《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》3


This one is a long one! I hope you guys are enjoying this! Some of you may have noticed that Loki is a nice guy (in a way) which is way out of character, but this is before the main events of Thor so I think he would be a little bit nicer and forgiving because he's still a sad boi at this time :( don't worry if nasty Loki is your thing he'll be coming up soon!

A x


The great hall was full of important people across Asgard. Extra decorations, including a bright velvet red carpet and golden statues added to the fantasy grandeur of the palace. The maids were assigned to line the walls, ready to jump to any guest's aid if needed. I shuffled my feet, as they still hurt. Standing on them was just going to make them worse, but there was nothing I could do. Mass amounts of cheer erupted as the guards led Thor into the hall. He walked down the avenue toward Odin. I looked over at Loki, who was standing with his head down and hands clasped in front of his stomach. I had a strange butterfly feeling in my stomach. Stop it, (y/n).

I began to daydream during the ceremony. That was until, there was a pause. A pause that didn't happen during the rehearsal earlier this morning. I furrowed my brow in confusion. Then, a soft whisper from Odin.

"Frost Giants."

My hands gripped tightly when I heard those words. Odin gets up and begins to stride down the avenue towards the door. Thor at his heels, Loki not too far behind. The doors slammed behind them.

"Everyone shall stay here until the Allfather has declared safety."

People began to panic. I glanced over at Dahlia, who looked as scared as everyone else. We gave each other a oh fuck, what the fuck do we do? look. What do we do in a situation like this? I decide to stay where I was like all of the other maids were doing. I think the rest of them were too scared to move.

We spent 30 agonising minutes standing stiff, hoping that the Allfather would deal with it. He would, we knew he would. Gods, how long does it take?

Finally, the guards open the doors again and Odin strides in with Thor, no Loki though. I sigh and help the other maids guide everyone out to the courtyard.

The guests left early and Odin spent the rest of the day investigating how the Frost Giants entered the palace. Anette, Laila and I ran to Thors aid once again. We went into his room and he was going apeshit. Throwing stuff around, breaking stuff.

"Your highness..." Anette stepped forward and tried to butt in, but was silenced by the smashing of a glass vial near her head against the wall. I gasped.

"Please your highness, let us help you clean this up." I say.

"Leave my room, at once." Thor snarled. Anette and Laila hurried out of the room. "Now." And I was gone. Loki was hanging around outside.


"I heard smashing. He isn't throwing another temper tantrum is he?" Loki sighed. I si#mply bowed my head and moved out of the way. Loki smirked.

"At least you tried maid. Go and fetch a bag and a sweep immediately." He said softly. That was weird. Usually he spits or talks condescendingly but not today. Maybe he is planning something.

I go and fetch the bag and sweep and knock tentatively on Thor's door. Loki answers it.

"Ah yes, bag and sweep. Come in."

Thor was still thrashing around angrily. Loki was still being unusually nice to me. I cower slightly before Thor, scared of what his strength may do to me. I begin to sweep up the glass and place it in the golden cotton bag, staying out of the way. Loki is still trying to deal with Thor.

"Brother, you must listen to me. Odin will just postpo-"

"I meant to be KING!" He screamed.

"Um..." I started. "I think I'll just have to-"

"Shut the FUCK up" Thor screamed, throwing an empty glass in my direction.

It hit the bottom of my jaw, and most of my neck. There was one massive open wound ripped open from what I could feel. Loki looked over at me in shock. I put my hand up to my neck and bring it away, looking at it. It was covered in blood. My vision began to blur and my legs gave way. I saw Loki's figure sprint toward me before utter darkness.

Fuck. My neck. It feels like a thousand bee stings whenever I breathe and swallow. Eir, the goddess of healing, is sitting next to me.

"Hello, dear. How are you feeling?"

"Not to good ma'am. But I will be fine. What happened with Thor?" Eir looked away.

"Loki took him into the banqueting hall to calm him down. He flipped a table but... he is ok now I believe."

And just like that... in runs a guard.

"Ma'am, we have an emergency." Eir looked annoyed.

"Can you not see that this emergency is enough?" She said calmly, gesturing to my neck. The guard looked at it and winced.

"I will send them in and have the other maids tend to them for now."

To my surprise, in enters Fandral and Volstagg. By instinct, I get up and bow to them. Eir gasps and pushes me back on the bed.

"Save your breath child, you do not need to bow to these idiots." She snarled, turning to them. "I know what you all did. You should've came to me the moment you were back in the bifrost. Stupid men." Fandral had a thin cotton shirt on, with a thick bandage painted red slung over his shoulder.

"Please help me Eir. I am in agony. If you must know it was Thor who-"

"I will listen to no more. Sit on one of the beds and let me finish with that maid."


