《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter XXXVIII: Pain and Betrayal


This theory always made me curious how my main form would have looked. Having four mates made me different. Even in the modern world, mates usually came to two people. Sometimes three. But I was shared between four. A lot of people thought it was greedy of me. To trap four supernatural beings to myself. Some were jealous, others were just annoyed. But my father- he was always telling me how special I was.

'This just shows how much love you deserve. You deserve the world, birdie. The world just doesn't deserve you.'

My father was always trying to tell me how the world didn't deserve me and my sass. Or how I was meant for bigger and better things. How I would learn to fly in no time. Or how I would sore through lifetimes of excitement and adventure. I never understood what he meant before though. Til now...

I jolted awake as I felt a breeze hitting my face. Looking around I noticed I was outside. Which was odd since I was just in Nik's room sleeping. It had been a few weeks, longer than I had spent with any of the guys. Elijah and Kol were still not back and Finn brought food up, knowing I would not want to depart with Nik since we waited the longest. Apparently the urge and pull lasts longer the longer you wait. Who knew.. Back to here, now. Where was I?

I looked around to take in my surroundings, seeing I was in the middle of the woods like I was had ended up in my last dream. But I saw no one here with me. Which frightened me a bit.

"Octavia?" I jumped as I turned around quickly. My eyes landing on Nik standing behind me confused. I had never been here with someone other than Mikael, so I was completely confused on what was happening right now. "I entered your mind when you started to move around in your sleep." He explained easily. I nodded, not caring that he had entered my mind without permission. I couldn't blame him too much since he could probably wake me up knowing what was happening. "Where are we?"


"If it's where I was before, the house is just that way a few miles." I said, pointing to a random direction. I wasn't completely sure if it was the right direction though if I was being honest. I had no idea where I was truly. It was completely possible that this wasn't where I was before.

"That's not the right direction- Found yourself a smart one, boy." I closed my eyes as chills ran down my spine at the mans voice. Nik pulled me to him protectively.

"What do you want with her?" Nik growled, his arm wrapped tightly around my waist.

"Haven't you heard? Everyone on the other side is wanting this disastrous creature gone." Mikael admitted, his arms waving around a bit in exaggeration. "First her mother and now she's the only one left."

I looked at him a mixture of fury and confusion swirling inside of me.

"You know what I am??" I asked in a demanding tone. Mikael looked at me with his amused blue eyes. Laughter in his expression.

"It seems the only person who doesn't know who you are is you, my dear." Mikael taunted. "But your song is nearly over. Even without your dreams- someone is working extremely hard to shoot down the little birdie." Nik growled before I pieced it all together.

"You know what I am..." I whispered, my head turning to look up at Nik. Nik closed his eyes, not wanting to meet my gaze. Not wanting to show that this evil man was right. "Nik.." I spoke more clearly as I peeled myself out of his arms. "What am I, Nik?" I asked him in a soft tone. His eyes snapped to mine. His blue ocean like eyes swirling in conflict and pain. He was hurting because he kept this from me. Did the others know as well? Was it a running joke between them all?

You cannot trust them.


"Octavia..I'm sorry-"

"What am I?" I repeated in a thick tone. My throat was struggling to keep the tears down.

"A Siren." Nik told me.

"The last Siren to ever exist." Mikael added before flashing over to grab me. I gasped as his arms grabbed a hold of me and Nik let out a deep growl. "And after my friend gets to you. None will exist."


I jerked awake as Nik shook me. My eyes snapping open and my body moving away from Nik quickly. I felt betrayed. He knew. They all did. Nik looked at me, a sheet wrapped around his lower half. His eyes full of regret and pain.

"Octavia.." I shook my head at him. My hand raised to stop him from talking.

"No. You don't get to talk now. You kept this from me. How long?" I asked him, I was yanking a shirt on as I spoke. Not wanting to wear his shirt, but having nothing else other than my dress from a few weeks ago. "How long!?"

"Since before we met you." Nik rushed out. The bedroom door opened and Finn stood in the doorway. A look of knowing in his eyes. I let out a pained laugh, shaking my head.

"You knew too...didn't you?" Finn nodded slowly.

"I wanted to tell you." Finn admitted. But at the moment with the betrayal fresh, I couldn't tell if he was being honest or just trying to make me not mad at him. He went to walk towards me, but I gave him a look which made him stop.


"Don't call me that." I snapped, looking over to Nik. He inhaled sharply in pain. "Why? Why was this so important to keep from me?" I asked, my question directed at Finn.

"Sirens are powerful. But also sought after. We were afraid if you knew then others would know and come after you." Finn explained. I let out a snort of dry laughter.

"Lot of help that did. I'm the only fool in the room. And what did it get you?"

A broken heart.

"Octavia.. Please let us fix this. We'll tell you everything." Nik offered. Like he was negotiating with me. Like he knew I was planning to leave him. I could sense the fear in him. In both of them.

"Not much good it'll do you now." I muttered, walking towards the door, Finn turned sideways to let me pass. Knowing not to push me right at this moment. His hand instinctively reaching out for me, but he stopped it. Like he knew not to. I walked past him feeling the pain running through my body before I ran to my room, slamming the door shut behind me and locking it.

I could hear the hush voices in the room down the hall. Probably Nik explaining what happened. Or maybe he called Kol and Elijah. Who knows. I don't care though. I felt hurt. I grabbed my little gym bag that I came to town with and started to push some clothes into it. I had to get out of here. I had to gather my thoughts. Figure out what I am without them. I'm a siren.. What the hell does that even mean? I don't even know how to swim. Hell, I have been terrified of water since I nearly drowned as a child.

Sirens are-were mermaids...right? Singing their song to lure the pirates to crash to their death. I glanced in the mirror as I pulled a pair of jeans on. I had no scales. No tail. I don't understand.

But I will. On my own.

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