《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LII: Trepidation


Trepidation. Thats what hesring that voice in my head caused me. Dread. Fear. My hands clasped tightly together to distract myself from the small voice.

"So what are you exactly, love? Cause I have never seen something like you before." Enzo questioned as the small voice was beginning to chant in my head.

You killed all of those people. They had families. You killed them. You're a monster-

"Vee?" Kol's voice pulled my attention, causing me to look up alert. His concern in his eyes showing he knew something was off with me. I wonder if he thought I was a monster as well. "You alright, sweetheart?" He questioned carefully, eyes darting to Enzo before looking back at me.

"I'm okay.. just tired I guess. Sorry did you say something earlier?" My head turned to look at Enzo in the backseat who looked like he was intruding on a moment. Guilty.

You are guilty. You should drown like your ancestors.

"I asked what you were. I don't know many creatures who have glorious wings like that." He repeated. I smiled at him.

"I'm a Siren." I informed simply. Enzo tilted his head slightly.

"I thought Sirens were Mermaids." He hummed, looking like he was trying to piece together the information in his head.

"Greek Mythology Sirens are birds." Kol muttered in an all knowing tone. He clearly did not enjoy Enzo being in the car with us. Not that I could blame him, Kol was very possessive just like my other mates.

"Ah, maybe I should read up on the Greek Mythology then. Maybe find myself a nice Siren to bed." Enzo winked at me causing a growl to rumble from Kol.

"Octavia is the only Siren alive." Kol growled. His glaring brown eyes piercing through Enzo in the rear view mirror.

"Pity." Enzo huffed, not even minding the angry original in the driver seat. It was like this man had little to fear. But I suppose living in a laboratory would take away many fears. "You can drop me off here, don't think I want to meet your other mates when you're all bloody and such." Enzo smirked as Kol gladly pulled over.


"You sure? You're more than welcomed to stay with us- we have a large house." I offered, ignoring the look Kol was sending me. Enzo chuckled, shaking his head.

"Lovely offer, but I prefer my dead heart to be kept inside my chest for a while longer." Enzo chimed causing me to laugh. He was right. If my mates were home, they would not be pleased with a strange man living with us. Especially a man who was flirtatious and easy on the eyes as Enzo was.


Kol wasted no time in speeding off towards the house after Enzo stepped out of the car.

"Now will you tell me what that was back there?" Kol asked, his eyes steady on the road ahead.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, picking at a small hangnail, avoiding any eye contact. I knew what he was asking. But I didnt know for sure what even was happening myself.

"You were pale and looking about two seconds from a panic attack." Kol explained, knowingly. I glanced up at him with a small sigh.

"I- the voice is back." I mumbled, looking back at the small hangnail. My hands were still bloody from the killing, but the blood was more like a stain than a dry crust bit I could just peel off.

"The voice? Wait the voice you heard before driving off a cliff??" Kol questioned in a harsh tone, pulling off to the side of the road. He was about to freak out on me. I felt it.

"I'm okay, Kol. Just- it came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting it was all." Kol shook his head at me.

"Why now?" He asked, seemingly more to himself. "What was it saying?" He questioned as his eyes scanned over me.

"It's nothing-" I was stopped as Kol grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. His heated gaze had softened tremendously.

"Don't lie to me." He demanded in a soft tone.

"It said I was a monster. That I murdered people who probably have families.." My voice came out in such a whisper, that if Kol wasn't a vampire, I knew he wouldn't of heard me. His eyes harden a bit. Looking like he was angry, but he held it in.


"Listen to me." He told me carefully. "You are Not a monster. Those people had been torturing innocent creatures for so many years- who knows if they've possibly turned humans into vampires as well." Kol spoke like he was trying to prevent a toddler from crying. He was coming off so sweet and protective. "Besides, if anyones a monster in this relationship, its your mates. But definitely not you."

I smiled at him softly, nodding a bit as he moved his hand from my chin. Moving his hand to cup my cheek before leaning towards me and kissing me. It wasn't lust filled or a way to claim me. It was nothing but a sweet, calming kiss. One you would expect from your date after walking you to your door.


Getting home didn't take long, especially since we weren't too far from where we had pulled off to talk. Kol held my hand the rest of the way, as if to keep me from floating off into my thoughts.

When we pulled into the driveway I noticed something new. A car sat in the driveway and Elijah was standing next to it.

As soon as Kol parked, I jumped out of his car. Excitement in my body at the sight of the pretty car.

"What is this??" I questioned as soon as I was near the old car. Elijah though, ignored my question as he saw me. Flashing over to me quickly and beginning to check me over.

"What happened??? Why are you covered in blood?" His eyes snapped to Kol, who was also bloody. "What the hell did you do to her?!" He demanded. I grabbed his arm quickly, stopping Elijah from attacking his baby brother.

"Lijah, calm down. Its not our blood." I told him carefully. Watching as his eyes were showing how unsure he was.

"Our little Siren wanted to play- just thought I'd have some fun as well. No big deal." Kol shrugged with a smirk. Elijah glared at Kol, before I grabbed his face and made him look at me.

"I'm fine. I promise." I told him slowly. A sigh left his lips before he leaned down and kissed me. A way of making sure I was really okay, I suppose. "Now! Tell me why this gorgeous car is in our driveway." I grinned as I pulled back from him. Elijah smiled down at me before looking at the beat up car.

"Well, I know how much the DeLorean meant to you...and it wasn't salvageable." He told me with a sad look before nodding to the 1973 Volkswagon Karmann. "I know its no where near as sentimental or even fixed up, but I thought you would like another fixer upper-" I cut him off by launching myself at him. My arms wrapping around his suited body and probably getting blood all over him.

"I love it." I mumbled against him. Elijah chuckled as he hugged me back. His face going into the crook of my neck, inhaling sharply.

"Why do you smell of another vampire?" His voice was thick in worry and anger. Eyes snapping to Kol when he released me. "Don't tell me he dragged you into a threeway." He growled, eyes glaring at Kol still who held his hands up.

"I would never!!" Kol exclaimed in defense.

"Elijah, calm down would you?!" I huffed, pulling his attention. "We rescued a Vampire a bit ago from some experimental facility, dropped him off at the grill. He never even touched me." I assured him.

Elijah looked at me, his body showed he was relieved, but his eyes showed a sterness. I knew he would punish me for snapping at him later. But gor now, I was tired.

"I need sleep-"

"Shower first." Elijah ordered, swooping me up in his arms before flashing us into the house. Thank goodness he understood how tired I was. I don't think I could handle a punishment right now.

But theres always tomorrow.

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