《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XL: History of Sirens


Every story you find on the internet or in books will tell you the same story if not a close comparison. The story of the Siren women, half bird- half women, cursed to sing to the sailors of the waters. Bringing them to their death. Usually a gruesome death of being torn apart by the Sirens' teeth or their ship hitting a group of rigid rocks and sinking the ship so they drown.

But once the sailors got away without death meeting them. The sirens had seen it like they failed their only life purpose. Scoring into the rippling tides of the black water. Drowning as their feathers became too wet to come back up for air. What was meant as a punishment- turned into a life sentence.

But one did get away. Nerifa. She wasn't like her sisters. She didn't pride herself in the killing of the humans who sailed the dark seas. The others had always called her the dreamer amongst them. The one who dreamed of something more than some game they all played. Love. Family. Life.

Nerifa wanted more than anything to build something for herself. So the night her sisters all plunged into the dark waters, never to return, she left. Pulling her wings close to her and keeping hidden through time. The last known Siren to ever exist. Avoiding her life normalities. She lived a long life of helping others. Helping them through hard times and solving their problems.

Soon, Nerifa wasn't know as the Last Siren in the world. She was known as the Mother figure she begged to become. Her loving hands encouraging the world around her to grow and flourish. Meeting special people like Stefan Salvatore. She helped him originally with his hunger- teaching him her ways. She still had a hunger deep within her- just like he does. To use her sharp teeth to rip through the skin of her victims. But she never did.


Eventually, Nerifa had changed her name. Becoming Vanessa Miller. Finding love and building that family she always had wanted. Marrying her true love, Terrance Yorker. Having three children. Only one ever showing the signs of the Sirens. Terrance knew his wife's secret, she was honest with him as soon as she had trusted him. He would always call her his canary. Saying her voice itself was like a song. Graceful and beautiful.

The day they had found out that their little Octavia was a siren- they didn't know what to do. Nerifa feared that Octavia would end up like her sisters all those years ago. So she ended up telling her to keep away from the water. Making up about some monster that will drag her into the deepest of the shadows and drown her.

There was only one frightful day when Octavia did in fact rebel and go into the water. If it wasn't for Terrance, they would have lost her forever.

That wasn't even when things were interesting. Sirens can sense the supernatural soulmates. Nerifa could sense her daughters soulmates. She knew who was destined to be with her daughter. So she sought them out.

The day she had met Niklaus Mikaelson was not a day she would soon forget. He was a handsome fella with a mean temper and trusted no one. But once Nerifa had told him of knowing his soulmate- well that didn't really change his mind at all. Niklaus was a dreadful person to try and speak to unless you had proof of what he wanted. Nerifa didn't want him to have her daughter yet. It wasn't her time.

This only pushed Niklaus to become angered and more short tempered. But Elijah came to Nerifa's rescue. Allowing her to explain who she was and who her daughter is. Elijah and Niklaus both listened, feeling warmth at Octavia's name alone. They wanted her. Needed her. Now. But they agreed with Nerifa that she needed time still.


They were shocked to hear that their soulmate would be sought after. How unique she was and it only thrilled them more. Elijah had begun research on the Sirens immediately. Gathering all the knowledge he could get to. Niklaus was more so taming his enemies. Finding a way to protect their soulmate without her knowing. An Army. That was the true reason he wished to create his hybrid army. To protect what was his.

Once Kol and Finn were waken up- they wanted nothing more than to kill Niklaus for his treachery. Feeling betrayed for being locked up for so many years. But Elijah stopped them- telling them of their shared Soulmate. Octavia Yorker. Her identity alone brightened their day. Made the anger for their brother completely perish.

They all couldn't wait to meet their soulmate. To feel complete finally after all of these years. The Mikaelson brothers all agreed not to tell Octavia of what she is- although Finn did not agree. It was too dangerous for her to find out. The amount of enemies after her was already a large amount because of who they are. But of course, being the last of something makes you even more sought after.

Sirens were known for having enemies. The art of seduction causing them to get whatever they wanted. Sirens were useful to those who wanted things. So basically, useful to everyone.

So, the Mikaelson's worked on keeping their mate's identity a secret from others and herself.

But now that Octavia knew who she was- what she was. What enemies would lurk in the shadows? They all wondered just how safe they could keep their beloved mate without unleashing her Siren side of her. It had seemed that no matter what solution they could think of.. it would always lead to the same result.


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