《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》11


Shoutout to the mini fandom started in the comment section of the last chapter. Gave me a good wee laugh. I am so glad you guys are enjoying this.

- A x


"Hey...(y/n)? Are you okay? I heard about...you know."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to talk about it. I smiled at Hugo weakly.

"I'm fine. I have work to do." I tried to walk past him, but he stopped me.

"I know when something's up."

"You know why I'm upset. I just don't want to talk about him." I snapped. Hugo dropped his arm in defeat and watched me walk away.

People had been staring at me like I was a fish out of water all day. I was known as Loki's little affair from last year and nothing more, so when Loki 'came back to life' everyone turned to see my reaction.

I hated him. I really hated the man. I was willing to forgive him for what he did and help him become the man he was before this all started - but something inside him had changed. The beast had been released. It was obvious that there was no going back, and I did not want to be involved with the man he was now.

I finished up my duties with Sif. She didn't mention him, but she seemed very sympathetic of me. She actually ended up helping me change the sheets on her bed. I didn't want sympathy from anyone. I just wanted to be treated like normal.

The thought of Loki sitting down in that dungeon hurt me more than I could ever imagine. It was the worst pain I have ever felt. Heartbreak. My pocket lit up and I checked who needed me now.

13. Prince Thor Odinson in his chambers.


No explanation. He just wanted me in his room? This day couldn't really get much worse.


I knocked on Thor's door and he swung them open, inviting me in.

"Please," he started. "have a seat." He gestured me over to the velvet purple armchairs in the corner of his room. I did as he asked, sitting down and crossing my arms over my crotch.

"What can I help you with, your highness?"

"I wanted you to come up so I could apologise. I have been something of a brute to you." I reached an arm up and traced it over the scar up my jawline. I wanted to be sarcastic but in all honesty, I was still terrified of Thor and what he could do to me.

"That's in the past now, your highness."

"I spent the last two weeks fighting off my brother. Or someone who I thought was my brother. The man down in Kurse Prison, he is not my brother." My eyes shifted to the floor. I should've known.

"With all due respect, I don't associate myself with the man he is or used to be. He seems to have forgotten me completely and doesn't want anything to do with me, so I don't want anything to do with him." I sighed. Thor rested a hand on my shoulder.

"You are tense. Please don't be afraid of me. I too like my brother, have changed as a man." He assured. That made me feel a little bit better. I nodded my head. He smiled. "Please do not think that he is Loki. He is a broken, tortured man with fragments left in him. I need your help."

"My... help?"

"Even in my young, foolish state, I could tell that you were the only woman Loki would change for. You are the only one that can fix him - to put the pieces back together. Please, help me get my brother back. I cannot forgive him for his crimes, but I love him too much to let him rot down there."


I sat back, taking everything in. I had just made my minds up on my feelings for Loki and was so intent on keeping them that way but now I fear I am already backtracking. I do want to fix him, as much as he may hurt me. When I'm working, when I am eating, and when I am sleeping, I can feel his presence in the castle. He is always there, way way down below, just burning. He is burning because it is the only thing he can do. I need to help him.

"Yeah, okay. I'll help you." I say quietly. Thor's face lit up.

"Thank you, fair maiden. I have been visiting him regularly trying to talk to him but he is not listening. Maybe if I take you down next time he will."

"Okay, sir. It's a plan."

"If you were not already his, I would kiss you on the lips right here." He laughed. I weakly laughed with him.

"Your highness, I may work for him but I don't belong to any man."

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