《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》5


Hey guys! Decided to continue straight from the last chapter cause it feels so good writing again! Hope you all enjoy

- A x


Loki and I walked down the halls in silence. I didn't say anything, I was too afraid to speak. The silence continued until Loki finally broke it.

"From now on, (y/n), you will work only for Sif and I." He said simply.

"Yes, your highness." I said quietly. He stopped and turned to look at me. His eyes said a lot of different things, things that I could interpret in many ways... but I can't. I cannot lose this job.

"Loki." He said to me. "My name is Loki."


I spent the next couple of weeks working for Loki and Sif. It was better without Fandral. I saw him in the halls and didn't even look him in the eye. Just when I had gotten rid of Thor. Sif had grown to me, greeting me and having lengthy chats while I worked away. She had grown smitten over Hugo, as she was training him for battle. I would catch her before training and tell her exactly what to say to him to make him laugh.

I reeeeaaallllyyyy wanted them to get together.

As for Loki, he was the same. Sarcastic, a dick, funny and dare I say flirty. I looked forward to doing even the worst jobs for him, to be slated by him and even just seeing him around. I tried not to admit it to myself for a while, but I had a big stinking crush on the boy.

This all changed one day when I was called to his chambers in the morning. My book just said:

1. Prince Loki Odinson. Needs help.

Needs help? That's a bit vague. I take my usual sweep, golden plate with honey and water and fresh quilts up anyway, as that's my morning routine with Loki. I knocked on the door but no one answered. I waited for a while before they swung open quite aggressively. Loki was lying in bed, strung over the sheets that were hanging off the mattress. His quilts were all over the ground. He was breathing heavily.

"Loki?" I said quietly. "Is everything alri-"

"Yes." he replied dryly. His voice sounded deeper than usual. I frowned.

"Shall I just carry out my normal duties?"

Silence. Then another short reply.

"No. Just sit out on the balcony for a bit."

This was strange. He wasn't spitting back snarky replies or teasing me today. I put his golden plate down next to him and did as instructed. His hand reached out to the water. They were shaking. Something had happened.


After what felt like an eternity, he got up and dressed quietly.

"(y/n)." He sighed, turning around to look at me. "My father has fallen into the Odinsleep." I frowned.

"Odinsleep? I..."

"He is asleep. And will be for a long time. Probably." He opened his mouth to say something else but my pocket lit up with a golden shimmer. The book. I took it out and checked my list.

2. Lady Sif needs her clothes and sheets changed. Bring water and honey.

I looked back up at Loki, waiting for him to continue, but he didn't.

"Go." He said. I nodded my head and left his chambers. As I did a fleet of guards passed me in the hall and knocked on Loki's door.


"Hugo said to me yesterday about your past. I had no idea you were out on the streets as a child." Sif pouted, leaning back on her bed as I laid out her clothes.

"Yeah. It wasn't a nice time." I sighed. I couldn't get my mind off of Loki.

"Did you hear about Odin?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did. Loki told me this morning. He seemed really upset."

"Rumour has it that him and Odin were down in the relic chambers. Guards heard him shouting at Odin before they were called in to assist. They think it was him that caused it." I gasped.

"It must've been an accident though. Loki looks up to his father."

"Yeah. It seems so. I wonder who will help Frigga rule until he awakes."


I finally got a chance to sit down and eat breakfast. I was halfway into a freshly baked roll with honey when the guards stormed in, stopping us all. Gods I never seem to catch a break nowadays.

I was in shock. All of the maids turned to me. They knew I was his personal maid.

"Did you know...?" One of them asked.

"No." I replied. I heard some commotion at the door and turned round to look.

"Miss," one of the guards were shouting, "you are not allowed in here. You are with the peasants and cannot mingle with servants of the gods."

"Oh COME ON. Just let me in so I can speak to my cousin." That was a familiar voice. It was Dahlia. I walked over to the door and took her away from the guards.

"Dahlia, what is it?" I asked.

