《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XLIX: Two Halves to a Whole


After grocery shopping, Kol loaded up the car and we left the store. I had thought we were heading home but I slowly began to realize we were headed the opposite direction of the house.

"Kol? Where are we going?" I questioned as I glanced out the window before looking at him. A grin on his face screaming he was up to something.

"I was just thinking of your dreams- we're not too far from that place I was telling you about and I've been dying to tear them apart." Kol chimed with a gleam in his eyes as he watched the road. I frowned.

"Kol...I need to think about this, I don't think I'm ready to let go of my Siren-"

"Vee, you seriously need to just trust me." Kol told me with a frown. "If you don't do this, you would regret it. You could lose control and end up hurting a friend or some person you pretend to care about." He moved his hand to my thigh, glancing at me. "But if you don't want to do this- we'll turn around right now." He assured, squeezing my thigh slightly in a comforting way. I sucked my bottom lip in between my teeth in thought.

"Fine.. Maybe this will help me with the dreams..." I trailed off. My eyes squinting slightly in thought. "Do you think my mother killed people to fulfill her inner Siren?" I questioned slowly. My eyes meeting Kol's as he pulled into a parking spot. He sighed.

"I think your mother made mistakes before she found her footing." Kol told me carefully, turning to look at me better. "I think that she lived a very long time and had the time to find out what she could handle and what she couldn't and that's what you need to do."

"I know- it would just be so much easier if she were here." I sighed in frustration. Kol frowned, rubbing his thumb over my thigh soothingly.

"I know- do you want to just go home?" Kol offered. Understanding in his eyes. I shook my head immediately.

"N-no, I'm good. I need to do this." I nodded. It was sounding like I was pushing it, but really, I could feel the slight tingle of warmth spreading under the layers of my skin. The siren in me stirring in excitement at the thought of sinking my teeth into someone. Glancing up, I noticed where we were. "A college?"

"It's the middle of the off season and this is a secret organization." Kol explained. I stared at him a bit confused.

"How the hell do you even know about a secret organization?" Kol smirked and I instantly knew he had caused this. It was the smirk of someone who was proud of themself.

"I've been around a long time, love. They actually made this organization because of me."

"And what do they do?" I questioned, staring over at the building of bricks. My eyes focusing as if trying to see through the building, trying to see what evil they were hiding inside.


"They dissect Vampires while they are still alive." Kol's words made me snap my attention back to him. Shock written all over my face.

"You're not serious, are you?"

"I'm nothing but serious." Kol told me with a serious face before cracking a grin. "Maybe not on Wednesdays." I shook my head at him with a slight laugh. "Now, ready to be an actress for a bit?"

"Oh god- what are you planning?" Kol smirked before getting out of the car and flashing over to me. We were parked a bit away from the building, making it so that we were out of sight of anyone looking out windows. Kol pulled the door open and pulled me out of the car before slamming me against the vehicle with his body. A small surprised gasp leaving my lips at the feeling of being pressed against. "K-Kol!" I stammered in surprise. His heated brown eyes glowed in excitement as the smirk on his lips twitched.

"I need to rough you up a bit before you can get into the building." He informed me, leaning down like he was going to kiss me but when my eyes closed, his lips touched my neck. Pressing small kisses around my jugular, darting his tongue around it daringly. "You need to be bruised and bloody-" He murmured against my neck, his teeth grazing against my skin. My lips parted in excitement.

Kol gripped my hips tightly, his fingers digging into my skin.

"Kol.." A soft moan pushed his name from my lips causing him to chuckle. His hands left my hips, grabbing my wrists tightly and pushing them against the car before he let out a growl.

"Scream." He demanded before his teeth ripped into my skin. My head rolled to the side as a moan tried to leave my lips but I pushed out a scream to cover it up. Kol dug his fangs in deeper at hearing the underlining moan. I could feel the warm liquid that flowed freely from the wound. He was being messy on purpose. Although, Kol was messy either way.

His fingers tightened around my wrists. I could feel the blood clotting under his hands as the bruises were forming under his grip. His hand left one of my wrists, grabbing at the side of my throat as he drank from me. The scream that was leaving my throat faded as my vision darkened a bit, not like the way it did when I was human- this was more from excitement and pleasure, not blood loss.

Kol froze as his teeth were ripped from my neck. My body staggering slightly as he was shoved away from me and arms grabbed me.

