《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XLIII: Golden


Do you remember the day you were born? The day you saw the light in the world for the first time. Opening your eyes to such a bright light that you probably thought you were about to die. The cold air hitting your sensitive skin that once laid so snug inside your mothers womb. Being able to stretch your arms out without being held in place- or your legs.

The first moment you hear your mother and fathers calming voice. Whether they be overcome with tears of joy or just soothing to the ear. Absorbing your mothers heat when you lay on her chest or get snuggled into a blanket for the first time.

It's magical. The feeling. The memory. I remember it.

The first steps I took into my moms arms- well, towards my moms arms. I had ended up walking to the plate of cookies on the table next to her.

The first words I uttered- Hi and Bye.

The first food I tasted or the first smell I welcomed into my nose.

The first time my father called me his Little Birdie. It makes sense now.

The first time my mother warned me away from the lake that connected our neighbors yards to ours.

The memories were just pouring into my senses. Like a gold light flood through my body. My mind. But the memories didn't stop there. I watched as the sirens dived into the black water after failing their mission. I watched as my mother snuck away, pulling her golden wings into her body. I watched as she guided many- meeting my mates and meeting Stefan. I watched when she met my father and how her expression changed the day I was born.

She always knew. She knew who I would be destined with.

My eyes snapped open as my body filled with extreme heat- not uncomfortable.. but welcoming. My eyes looking around to see nothing but darkness. Confused, I tried to move. Golden feathers sparkled in the dark, separating which caused me to flinch in surprise. Feathers? A whine from my side caused me to flinch again in surprise. The feathers pulling apart in the middle to let the light shine in.


"Octavia?" I snapped my eyes over to spot Finn standing from his spot in a corner chair. A whine from next to me sounded pulling my eyes to see a wolf- Nik. The door opened to reveal Elijah and Kol standing there.

"You're awake?" Elijah questioned, taking slow and cautious steps towards me.

"I am?" I questioned in return, clearing my throat of it's raspiness. I swear my voice sounded slightly off. Like the tone of it was tuned more. I felt movement around me, jerking my head to the side to see large golden wings pulling in towards me. My eyes wide in fear as I tried to move away from them.

"Calm down-" Finn tried but I shrieked at the wings before I felt someone grab me as I about fell off the bed. My eyes meeting ocean blue eyes.

"Relax, love." Nik whispered as he pulled me to him back onto the bed.

"I-what happened?" I questioned, my voice showing the confusion I was feeling. Kol walked over, and his hand was reaching out petting the golden wings that I now understood were coming from me.

"God, so pretty." Kol admired.

"You were in an accident, Octavia." Elijah spoke up. My eyes snapping from Kol to him. "Do you remember that?" Elijah asked making his way to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I called you." I clarified. Elijah nodded. "And you saved me?"

"We came for you." Elijah corrected, reaching out and grabbing my hand. I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering the accident.

"There was a voice- so loud. It was so loud- louder than it was before-" I shook my head as I felt the hot tears flowing out of my eyes. The memory was so dark and strong. "I'm a monster." I glanced at the wings as they pulled away from Kol quickly and embraced around me. My hand pulled away from Elijah in fear of hurting him as I noticed what looked to be talons.


"You are NOT a monster." Nik huffed from next to me. His eyes flashing an angry yellow.

"You are our Queen- remember?" Elijah reminded. I looked at him, he remained so calm. It calmed me instantly. "You could never be a monster."

"The voice-"

"The voice was wrong." Finn assured me as he sat on the other side of the bed. His eyes showing he understood what I meant. Like he had heard the same voice once before. One that broke him down and made him not want to be who he was. "Do you still hear the voice, Octavia?" He asked, his hand laying on the bed near my legs. I sat there for a moment before shaking my head.

"Not right now." Finn smiled.

"Maybe your siren is pushing it away?" I shrugged. Kol's hand went under my chin, making me look at him. His brown eyes admiring how I looked. Did I change my looks?

"Gosh you are so beautiful." Kol admired, his eyes meeting mine. I tried to move from his hand from he held me firmly. I could see my reflection in his heated gaze. My eyes were different- my teeth. I flinched away from him. Shaking my head.

"No- no no no." I shook my head as I muttered. My wings pulling close to me before pulling into my back. The sound of what seemed to be my spine snapping around. My mates stared at me as I closed my eyes tightly. A hand stroking my cheek pulled me to snap my eyes back open. Kol smiling at me.

"Still Beautiful." He whispered. I smiled as I noticed my reflection was back to normal. No blue eclipse eyes- no razor sharp teeth. Just...me. I sighed, smiling more.

"Are you hungry, sweetheart?" Finn asked as he stood up. I nodded. My stomach felt incredibly empty- probably from the tree that had gone through me...


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