《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》27


Hey guys, I'm really sorry I hear you with the slow updates but things are kinda difficult rn! Big long chapter to make up for it uwu

How y'all enjoying Loki?? I love it so far. I'm still as in love with him as ever lol.

Also, I have started a one-shot book if you guys wanna have a look! I am taking requests for any character :))

Enjoy this update, talk soon ladies!

- A x


"(y/n), my love"

I smiled as she stirred slightly. She was sprawled out across the golden silk sheets, the sunlight shining through from the balcony onto her. I stood in awe of her for a moment before deciding to let her sleep a little longer. I stepped outside and looked onto my kingdom, yet something felt wrong. I let out a sigh, looking back over to (y/n). I was happy to fulfil my destiny - to rule Asgard - however to rule it alone, as my father, without my queen, wasn't what I had imagined. Alas, I knew I had to be around to keep her safe, so if this is how it had to be to do that then so be it.

I turned and walked back over to the bed, deciding to climb in with her. She stretched out and let out a groan, her arms falling limp over my chest as she instinctively pulls herself closer to me. I gently wrap my arm under her head and rest my hand on her shoulder. We stay like this for a long while.


I was awoken to the feeling of sick rising up my chest. I sat up urgently and hit Loki's arm gently. He jumped awake and looked at me worriedly.

"(y/n)? What's wrong darling?"

I managed to get out two words as I gulped down sick.

"Sick... bucket..."

He held his hand out and a wide bowl flew into his hands. He passed it to me as I began emptying out my stomach into it.


"(y/n) what has happened? Have you eaten something bad?"

"I don't know" I gasped into the bowl, catching my breath.

After a few minutes I began to feel better. I wasn't sure what it was but I made a mental note to ask Eir later today to check I was okay. I sat curled over the bowl just in case, feeling Loki move between stroking my hair and rubbing my back.

"Are you feeling better now?" He asked softly.

"I am now yes. Thank you." I smiled weakly at him. He leaned in for a kiss but I moved back, not wanting to gross him out with my sick breath. He chuckled and kissed my cheek instead, moving down my neck. I laughed shyly.

"Watch the bowl-" I said as he began to climb on top of me.

"Fuck the bowl." He mumbled in between kisses, waving his hand as it disappeared. I laughed as he climbed on top and wrapped my legs around him, cupping his cheeks and kissing his forehead.

"Haven't you got Asgard duties to do?" I laughed. He groaned, not finding it as funny.

"To be continued." He whispered, placing a kiss on my lips gently and getting up. He walked over to the door, still half naked.

"Are you forgetting something?" I asked. He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Oh - yeah." Another wave of his hand and my love disappeared before my eyes. I sighed and laid back on the bed, debating when I should finally get up.


A few hours later, I found myself standing outside Eir's infirmary. I knocked softly, peeking in to see her tending to a soldier. I smiled at her and walked in, watching her finish dressing a nasty looking gash to the soldiers side. He winced as she waved her hand over the dressing.

"There," she smiled. "Just keep that clean and change it. That'll avoid infection. Make sure to drink your honey in the mornings." She gestured over to the large jar by his bedside. He nodded and smiled, thanking her profusely. She nodded back and began to walk over to me.


"Hello friend." She smiled. "How are you? It's been a while. Your injuries?"

"Oh, they're so much better now. Thank you again."

"Not at all. You're my number one patient. Speaking of, how can I help you?"

"I was sick this morning. It's really unusual for me. My body is usually quite resilient to sickness."

Eir raised an eyebrow. She took a step closer to me and gently placed a hand on my stomach. I could feel my eyes widen as I realised what she was doing.

"No. Surely not?"

Eir looked up, her breathtaking grey eyes meeting min, also wide and bright.

"Two boys. Twins. You are about 4 weeks along."

My jaw dropped in shock. Boys? Babies? I was pregnant?

"How... how do I do this?"

Eir immediately began running around picking up herbs and medicines.

"Take these, daily, in the morning. You will birth two strong boys. They will be heirs to the Asgardian throne."

"I-I don't know how to process this?"

"Take a seat, love." She smiled. I took a step back.

"No I need... I need to see my brother." I said, surprising myself as I spoke, but I decided just to go along with it. I took off running out of the infirmary to find Hugo.


Hugo and I haven't spoken for a while. Since Frigga passed. It wasn't a sweet departure either, but at this point I needed my brother. I made my way to the guard headquarters.

"I need to see Hugo." I said to the co-ordinating guard.

"Sigyn." They bowed their heads in respect, but in all honesty it just made me uncomfortable.

"Hugo? Where is he?"

"He is out patrolling the banquet hall as Odin has guests."

"Thank you."

I made my way to the banquet hall, the gold corridors somewhat disorientating as I become lost in my thoughts.

How do I look after children?

What happens with the lineage? Do I have to hide them?

Will Loki love them? Is this what he wants?

Before I realised, I had burst into the banquet hall. I immediately locked eyes with Loki in his Odin form, feeling my stomach drop.

"Ah, the beautiful Sigyn. Care to join us?"

"I am sorry Allfather, but I must speak with one of the guards."

"Of course, Sigyn." He smiled and resumed his meal with his guests. I scanned the room for Hugo, only to see him walking towards me. When he was close enough, I grabbed his arm and pulled him outside. I felt Loki's eyes burning into the back of my skull.

"(y/n)- I mean Sigyn... I-" He started, but was interrupted by me collapsing into his arms.

"I need you. I'm so sorry."

"I'm sorry too, sis."

We stood and hugged for a moment before parting.

"What's wrong?" Hugo asked.

"Can we go sit somewhere?"

Hugo nodded and began walking to the grounds where training was occurring. We sat on a marble bench underneath an orange tree, looking onto the training.

"Talk to me Sigyn."

"Please call me (y/n). Sigyn is still weird."

"Sorry. (y/n). What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant." I blurted out. Hugo went through a lot of emotions at once. His face lit up with happiness, then worry, then confusion. I laughed awkwardly.

"I'm happy for you (y/n), but I'm so sorry."


"Loki's the father I assume?"


"You must be quite far along. It will be hard raising children without a father but I am here to support."

"What are you talking ab- oh." I completely forgot that Hugo didn't know Loki was still alive. I looked around to make sure no one was in earshot.

"Can you keep a secret?"

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