《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XLVIII: Inner Demons


A month went by in calm tranquility. Nothing major happening, only Nik needing to leave for a week for some reason. Apparently he has a place in New Orleans that was calling his name. I found it thoughtful that he had asked me for permission before leaving, even if he didn't need to.

Elijah had decided to go with him, something about making sure Niklaus didn't do something stupid while he was gone. That we all agreed with, except Nik. Nik took it offensively.

Finn and Kol were still at the house with me. Finn slept next to me every night, refusing to give up his spot in the bed. He had grown used to waking up to my wings wrapped around the both of us. He claimed that waking up in a tight embrace of warmth is the best feeling in the world and refuses to share the feeling with any of his brothers.

Kol is the only one that's extremely jealous of it. He has taken to waking Finn up every morning super early with new methods. Once he actually came bursting into the room claiming some woman named Sage was in the Foyer. The panic in Finn's face was evident. I had no idea who Sage was, but I was thinking I didn't really want to know.

"Where are you going?" I jumped as I had been about to sneak out of the house. We needed some grocery's and I hadn't really left since the accident. Turning around, a smile forced to my lips to hide my obviousness. Kol had his arms crossed as he looked at me as if I was a teenager sneaking off to a party.

"We-uh needed some things from the Grocery store." I told him with a slight shrug. Kol grinned, reaching out and grabbing the car keys from my hand.

"Oh good! I was wanting to get out for a bit." He said before moving to open the door for me. I sighed, walking out the door as he held it open for me. "Don't be so gloomy, love. Maybe I'll feel you up in the baby aisle or something." Kol flirted, his hand smacking my ass before he closed the door behind us. I let out a squeal of surprise before moving out of the way of his hand trying to grope me.


"What are you doing?!" I laughed. Kol grinned before walking next to me.

"Can't I get fresh with my soulmate?"

"Fresh?" I repeated with a raised eyebrow. "You've been watching too many 80s movies." I shook my head at him.

"Actually, I moved on to 90s. Not as great as the 80s, but definitely good still."


The drive was filled with Kol talking about Heath Ledger and Freddy Prince Jr. Trying to figure out who was the biggest Heart Throb of the 90s. I made a joke that Kol talked about men more than I thought about them and that was what turned the conversation from fun to nagging. Kol now wanted to know what men I was thinking about and why I wasn't thinking about him.

In all honesty, I wasn't really thinking of men. I thought about the dreams I had been having recently. Now don't freak out. Mikael wasn't in them. Instead it was only me- and my inner siren clawing its way out. The skin of innocents being ripped apart with my teeth and blood splattering everywhere. I almost thought it was Kol's dream filtering into my mind. A new way of making us wake up. But nope. It was mine.

"Sweetheart?" Kol questioned, pulling my focus back to him as we walked around the store. I hummed at him in response as he pushed the cart, leaning against the handle on his forearms. "What's on your mind? We've been walking around for about twenty minutes and you have yet to pick anything up." I glanced to the cart to see the only thing in it was a bag of Hi-Chews that Kol picked up for himself.

"Sorry- I've just been trying to figure out more about my dreams." Kol stood up straighter at the word dreams which I quickly calmed him down. "Not like those. I haven't had anymore dreams with Mikael lately. It's like the Siren is fighting him off." I clarified. Kol let out a sigh of relief.

"So what kind of dreams are you having then? Death and blood? Or are we talking some kind of dream realm like teen girls do now a days?" Kol joked, but once he noticed my look of disdain he frowned. "Which one is it?"


"Death and blood." I sighed. "I don't know why, but lately I've been dreaming of my siren side taking control and going on a killing spree." I explained to him as we walked down the produce department again. I reached out and grabbed some asparagus.

"Sounds like the dreams I've been having my whole life." Kol chirped as I weighed a bag of red table grapes. He reached out and grabbed a grape from the bag before plopping it into his mouth. "So what? Your siren is wanting to come out to play for a bit?"

"You make it sound like its that easy." I mumbled as I slapped his hand away from the grapes in the cart. "I never saw my mom struggling with the need to rip human skin apart and roll around in their blood." Kol paused in his step, looking at me with a glimmer of excitement in his brown eyes. It was similar to that glimmer that children held when they were given money at a toy store.

"I see nothing wrong with that." Kol admitted in a slightly dreamy tone.

"Of course not, I'm speaking to my chaotic soulmate not the logical one." I huffed causing Kol to pout at me. "Sorry-"

"No, you're right. I'm not the logical one, but I do know that restraining your true nature won't end good." He explained before picking up a large watermelon. "In the end you will lose control like how Finn or Elijah have at one point. Or you could be like Klaus and I, let go and revel in your inner self. Become one with your inner demon and enjoy the thrill of it all." I stared at him a bit shocked at how right he was. "Yeah, that's right. I can be the logical one sometimes. Just don't tell the others."

"So you're saying I should go on a killing spree?" I questioned a bit shocked he would encourage me to go kill random people. Kol shook his head.

"Not completely. Maybe find a place of bad people- wouldn't want your conscious to make you regret it forever." I smiled at him, nodding. "I actually know of a place that could be perfect for us to have a little fun- if you're up for it at least." I raised my eyebrow at him.

"How do you know of a place of bad people?"

"I have been around a very long time, sweetheart." Kol smirked before walking us to the baby aisle. "Now I believe I promised to feel you up in this aisle-" I let out a squeal as his hands moved to my ass, squeezing and pulling me into his chest.

"Kol!! We're in public!" I exclaimed, laughing as his lips were on my neck. Kissing and biting at my skin playfully.

"You didn't care at that diner." He muttered against me with a small rumble of a chuckle. "And I can't break my word." He added. I shoved him away, giggling as an old lady walked pass us with a small glare in her eyes. Obviously not enjoying the PDA Kol was trying to display in a public place, or maybe because we were in the baby aisle and he was trying to make a baby with me.

"Not here- I don't need old lady's thinking I'm whoring myself off in the grocery store." Kol glanced at the retreating old lady before rolling his eyes.

"Well then let's go to a nursing home or something." He suggested, pulling me back to him. "Bet they don't get entertainment often." He playful smirked at me before leaning down and kissing me. I could already see how this day was going to be long.

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