《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》19


I looked closer at the 'minotaur' that had broken through all the other cells. As I was staring him down, daring him to set me free, I analysed his features at a closer range. It wasn't a minotaur. My stomach knotted as I realised what it actually was. A dark elf. I tried not to let my realisation slip through my expression.

The dark elf looked back at me for a minute or so, before turning away. Damnit. Maybe it was better if I did stay here – stay in father's good books. I decided giving him a little information wouldn't hurt. I still had a little bit of mischief left in me.

"You might want to take the stairs to the left." I hummed, smirking as he stormed off, taking my advice. I slumped down next to the screen with my book. The fight raged on mere centimetres away from me. I opened my book and began to read. I had other things, other people, to think about.


I was helping out the maids in the courtyard today handing out bread to peasants when the alarm went off. It rung through both me and Anette's ears. I frowned and looked over the courtyard toward Dahlia. So much for a nice reunion. The guards storm through, urging us all away from the castle. I felt a hand weigh down my shoulder, and looked around.


"Step away from the castle."

"You're home?"

"I need you to step away, we've had a breach."

"Hugo why didn't you tell me you were part of the guard?"


I pushed his hand off my shoulder.

"I thought you were out fighting in Vanaheim."

"I was."

"And you didn't tell me you were back?"


"This is nor the time or place to discuss this-"

"Stop." I cried out. My throat started to well up again. Without thinking, I ran past him and into the castle. I pushed aside my dick brother for a moment as I realised what he had said.

A breach?

As I was contemplating over his words, I heard a voice call out.

"Hey - you can't be in here. We need to evacuate the castle. The prison has been breached."

Well, that answers my question. I spun on my heels away from the guard and headed down to the prison. Suddenly, my pocket lit up. I took out my book and opened it up.

Get out of the palace. Loki will be safe.

I stopped in my tracks. Frigga was right. Loki will be fine. He knows better to ruin the trust he has built up with us. However, Frigga was still in the palace somewhere. Without thinking, I started running towards her chambers. I dodged guards trying to grab me.

I got to Frigga's chambers. She wasn't there.

"Fuck." I exclaimed. I leaned against the wall, covering my face with my hands, giving up. That was until I heard a crash, not far from where I was. I jumped up and began running again. I got to the dining room. The guards stationed out front lay dead. I gasped. The doors were open. I saw Frigga, fighting with a tall, dark man with a white mask-like face. I hid behind a golden pillar, watching in horror. I looked across the room, making eye contact with the beautiful midgardian. She looked terrified.

Frigga fought hard, cornering the man. I felt a wave of relief wash over me, but it didn't last long. A tall, freak like minotaur came up next to her. I couldn't sit back and watch anymore. I quickly dodged down and pulled out a small dagger from my pocket. I sprinted toward the minotaur, screaming as I jumped on it's back and sinking the dagger into it's neck, through the armour. As I got up close to it, I realised it wasn't a minotaur, but a similar thing to what the other man was. It threw me off, into a wall. Its attention turned to me. I got back up and dodged a hit, running under its arm and slashing its leg.


"(Y/n)!" Frigga shouted. I turned around to see her fighting the man off once again. "Take the girl! Go!"

"I'm not leaving you." I shouted back. I turned around to the girl and waved my arm, pointing to the door. She looked terrified, moving over towards the door. As I was distracted, I was swiftly punched back into the wall. I think time went in slow motion for a bit after that, as I had smacked my head. I started to come to, seeing the minotaur holding Frigga while the man questioned the girl. I got up, groaning slightly. Suddenly, the man turned back around to Frigga.

"Where is she?" He screamed at her. I winced slightly, picking my dagger up.

"I'll never tell you." She growled. I ran over to the man, but he grabbed me and held me in a choke hold. I looked at him angrily, trying to swing for him even though I couldn't even breathe. He chuckled slightly.

"I believe you." He gave a small nod to the minotaur. I watched in horror, as my mother figure, the one person who supported me through it all, the woman who breathed life back into me, was slain. I screamed out as I was dropped to the floor. She collapsed, the gaping wound in her back spouting out blood as her life slipped away from her.

I heard screaming. Commotion. I looked up to see Thor, chasing after the two men. He turned back around, locking eye contact with me. I was now kneeling next to Frigga, covered in blood. I didn't know who's blood it belonged to. He looked up, and I looked around to follow his eyes. It was Odin. I stood up and moved away from Frigga. The guards began to flood in. I felt numb again. I didn't know if I was crying or not. I stared at the lifeless body on the floor. I didn't know if it was real or not.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I was taken away by one of the guards.

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