly shot down by me and Finn.

Elijah took my hand and led me to the elevator where we all cramed into it. Nik stepped in between Finn and I and grabbed my other hand.

"You've been hogging her." Was his snip when Finn went to argue.

"Hey, Elijah?" I spoke up as the elevator moved up the floors. Elijah looked down at me, eyebrow raised for me to speak. "Remind me to only bring one of you for my appointments." He snorted, shaking his head. Like he was already thinking that wouldn't happen.

I let out a sigh of relief once the doors opened on the fourth floor. I felt like I had my own guard detail as I was surrounded by my mates walking into the waiting room.

There were couples there. Kids there. The adults looked at us oddly. Their eyes trying to figure out who I was like I was someone special. But some people gave me a dirty look. A look that knew I didn't know who my baby daddy was.

I felt small. So small. My hands holding tighter to Nik and Elijah as my anxiety began to really set in. Kol read the room and glared at some of the people before stepping in front of me.

"Come on, babymama. Lets get you signed in." He grabbed my hand from Nik and pulled me away from them as they sat down.

"Hello." The woman in pink scrubs behind the desk said cheerfully. She seemed like a lovely woman- or like someone who was hyped up on one too many cans of redbull. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes. Under Octavia Yorker." I spoke in a low whisper as I leaned in. I could still feel the eyes of strangers on me.

"Ah! Right on time. I'll just need you to go on into the bathroom beyond those doors and pee in this cup. Theres a small two way door by the mirror for you to deposit it through. Make sure to write your name on it." Her eyes went to Kol. "And if your husband could fill out this paperword for you, I'm sure we can get you back there as soon as possible." She handed Kol a clipboard with a pink pen that had the hospital name and number on it.

I nodded, accepting the cup from her and releasing Kol's hand hesitantly. His hand made contact with my back assuringly before moving away to sit with the guys.

I went ahead beyond the double doors, finding the bathroom and doing what I was told. Thankful that Elijah had been pushing the tea so much since I had no problem peeing. I was more afraid of overfilling the cup than anything.

Washing my hands, I left the bathroom and made my way back to the waiting room. Kol was sitting in the middle of the guys, working on the clipboard as they discussed the answers.

I moved to stand in front of them as Kol glanced up with a troubled look.

"This is too hard." He huffed as I rolled my eyes and laughed. Taking the clipboard from him to see he had actually filled in the majority of it. But the family history was blank.

Questions about what ran on my side of the family. Like heart disease, various cancers and autism. Next was questions of when was my last appointment to get a pap smear. I could see how Kol would be struggling.

Letting out a sigh, I went to sit down to try my best at filling it out. Thankful that I did know quite a bit of my family history.

"Ms. Yorker?" I looked up to see a nurse smiling in my direction. "I can take you back now." I smiled in return, standing up as did the guys. She frowned at first before shrugging her shoulders.

I wonder if this happened often.

"I just need to get your weight and blood pressure real quick before we go back. Are you comfortable answering some questions with your- friends?" She held a lot of questioning in the word friends. Not understanding who they were to me.

"Um, yeah. Go on."

"Alright!" She clicked away on her computer as I had a seat in a small nook in the hallway. There were several nooks with scales and computers in each. "Have you been intimate with more than one person?"

First question just had to be that. Kol had his lips puckered as he tried to keep from laughing, Elijah elbowed him harshly.

"Yes." I chose to keep the answers brief. I felt embarrassed. Was this a normal thing? Was I going to be judged? This is why I hated going to the Gyno. It was just too much.

"Don't worry. This isn't to judge you." She smiled my way, noticing the freaked out look on my face. "This is just so we have an idea of what to look for and to keep in mind."

I nodded at her, relaxing a bit.

"Do you know who the father is by chance? Or are you wanting to have a parental test done?"

"I um-"

"We don't care who the father is." Nik spoke up. "We just want to make sure everything is healthy and that Octavia gets through it safely." The nurse smiled at Nik, enjoying the affection that he clearly had for me.

