《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》9


Hey guys! Did anyone see that our bby Loki is getting his own TV show???? Also this chapter is very short but I am sure you will all be dying for the next one after this...

- A x


I ran down the corridors, crying my eyes out. Fucking Thor. He was very good at making me cry. I heard a lot of stories that he had changed as a man since the death of Loki. I beg to differ.

I stopped and caught my breath by a window. I looked out over the golden city, a slight breeze hitting my face. Life was really hard without him taunting me. I sighed, perching myself on the window and opening my book. It was empty. I shrugged and pocketed it, leaning my head back and closing my eyes.

For just a moment, I felt peace.

A moment that was ruined fairly quickly. Before I could even open my eyes, all I heard was running footsteps passing me. I jumped up, seeing a few guards sprinting down the corridors towards Thor's room. Curious, I hung around to see what was going on. About 5 minutes later there was a bright flash of light from Thor's room as he came shooting out the window and fired towards the bifrost.

Around the same time, a small glimmer of light flashed in my pocket. I took out my book and opened it. The head maid wanted me.


"Ah, (y/n), come in." She smiled at me as I cracked the door open, poking my head round. I did as she said, closing the door behind me. "The Allfather has asked for us to prepare a feast for tonight. Apparently they are having guests over."

"Yes mistress. What would you like me to do?"


"Well, the food is already being prepared. You are to oversee the setting of the table in the dining room. But first, you need to change into your uniform for formal events. Off you go."

I left and headed over to my room. I opened the drawer and plucked out the velvet green dresses they had us wear. The dress was beautiful, with a gold trim around the boatline neckline and cuffs. I took my hair out of the braids, letting it fall in waves, taking half of it and tying it back with a ribbon. I headed out to the dining hall.

The dining hall was mostly set up, with most of it being done before I arrived. I looked at my book, seeing a checklist for the room. The table was to be set for 14 people, every person getting a knife, fork and 2 spoons. A glass of mead was to be poured for every guest before arrival. The table was to be decorated with a dark green tapestry and bowls of fruit. So far, the list was checked. Maids were to be stationed with two in every corner of the room and 2 at each exit to open the doors. I instructed some starter maids to do so, heading back down to the head maid.


Night fell, and some important guests arrived. Allfather, Frigga and some of the gods were among them. I made sure all the maids were in the room and guards watched over carefully before retiring for the night. It was a boring, quiet night.

The encounter with Thor from this morning was still lingering in my mind. He had been missing in action all day. No one dared question where he was at dinner, so it remained the elephant in the room. His words had a huge impact on me, and anger flushed over me as I recollected him telling me I didn't love Loki. I clenched my fists as I walked back to my room, and tried to sleep off my anger.



A whole week had passed, and Thor had not returned. Rumours had already spread that he was fighting a war in Jotunheim, with others saying he ran away from under Odin's grasp. I even heard some of the elderly people who live outside the castle that it was history repeating itself - whatever that means.

A few days after I heard the rumours, I was doing my work as usual. Sif had promised to teach me how to fight in my spare time, and was talking away about the different techniques while I scrubbed away at her armour. It was in Sif's room I saw the flash of the bifrost. Sif's head jolted around, looking towards the light. We both paused, and then looked at each other. Thor had returned. Sif told me to finish the armour and place it on the armour stand once I was done. She ran out of the room. I watched her from the balcony mount her horse and gallop into the town towards the rainbow bridge.

It was an hour later, I heard the sound of horses hooves and men shouting. A huge group of soldiers filled into the hall outside of the throne room, the shouting never seeming to stop. I had a bowl of water cradled in my arms, heading back to the baths to wash it out. There was a commotion coming in the door. Curious, I stopped to see what was going on. Another group of men walked in, and I heard the dragging sound of clashing chains. It's when I caught a glimpse of him.

He was bigger. His hair was slicked back, his eyes staring coldly ahead of him. His face was covered in cuts and bruises, and his mouth wasn't visible under the muzzle they held him in. He was shackled, being lead into the throne room to await his fate. I must be seeing things. Loki died after falling off the rainbow bridge. He shouldn't be alive, and yet here he is, now staring straight into my eyes.

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