《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》16


i saw my favourite band a few days ago and i've been on a high ever since. lets thank twenty one pilots for this chapter :D

- A x


"Okay, so when you feel like you're going to have an anxiety attack, which is what you had the night you jumped, you're gonna have to do this." Eir was trying her best to help me out with my... problems. I thought it was hopeless, but I promised her I would try my best to 'self-improve'. Eir lay back on my bed and crossed her arms over her chest. "You need to take deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Focus on your breathing."

"Right," I started, "But how will that stop me being upset?"

"It won't. But it will help calm you down which is the first step."

"Okay... but how will I stop myself from being upset then?"

"Talk to me. Or Frigga." She smiled. "You'll be fine."

There was a slight pause. Eir stood up and sighed.

"Anyway. I have patients I need to look after. And a few new nurses to train." She smiled. I smiled back and nodded, my eyes following her as she left the room.

That night I was lying in bed, trying to sleep. I stared at the ceiling, trying every single tactic I could to slip into unconsciousness, but I had a certain someone on my mind. Eir's words were still ringing in my mind, about Loki coming and looking after me. I don't think I would be able to sleep, not until I spoke to him again. I felt like I had to explain myself to him.

The night was quiet as I once again walked the golden halls. There was a difference from last time though - quite a few actually. I could breathe, I couldn't walk and I wasn't having a meltdown. The ground was cold underneath my bare feet, as I didn't even bother to put on slippers. I was walking through the palace in my nightgown and robe for gods sake, I'm sure the guards thought I was losing my mind. I was lucky to not get any trouble from them.


Walking down the steps towards the Kurse prison was somewhat nerve racking for me. I mean, it is a prison so it would be nerve racking anyway but I was scared to see him. I didn't know if he was angry at me, or if he would be happy to know I'm doing better and just forget what I did. I explained to the guards that I was here for Frigga and they let me in, knowing who I was.

It was late, yet somehow I wasn't surprised to see him lying wide awake, staring at the ceiling. I took a deep breath.

"Hello." I said simply. He turned his head and locked eyes with me. Almost instantaneously I felt the butterflies wracking around in my stomach, a strong connection obtained with him. He didn't speak. He just looked into my eyes. Eventually, he did break eye contact, looking me up and down and chuckling slightly at the sight of me in my pyjamas.

"Can't sleep?" He smirked. I smiled.

"Not a wink."

"Are you allowed to be down here?" He asked.

"Well, not really. I can deal with your mother in the morning." I laughed. He laughed too.

"It seems that I'm rubbing off on you." He purred. I blushed, looking at my feet, not saying anything for a second. Only a second.

"I just came down to thank you." I said quietly. He frowned.

"Thank you for what?"

"Eir told me what you did. When I was in hospital." I explained. My anxieties were starting to take over again.

"She wasn't supposed to." He sighed, sitting up and walking over to the glass. "Why did you do it?"

I bit my lip. I hadn't really thought about what else I was going to say. Of course he had questions. I could feel my throat starting to swell up, tears threatening to make themselves visible in my eyes.


"I..." Just say it, (y/n). "I thought about us." Loki raised an eyebrow.

"Am I that disgusting to you?" I managed to choke out a laugh, wiping an escaped tear away quickly.

"No - no. It's... I was thinking about how I wouldn't have you in my life. I thought you would be here for the rest of your days. That I would have to watch you from behind this glass wall. And then I started thinking about the day you saved me from getting 18 more lashes. You helped me get through it. You kissed me. You told me about the little girl you fell in love with as a little boy. I thought maybe it would happen again if I just needed help again... but then I reminded myself that it wouldn't happen. Because you are down here. I guess that was just tipping point for me."

Loki stayed silent. I could see his eyes start to get cloudy. At this point, I was crying. I wasn't trying to hold it in anymore. I didn't want to stay and listen to his reaction. I got everything I needed to off my chest.


"Loki, is everything ok?" Mother asked. I nodded.

"Yes. What do I need to do to get out of here? I'll do anything."

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