"Good. The test is a bit dangerous, so we normally wouldn't recommend it unless you really wanted it." She filled in. Her fingers clicking along. "Any nausea or anything? Its common for morning sickness around the end of the first trimester."

"Loads." Kol spoke up, grimacing. I snorted at his face before nodding.

"I can see about having Dr. Greyson prescribing you something if its more than average." She informed before moving away from the computer. "Can you stand on the scale for me?" I nodded, getting up and stepping onto the scale. I watched the nurse move the weights around before nodding. I glanced at the numbers. 147 pounds. It was a healthy weight for my height.

She began to check my blood pressure, nodding with a smile as she counted the pulse.

"You are quite healthy. Let me take you to the ultrasclound room then." I stood back up, following her down several halls before stopping in front of the door. The guys standing behind me ad we all filed in. "Bethany will be right in. Shes going to be performing your vaginal Ultrasound. If you could undress from the waist down and cover with this on the table." She handed me a paper covering before leaving the room.

I turned to the guys, raising my brow at them. Nik and Kol snorted as Finn and Elijah turned around.

"We've all seen you naked and screaming, love. This isn't something to be shy of." Nik smirked, waiting for me to undress.

"Its respect, Nik." I told him sternly. Eyeing him intensely befor ehe growled and turned around. Finn reached over and grabbed Kol, forcing him to turn.

I moved quick in undressing before getting on the table-examine chair and covering myself with the paper.

"Im decent." I muttered as they all turned back around. Kol was frowning, clearly upset he didn't get a show. A knock on the door sounded before a new person entered. A woman in her mid thirties in bright pink scrubs smiled at me.

"Octavia Yorker? Ready to see your baby?" She questioned. I smiled back, nodding. "Great! Just need to get the lights." She got the lights before approaching me. Stopping at the table and preparing the wand. I swallowed harshly as I eyed it. I've taken bigger, but it was still intimidating. "I'll be gentle. But you might feel a pinch." She informed me as she took a seat in front of me. She looked under the cover once before she began to insert the wand. Her eyes moving to look at the montor in front of her. The screen was projected onto the wall so we could all see.

I cringed as she moved the wand to the side. It didn't technically hurt, but it was definitely uncomfortable.

My mind stopped thinking as an image came into view on the screen.

"There you are!" She smiled as she hit a key on her computer. Taking photos and measurements of the tiny dot like thing. It wasn't much to look at. Not much at all. "I'd say you are about.... 12weeks along." She guessimated. Her eyes on the screen.

The guys were all quiet as they watched the image on the wall. Finn and Kol were glowing with excitement and pride. Nik and Elijah looking happy and content. I felt a small tear alide down my cheek at the view of my mates being so happy.

"It's still too early to definitely hear the heartbeat, but I can see if we can find it." She told them as she moved the wand a bit before clicking some keys on her computer. A soft fluttering sound filled the room. Fast and light. "Your baby has a good heartbeat. 167 bpm." She explained as she typed it in.

My heart seemed to swell as I heard the flutter of my babys heartbeat. Elijah was right. It was like wings fluttering quickly. My little cherub. I reached up and wiped the tears that had escaped pulled Finn's attention from the picture, before he walked over to ne and grabbed my hand. A smile on his face.

"I'll print these and give you all some time to enjoy the view." The tech spoke as she moved to remove the wand and handed me the box of tissues to clean myself up. She hit some keys before leaving the room.

"There really is a baby in there." Kol muttered as he stared at the picture before he turned to me with a grin that could rival a child who had just got told he was going to Disney World. "You have given us so much- and now this?" He leaned down, kissing me.

"I would do anything for you guys. Even if I do have to throw up for months, have my bladder squeezed and birth a 6 to 10lb baby at the end." I laughed. Kol laughed with me as Nik and Elijah joined us. This was what Finn meant. Magic.

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