《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》21


Looking at the comments on the last chapter, not a lot of you are a fan of Jane ^^' don't worry she won't be around for much longer.

- A x


"Allfather." I spoke quietly, still afraid of Odin.

"Do you know why I have summoned you here?" He asked.

"No, your highness."

"In the events that occured last week, you risked your life for my queen."

"I was just doing what had to be done."

"No. You did more. You protected her. It was just unfortunate that you were outnumbered."

"I'm sorry, Allfather. I miss Queen Frigga."

"As do I. However I believe that I cannot let your bravery go unrewarded."

I looked up at him, locking eye contact.

"Some time ago, Frigga used to have a protectress named Hlín. She renounced her birthright to be with a mortal on Midgard. Frigga was left alone, and I punish myself every day for letting her go unprotected. Maybe if I did, I would still have my queen."

I bowed my head in respect. I don't think I had actually bonded this much with Odin.

"Frigga was very capable. She has a better hand than me."

"(Y/n), I have asked you here to become a warrior, but not also that. I would like to announce you as a goddess."

I frowned. In a short space of time, my life seemed to flash before my eyes, as if it was leading up to this moment. From starving on the streets of Asgard to being brought in as the Queens personal handmaid.

"The goddess of victory. Although a play on words, I believe with training you will face great victory. I watched you hold off that beast in the last seconds before. You have a skill that I have not seen one possess."

"I-I don't-"

He held up a hand to silence me.

"You will be renamed. You may use your personal name for personal matters. But as a goddess, you will be named Sigyn."


"Allfather, thank you." I curtseyed.

"No need to. You will be moved into new chambers. You will have maids. I have paired you with Sif, and she will train you for battle. However before all of this, it must be made official through a ceremony. Tonight."

"A-and the palace knows about this?"

Odin smirked slightly.

"They do now."


I walked down the corridors to my old maids chambers. I was in shock. I heard my name being called and turned around to see Thor and Jane.

"(Y/n). Father has told me of your new title. Sigyn?"

"Not yet. It'll be official tonight... I guess?"

"I cannot wait! What a celebration we will have." He grinned.

"Thor, I'm confused. Whats going on? Why the sudden change of demeanour? We are supposed to be mourning."

Thor looked at Jane and bit his lip.

"We need all the help we can get destroying Malekith, and the aether. You will be a great addition. This needs to be dealt with swiftly." He sighed.

"That makes more sense." I sighed. "It just feels wrong to celebrate so soon."

Jane smiled gently at me.

"This is something to be celebrated."

"She would want this for you." Thor added, giving me a reassuring pat on the head. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

I headed back to my chambers and looked at all my things. I took my maids book out of my pocket and sighed, flipping through the marked pages. I saw a flash of his name. I bit my lip and decided it was time to tackle the beast.

I got up and turned around to leave and walked straight into an iron chest plate. I looked up at Hugo and sighed.


"Hey (y/n). Or Sigyn."

"You heard huh?"

"I can't believe you never told me."

I scoffed.

"You wanna go there?"


"Look. I'm sorry about what I did. I got swept up in it all but that's no excuse. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I'm just trying to forget everything that happened that day."

"Can you forgive me?"

I took a minute. I wanted to forgive him, but there was so much to think about. However there was only one thing on my mind right now, and I wanted to get to it as soon as possible, so I agreed.

"Yeah. You're in the clear."

He smiled and hugged me.

"I missed you."

"You too loser. Now I gotta go and deal with something. See you tonight."



I wasn't particularly enjoying this book. I've only read it a couple hundred times. Books get boring when you read them more than a hundred times. My life started to feel like an endless cycle of books, as they were the only thing that distracted me from my miserable life.

My father refused to trust me again. He took away my privileges. I was doomed to be confided to my cell for the rest of eternity. On top of that, I ruined the only good thing I had left in my life. I gave up on my book and lay it onto the ground next to me. I sighed and closed my eyes, picturing her heartbroken face as she found out what I did.

"Loki." She said my name, but I wasn't dreaming it. I opened my eyes and looked at her. She looked tired. Her eyes were sunken and heavy, and it seemed like she had lost weight. She looked frail, yet at the same time so strikingly beautiful.

"(Y/n)." I stood up and walked over to the barrier.

We haven't spoke since she found out about what happened. I had a complete psychotic breakdown not long before she arrived. She had seen me at my worst.

"I need to tell you something."

"Go on."

"My name isn't (y/n) anymore. Technically."


"I go by Sigyn now. Goddess of victory."

"A goddess? One of victory whom has yet to live up to her name. Somewhat poetic." I smirked. I saw the corner of her lips twitch up for a second. At least I was getting somewhere. There was a pause before I broke the silence. "And what of us?"

"Why did you do it?" She asked quietly.

"I don't have a reason. When I saw that dark elf, I just channelled all of my hate towards my father. I didn't think about mother. Or you."

"Your father was the one who granted you opportunities."

"It is in no place for you to talk about my place with my father. You know that it was my mother who got me those opportunities to be with you."

"I'm sorry." She admitted. "It isn't my place." She perched herself on the step before the barrier. I sat in front of her. There was another moment of silence.

"She wanted us to marry, you know. She had been trying to make you a warrior for a while now. I think father just had to see you in action."

"I don't understand. I failed to save her."

"From what I hear, you protected her until you physically couldn't anymore. You risked everything."

"Everything wasn't enough." She started to tear up. All of my instincts told me to go toward her, to wipe away her tears and hold her. My heart was aching to heal her.

"Sometimes it isn't. And that's not something you can control." I assured her. She smiled weakly and looked up at me.

"Us, Loki? I am going to avenge Frigga. That's my first priority. And then I will talk to Odin to reinstate your previous privileges."

"I hear you my love."

She nodded, and looked into my eyes. For a second she looked almost swept away, before standing up and leaving.

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