"Loki is king!!! And you didn't tell me!!"


"I didn't know!" I snapped. "He was acting all weird this morning and told me about Odin but not about the fact he was fucking king!" Dahlia went silent for a while, then laughed.

"You've been spending too much time with him."

"With who?"

"With Loki, you dote. You're even talking like him now."

"Well, it's my job to do that now, Dahlia." I sighed, the thought of him giving me that chest feeling again.

"You like him, don't you?"

I went red and hot.

"W-well even if I did, I will not break servant protocol. I can't end up back on the streets after everything you have done for me." Dahlia smirked.

"So that's a yes?"


My pocket lit up again. It was my book.

3. King Loki Odinson, assistance in the throne room.

I looked up at Dahlia. This should be good.


I kneeled before my new king.

"Your highness." I said solemnly, deciding that leaving out the way we usually address one another was a sensible decision. I looked up at him on his throne, still leaning on my right knee. He had a slight smirk on his face.

"Guards, I request time alone with my servant. Please, clear the room."

We waited while the room cleared. I watched the guards leave, and then turned back to him.

"Congratulations sir."

"Loki. How many times must I tell you, (y/n)." His voice speaking your name sent shivers down my spine every single time.

"Loki." I corrected myself.

"I am sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I wanted a big reveal." He said. Usually he would laugh, but he was a lot more solemn today minus a few smirks here and there.

"I understand." I nodded.


The rest of the servants and even the gods and nobles complained behind the kings back about his rule. He was horrible, strict and overwhelming. Apparently. However, my experience was telling me different. He was gentle to me. He was careful with his words. He wasn't the boy that I started working for and fell for, but a man who has accepted his rule within the monarchy.

I wasn't oblivious to the chat about me either. I was receiving 'special treatment' from his highness. We were having a secret affair. I was telling him stories from the servants quarters and exposing rats, no one could trust me. I began to feel miserable. It wasn't Loki's fault, it was quite the opposite. Nothing anyone was saying was even remotely true, apart from maybe the special treatment part. I didn't want to admit it, but it seemed to be true.

It soon became close to unbearable. I took time to sit in my private quarters. I didn't have a balcony to dramatically cry on, so I sat on my bed and sobbed quietly. I buried my face into my hands.

I must have sat and cried for hours. I didn't realise my pocket lighting up. I heard whispers of commotion out in the hall, but I ignored it. I was heaving, trying to pick up my breath again. All of a sudden a sharp voice snapped me back into reality.


I looked up and around. It was Loki.

I had been waiting for too long for (y/n) that I was actually beginning to worry about her. Usually she was at my service within minutes of me requesting her but she was no where to be found. I asked guards to look for her before having a look myself in the servant quarters.

I was annoyed. I am a king. My servant should be at my feet instantly, correct? I scowled to myself as I walked down the hallways of servants, gasping and falling to their knees. God, this felt good.

I reached her room and pulled back the golden curtain that separated us. There she was, hunched over her bed. I called out her name before even realising her heaving breaths and quivering body.

She turned around, her eyes red and full of tears. My stomach dropped. She scrambled to her feet, wiping her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Loki I didn't realise how much time I was taking up I-"

"Sh." I interrupted her. "Did Fandral go near you again?"

"No, no, nothing like that. Just words getting to me. I'm weak." She laughed sadly. It hurt me, and that disturbed me. I had never felt genuine emotion or sympathy for my brother, nevermind a servant...

Fuck I embarrassed myself so badly. Loki saw me in such a state. He left the room to let me clean myself up. I washed my face and combed my hair, which was typically untamable so I threw it up into a messy bun.

I stepped outside and checked my book.

7. King Loki Odinson requires fresh sheets and your presence in the chambers.

I sighed. That is where he will be then. As I was making my way up the whispers surrounded me. They suffocated me. I took a deep breath and continued to walk.

It's gonna be okay, I told myself.

He will make it okay.

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