《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》Epilogue


Hello you beautiful people!! Thank you so, so much for all of the support on this book. This story was developed from an old story I wrote on deviantART when I was the grand old age of 12, so this is one that is near and dear to my heart just like Loki is.

I want you all to know that I have started my new fanfic, a Bucky X Reader, called enemy. I will be writing that and POSSIBLY the sequel to this?? Let's see what y'all think. But I'd really appreciate the support on the Bucky fic too.

Once again, thank you for all of the support, and sorry for the tears that the last chapter may have caused! I love you all deeply.

All of my love, one last time,

- A x


I became an early riser. It got hard to sleep at night. I would wake up at dawn, make the boys breakfast, and tend to the sheep and horses. We made somewhat of a new life for ourselves on New Asgard. It was cold, wet and there were no golden palaces, but it was still Asgard. The people were connected, strong and knowledgeable. I couldn't think of a better place to raise my boys in.

Narfi and Vali grew as Asgardians. One year after the blip, they were running around and teasing one another. I told them stories of their father, refusing to let them forget him. I told them of the times Loki used to take up my entire day and make me make and unmake his bed over and over again. Or the times he protected me from men and valued me as his wife. I told the boys stories so they would grow up to be men like their father, honourable men who love fiercely.


I sigh as I look out over the sea, the sky painted shades of yellow, red, pink, and purple. I learned to find beauty in the small things after Loki's death. However, I still shut my eyes and see him lifeless. I vividly remember the fleeting kiss, the fear in his eyes, the promise he made. I trusted him. He would come back. My thoughts were interrupted by our horse, a young white colt who I fondly named Artax after my friend from Asgard, whinnying softly to get my attention.

I frowned at him as he threw his head up and down. His hay net was full, and he had just been groomed. I stroked his muzzle gently, running my hands over his ears and quietly whispering.

"Hey bud, what's up?"

Artax was usually a quiet stallion, very well-mannered and easy-going. I'd never seen him like this before. I pressed my forehead against his and shut my eyes, feeling the horse calm.

"That's my boy."

The cool salty sea winds blew in a draft as the sun was almost fully in the sky. I knew the boys would be stirring soon.

"You always were good with horses." A cool voice spoke from behind me. Artax startled again, throwing his ears back and throwing his head up protectively. I spin round and see him.

"You kept your promise," I said, frozen in the spot.

"Sort of." He sighed. His hair was shorter again, and he was wearing some sort of beige get-up.

"I have a lot to catch you up on, my love."

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