《Aphrodisiac ✔️(mikaelson soulmate)》Chapter IX: First Dates


The one thing I could get used to living here- the bed. It was like a dream come true. After my little rendezvous with Niklaus, I slept all night. Sadly, though. I was woken by someone entering my room. Small steps that walked over to my bed slowly before coming to a halt. I refused to peek my eyes open until something had jumped on me. A loud gasp leaving my mouth as I tried to push them off of me.

"Rise 'n shine, Darlin'! I made you breakfast!" Kol blurted into the blankets. I let out an annoyed whine. Trying to shove him off of me the best I could. Kol ended up falling off the bed. But with Kol- went the blankets. I tried to grab the blanket back as soon as I felt the breeze. Realizing my mistake when I had decided to go straight to bed after Nik's punishment. Kol stood up, trying to pry the blankets out of my hands but he seemed to have given up as the blanket came back to me easily. "What are you wearing?" I heard him question. I peeked my eyes open to see he was frozen in place, staring at where the blanket was now covering.

"I'm in my own bed, Kol. I can wear what I want." I grumbled, pulling the blanket higher onto my body. Kol reached out and grabbed the blanket, pulling at it at a human strength.

"Let me see, Darlin'. I'd love to see the whole set." He purred. I snorted slightly. Mostly because he would never see the whole set. Klaus had the underwear belonging to this set and I don't think he would be returning them anytime soon.

"Kol- please let me sleep. I stayed up too late last night." I whined, not letting go of the blanket. Kol let out a huff.

"What were you doing up all night dressed like that?" He questioned, releasing his hold on the blanket before sitting on the edge of the bed. He reached out and grabbed my arm, looking at my wrist. "Ooo, you naughty vixen. Sleeping with my hybrid of a brother?" I pulled my hand from him to see that Klaus' triangle had been changed- the blue was not just lining the triangle, but was seemingly bleeding out of it. The gold initials seemed to be shimmering.

"You know, I was up last night- you could have come knocking on my door if you needed some kind of relief." Kol whispered as he leaned towards me, pressing a kiss to my neck. I shivered slightly. Already feeling a heat flooding to my core. I shoved him away from me, shaking my head.


"Go downstairs, I'll be down a moment." I told him. Kol hummed as I went to get up, holding the blankets to my body. But Kol got into the bed next to me, his arms behind his head.

"I believe I'll just stay here and enjoy the show. Say, did you even change your underwear? I bet they are absolutely soaked." He hummed in hope. I looked at him, smirking.

"So you are choosing to stay in here and watch me dress?" I questioned him. Kol nodded, happily. "But no touching."

"I can live with that for now, Darlin'. But please- make it a good show." He winked. I rolled my eyes, standing up and letting the blanket fall off of me. I could feel Kol's eyes on my bare ass. I stayed facing away from him as I walked over to my closet, hearing him swallow hard in what seemed to be pain. I walked into my closet, thankful I had lingerie placed in bins on the shelves. Dressing into a nice white blouse and pant before grabbing my white jacket that went with it.

My hair was still in the silk I had slept in but after breakfast I had planned to take the time to take care of it. I didn't really have any plans today, but I was going to wait and see if one of them would request to take me out. Walking out of my closet, I noticed that Kol was gone. Probably upset he didn't get a full show.

Walking into the kitchen as usual led to silence. All chatter came to an instant halt as the eyes of my mates mauled over me. Taking in my outfit choice. I turned to face them all, my arms crossed.

"Is there a problem?" I questioned them. Elijah and Finn smiled at me as Kol and Klaus continued to stare. Although, Klaus was more so staring at me desperation where as Kol was eyeing my butt with a tilt of the head.

"I believe I speak for all of us when I say you look gorgeous, Octavia." Elijah complimented, flashing over to me and pressing his lips to my cheek. I smiled at him.

"Well thank you. You don't think it's too much?" I asked, turning around for him in a slow twirl. Finn flashed over to me next, grabbing my hands.

"It would never be too much." Finn told me with a small smile. "Besides, it's perfect for a date." I raised my eyebrow at him, tilting my head slightly.

