《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter LI: Augustine


The thing with Kol Mikaelson, was that he was extremely thorough when going on a killing spree.

I was already growing tired of playing these games. My inner Siren was pleased with the amount of kills I had already done and I was very ready for a nice hot shower and a long nap.

"Come on, Sweetheart." Kol whined slight as he came out of one of the rooms where they dissect Vampires. We had yet to find any alive. "Surely you still have a small flicker of need in there somewhere. Don't you want to rip apart one more measly soul?" He urged. He was enjoying this way more than I was at this point. But could you blame me? I had brain in my hair. Yes. Brains.

"Kol, I'm tiiiiiiired." I dragged on, emphasizing the word to make my point. Kol pouted, his bottom lip jutting out slightly as if trying to beg. "Oh, ny god. Are you trying to give me the puppy eyes??" I let out a small laugh, shaking my head at him. "Fine, lets go."

With a slight skip in his step, Kol followed me to the end of the hallway. It seemed this was where the cells were to cage the creatures in. Make them feel like they had no reason to live. Isolate them from even the experiments. It was cold and damp. No sound. Silence filling even me with dread.

I glanced at Kol, noticing he was itching a bit at the feeling. I nudged him slightly before my wings ripped their way out into display. Gold, shimmery and radiating warmth. The door to the main cellar opened to reveal a scientist, who had apparently not heard us causing chaos. His eyes widening behind his glasses at the sight of my large wings and blood splattered body.


I was sure I was a sight for sore eyes. He began to try and sputter before I rolled my eyes, stepping up to him before wrapping my wings around him. Squeezing him like a pimple.

"Remind me to tell Finn what those wings can do, yeah?" Kol remarked with a slight smirk on his lips. He seemed to be enjoying the blood splattering everywhere. Like he was truly a child in a candy shop. "Theres someone in there..." Kol muttered. His smirk shrinking before the corner of his lip went down.

I moved into the cellar, wings still expanded as I glanced around the darkened room. Bars lined up as cages. Short and cramped. Enough to hold maybe a medium sized dog, comfortably. It was disgusting how they treated their experiments.

"My, my... are you my Angel sent from above to rescue me, love?" A british accent filled the room. A growl from Kol making me roll my eyes before settling on the dark cell. My eyes focused enough to see a man curled in the corner, blood on his form, but no wounds were visible. He must have just been worked on.

"Who are you?" Kol questioned as he stepped forward, trying to push me behind him protectively. Like I hadn't just ripped a bunch of people apart with my talons and teeth.

"Lorenzo Saint John. But the lovely Angel can call me Enzo." The man winked as he stood hunched in the cell to look at me. This was entertainment for him. I could tell by his eyes. He knew I was Kol's mate. He was just pushing the line as far as he could for fun.

"Well, Enzo." I spoke up with a smile, pushing Kol back. "Are you ready to be free of this life?"


"Or we could just leave him to discate..." Kol suggested in a grumble. It was obvious, he didn't want to rescue the flirtatious man.

"Kol, open the cage." I told him, bringing my gaze to settle on him. My brow arched as he tried to push me, but he gave in easily after a moment.

"Can see who wears the pants here." Enzo snarked playfully as Kol yanked the cage door open and Enzo stepped out. Kol letting out a warning growl. Like a predator did before devouring its prey.


After Enzo had some leftover Scientist, Kol and I helped him to our car. He had no where to go, so I of course offered to bring him back to Mystic Falls with us.

Kol wasn't too happy about it, of course. Mumbling about how the others will probably want to kill the ugly croissant as well. That of course led into some argument about how Enzo wasn't ugly.

I just stayed quiet and let the boys bicker. Leaning back in my seat as I relaxed a bit. My eyes were heavy with the need to sleep

Like I had just had a feast and needed to rest it off afterwards.

But since my siren was sedated with the thrill of the kill, there was nothing left to guard my mind from the small voice in my mind. Screaming at me.

A conscious thought filling my mind with utter dread and sadness. The feeling of my heart dropping into the pits of dispair.

You are a monster.

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