"Shh- I got you." A man's voice breathed as the stranger held me against him and helped me into the college building. I closed my eyes as I let out some shaky breaths to play the part of a victim of a vampire. I knew whatever had happened to Kol that he would be okay. He's an original and no one here would know that.


"Th-that was a Vam-vampire!" I exclaimed in a false panic filled voice. My eyes flooding with fearful tears. The man helped me to a chair, sitting me down gently.

"It's okay. I took care of it." The man looked at me, his eyes scanning my neck and analyzing the bite that was streaming with blood. "Let me get the first aid kit. Just breath." He told me. I looked him over as he stood up and left the room for a moment. I could feel the claws of the siren trying to push itself to the surface. Flexing my fingers as I fought back the talons that tried to break free.

The man came back with a white first aid box. I moved my hands to hide the fact that my nails were growing longer.

"I'm glad I found you when I did-" The man muttered as he opened the box and grabbed what looked to be an antiseptic wipe of some sort. "I'm Dr. Wes Maxfield. Can you tell me your name?" He asked as he moved to clean the blood up from my neck.

"Octavia-" I cut myself off as I felt my teeth change. The sound of Wes' heart beating in his chest cavity was like the song of a siren from the myth. Was this the truth behind it all? The blood pumping through his body was singing a soft tune to my inner siren- begging for it to rip into his skin and release it. My breathing picked up at the thought. My hands shaking as I tucked them under my arms, hiding the talons that were dying to be soaked in his blood.

"What the-" My eyes looked down as I felt his gaze on my neck, the antiseptic wipe rubbing against the spot that was bloody still. But the pain was gone. "How-" I snapped my eyes up at him as warmth spread throughout my body. My eyes felt more focused as I watched the panic filter onto his face at the realization of the danger he had just been put in. "I didn't invite you in." He spoke, more so assuring himself.

"No. You didn't." I clarified as I stared at his eyes. They were darting around to find a way to get away- or maybe to find a way to subdue me. His skin paling and sweat glistening over the worry lines he probably didn't notice. He moved quickly, standing to his feet and running to a shelf. My lips involuntarily twitched into a smirk as I stood up and tilted my head slightly to the side in amusement. "What's wrong Doctor?" I asked with a false worry as I walked up to him and he turned with a needle in his hand. Probably with vervain.

"I didn't invite you in." He repeated, trying to expel me with his mind it seemed.

"Boring." I whined with a slight echo in my voice. My siren was in control partially. I didn't even know it would be like this. Like I was two different people, intertwining in one body. I felt like I was moving through a cloud. Like a high- it felt good. I let out a slight laugh as he stabbed my arm with the needle, watching as nothing happened. His face paling even more. My hand shot out, talons extended before slashing at his chest. Blood splattering all over my body and face.

With a thud, his body fell to the ground. But my eyes were set on my hand. Dark red liquid dripping from the long talons on my fingers. My lips parted as I admired the dark glistening liquid. A high pitched scream broke me from my focus, making me look up to see a woman staring at me in horror. She made a run for it, trying to run out the building but stopping when Kol stood on the other end of the door.

"Help!! H-he's- she killed him!" The woman screamed out in panic, rushing into Kol's arms. Probably not noticing the blood dripping down his chin from when he 'roughened' me up. "Come in and help him, please!" She cried. I stood in the doorway, watching as this woman seeked help from my mate. Kol glanced up at me, his already dark eyes-darkening in excitement and lust as he noticed the splatter of blood over me.

"Did you say come in?" Kol repeated with a smirk. "Well- if you insist." His eyes looked at me once more before he aggressively ripped into her throat with his fangs. Her screams muffled by his hand before she stilled from the violent attack. Her body landing to the ground with a thud. I don't think I had ever been so turned on in my life as I stared at Kol. His foot stepping over her body and into the house. "I feel that was a bit too easy." He muttered as he met my gaze. "You look to of had some fun?" He questioned before grabbing my hips in a possessive matter.

"Hmm a bit. He did try to stab me with vervain though." I told him. Kol raised an eyebrow before leaning towards me, dragging his tongue along my cheek. I could hear a sizzle from the vervain in the doctors blood burning Kol's tongue slightly, but he seemed more turned on by it as his fingers dug into my hips and pulled me into him.

"It's like eating sour candy..." Kol smirked before kissing my lips. "Shall we?" I nodded with a grin, displaying my sharp teeth.

"Of course."

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