"Finn Mikaelson, are you asking me on a date?" I questioned him. He nodded, lacing our fingers together.


"If you'll have me, sweetheart." I grinned at him.

"Of course!" I leaned up onto my tippy toes, pressing my lips to his cheek. "I need to eat something, then I'll do my hair." I ranted. Finn nodded as I walked over to the table, grabbing some toast before layering some scrambled eggs onto it and sandwiching another piece of toast over it. Wrapping it into a paper towel I picked it up with a bottle of water. "I'll eat as I do my hair. This-" I gesture to my silk wrapped hair. "Takes work." I laughed. The guys eyed me. Kol and Elijah chuckling at me before I ran up the stairs.

After curling my hair- which literally took over an hour, probably close to two honestly- I walked out of the bathroom and headed down the stairs. Finn was just walking to the stairs when he saw me.

"You are truly a vision, Octavia." He complimented as he stepped in front of me, grabbing my hands gently. "I was just on my up to let you know I made a reservation for dinner." He smiled. I wonder where he was planning to take us.

"I can't wait." I smiled.

"It's a bit of a drive, so if we leave now we should make it in time." Finn added. I nodded, grabbing my white coat from the banister and sliding it on.

"Shall we then?" I held my arm out all posh and he chuckled pulling my arm around his.

"We shall."

Finn drove for a while, we made small talk over what we enjoy doing. Like how I know how to change the brakes on a car and he knows several languages. We drove for a while before we pulled up to a fancy looking place.

"Fondue?" I questioned, turning to glance at him. Finn frowned in worry.

"Do you not like cheese?? Rebekah told me this would be a good date..plus theres wine tasting." I grabbed his hand, stopping him from going on a rant.

"I love cheese. And wine. Its like my two favorite things next to movies and food." I assured him. Finn smiled, letting out a relieved sigh. He kissed my hand before getting out and flashing over to me and opening my door. "The Mikaelson's, the most gentlemenly men ever." I laughed. Finn chuckled as he helped me out.

"You could say we are all old fashioned." He joked as he led me into the building. He looked to the hostess. "Reservation for Mikaelson."

"Ah, Mr. And Mrs. Mikaelsom, right this way." I swear I blushed at being acknowledged as his wife. Finn was smirking, probably enjoying the sound of it as well.

We were sat not 10mins before a pot of melted cheese was placed in front of us. A variety of breads, fruits and sweets laid for the picking along with skewers.

"This is amazing. I've never been to a fondue place before." I commented as I poked a chunk of bread on to the skewer, dipping it carefully. Finn smiled as he took a piece of fruit and did the same.

"I haven't either, honestly. But I'm glad we can experience this first together." Again, I blushed. Before I stuck the hot cheesey bread into my mouth. It was so delicious that I hummed in satisfaction. It was close to the sound of a moan, Im sure. But Finn seemed to ignore it by shoving his fruit into his mouth.

"This is so good." I said as they brought out different wines, pouring one for us before leaving. "So you were a viking, right? Like with the swords and a. Helmet made of iron or something?" I questioned as I swirled the wine in my glass.

"I was. I was trained for sword fighting. My brothers and I used to battle often for fun. Probably the most fun we had ever had." He nodded, looking like he was reminiscing the good old days.

"You didn't do anything fun for over a thousand years?" I questioned, confused how a 1000 year old vampire hadn't had fun since he was human. Finn sighed, shaking his head.

"Niklaus had me daggered in a coffin for about 900 years of it. So I didn't get out much. I only been freed for a year or so now." I stared at him even more confused and a bit pissed at whatever daggered meant.


"A silver dagger dipped in the ash of a white oak tree can subdue us. Make us play dead for however long its in our heart." My heart broke for him. I reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I will never let Niklaus do this to you...ever again." I told him with the most serious look I could muster up. Finn smiled, pull my hand to his lips.

"You make me not even worried about the future. All I care about is your wellbeing and happiness." He told me with a careness in his voice.

"Well you are doing an amazing job at making me happy already." I told him, holding up a cheesey fruit. He chuckled before I fed it to him.

This had to have been the best date ever.

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