Thor seems to be getting into even more trouble. Especially with his temper. Confused and intrigued, I whisper quietly to Eir.

"Miss, what happened?"

"These idiots, with Hogun, Lady Sif, Thor and Loki," My heart skipped a beat. What is going on with me? "They decided to travel to Jotunheim to challenge the frost giants as to why they entered Asgard. Laufey, the king, said something Thor didn't like so he beat them all. Starting a fight. Possibly re-igniting the war between us."

Fandral scoffed.

"When you say it like that. Thor was the one who started the fight. He was such an arrogant, battle hungry brute that -" Thor enters the room.

"What was that Fandral?" I cower, I am terrified of him. Loki is following his brother close behind him, but he walks straight over to me.

"And how are you today, maiden?" He asks me.

"Your highness. I -" Loki smiled.

"No need for that. Anyone who suffers the wrath of my idiotic brother and still respects him, not as the idiot he truly is, is a trooper. That's a midgardian saying, trooper. I read about midgard a lot."

What the fuck is going on?

"I am sorry your highness. I am feeling better today." I turn to Thor. "Your highness, I sincerely apologise for my behaviour -"

"Apology accepted." Thor returns dryly, turning back to Fandral. I bite my lip, trying not to let the hurt show. Loki still notices.

Eir continues to sew up my neck. I try my hardest not to wince. Loki gives me a weird look, and goes over to Fandral, Thor and Volstagg. He keeps his distance from Thor. Once Eir is finishing stitching me up, she takes some anti bacterial solution in her hand and slowly drags her hand down my neck. Jesus fuck, it stings. I cry out in pain.

"I know, it hurts but it is essential." Eir sighed. I finish up and head across the courtyard towards the maid chambers. As soon as I come in I am swarmed. They were asking all sorts of questions.

"What did he hit you with?"

"I wish he hit ME instead..."

"I bet he didn't mean it. He had a bad day! He is so misunderstood."

"Prince Loki carried you all the way to the healer! He must love you or something!"

"Thor can hit me anywhere he wants."

Wait, what? Loki carried me to the healer? I flush bright red, seeing Dahlia pushing her way forward with Laila and Anette and hugging me tightly.

"Where is my brother?" I ask. Dahlia took my hand and led me out heading towards the kitchen. Hugo was leaning against a wall outside of the kitchen, talking to another maid. I glared at her and she scattered off pretty quickly. Hugo laughed.

"Well you're looking better. How does it feel being Thor's personal battering ram?" I hit him. "Aw (y/n) you know I am only joking. I'll kill Thor myself."

"Shut up, Hugo." I giggled and hugged him tightly.

Hugo and I caught up, but I couldn't stop thinking about Loki. He carried me across the palace to the healer. I can't believe that. I want to thank him but I am too scared to approach him.

I go back to my maid quarters and start to get changed. We live in chambers of 16, with 8 bunk beds. 4 lining either side of the room. I luckily got a bottom bunk at the back of the room which is ideal for changing. Although, most of us are open and positive minded when it comes to our bodies and we regularly walk around naked for comfort and get changed in front of one another, but me not so much. I don't have an ugly body or anything, it's like all of the other girls but I just don't like flaunting myself for others to see. I've always been a bit like that. I slip on a long white nightgown and take out my braids. The thin golden curtain that separates us from the other chambers is pushed back by a young guard.

"(y/n) (l/n)?" He asks me.

"Yeah, that's me. Is everything ok?"

"Yes miss. The head maid wants to have a word with you."


I make my way to the head maids chamber. She is sitting at her table, writing a letter. Her room is very big, with a large quilted bed in the corner and a separate washroom, then a large desk type area at the other side. I curtsy to her.


"Yes, (y/n) please take a seat."

I take a seat. My hands are sweating profusely. She takes a long pause. She's doing it on purpose, I swear to gods.

"I understand you had an incident with Prince Thor yesterday." I winced. "But that is not why I have called you here. I have called you here because you are going to be moved."

"W-what? Moved from the palace, miss?"

"No. Move into the main palace. Higher up. You are going to become a personal maid for the gods."

"All of them?"

"No. A select few. This doesn't include the Allfather or Thor, however. Do not worry. I have asked Dahlia and Laila to start packing up your stuff. A guard will be down shortly to guide you to your new, private, room."

This has been a wild fucking day.

My new room is great though. Kinda small, but private and comforting. The guard that escorted me up here is still hanging around. He hands me a small brown book with golden pages.

"This is the book that you will use for your duties. Every morning you will find a new list of things and people to attend to."

"Thank you." And with that, he leaves. I open the book and look at the first pages list.


1. Prince Loki Odinson

2. Prince Loki Odinson

3. Prince Loki Odinson

4. Prince Loki Odinson

5. Prince Loki Odinson

I must be dreaming now.

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