《Never Hit a Maid ↠ Loki X Reader》1


Hey guys! This is a rewrite of an old fanfic I wrote back on dA. I loved the idea of it and decided to improve it as best I could and lengthen it out for you all! I would love to hear what you think about this as I have the story planned out and really think you are all going to like it! Pls leave a comment down below and let me know!!

Enjoy, A x


It was a cold and dark day when my mother passed. I had never felt grief like it before. I remember the pain and the suffering and not much else. My younger brother Hugo didn't really understand what was going on. I was the one who had to explain it to him, because we had no one else except my cousin Dahlia who lived in the Asgardian palace as a maid. She took pity on my brother and I and came to visit us one day with a proposition.

There's talk of one of the kitchen boys being arrested for taking food. Hugo may be able to take his place. And you, you can come and work with me. I'm sure the head maid would take pity on you too.

Surely enough, she did take pity. I managed to get a job scrubbing floors the gods walked on! Life managed to turn itself around somehow. Hugo and I weren't allowed to stay together as I slept in the maids quarters and he in the servant quarters with the other men. I still saw him every day though. I didn't come into contact with the gods much, as I was still very young. 14 years young. I mostly worked around the Ladies as they went for tea and shit. I hated them but I never ever complained about it. I was still very grateful.


There was even one day when me and Dahlia were assigned to clean the lower floors of the palace. This is where the Kurse prison was, and also the weaponry room where Odin kept all of his valuable treasures. We were very firmly instructed to stay away from those areas however and had to clean the floors a few levels above. As we were doing so Odin Allfather himself came downstairs with two young boys who I had never seen before. There was a blonde boy who spoke loudly and jumped down each step, constantly questioning his father. Behind him and the Allfather was a younger, slimmer and softer spoken boy. He kept himself to himself and was constantly looking around. That is when we locked eyes for the first time. They were icy blue with a mischievous gleam to them. He didn't smile back at me, he just stared, and then snapped away when the Allfather addressed him in a booming voice.

"Loki, you're being awful quiet boy." Odin looked over to us, where Loki was looking and chuckled.

"Now boy, you can have grander than them in time. Come." He stopped and placed his hand on Loki's back, guiding him in the direction of the other young boy. I never saw that boy again.

I was reserved to cleaning floors, washing linen and fabrics and tending to the Ladies for 5 more years, away from the great Asgardian army and God's. This went on for another 5 years until now. Thor Odinson, Odin's oldest son and heir to the throne, was to have a coronation. How exciting! One of the mighty warriors, Volstagg, visited our head maiden and gathered us all. Me and Daliah are sitting together and Daliah is swooning over the large bearded man.

"Maidens, I am the great warrior Volstagg. I am here to educate you all on behalf of the Allfather. Thor Odinson is to be coronated to the Asgardian throne and we are severely outnumbered. Over 10,000 guests have been invited and you all must help with the event. This means that every single maid will help prepare and work around the gods."


Me and Daliah silently squeal.

Finally, after 6 years of working in the palace I would be able to work with the gods. For the next few months we were trained on how to respectfully act and treat the gods and then had to prepare the grand throne room and hall for Thor's coronation. A week before the event and we were walking on hot coals around the head maid. She was stressed and overworked and if we did anything wrong we would face her ungodly wrath. So we were careful around her to say the least. While carrying linen up to one of the bedrooms, I bumped into Hugo, who was no longer weak and scrawny but built and tan. All of his years heavy lifting in the royal kitchens had done him well and the other maids showed no subtlety letting him know.

"(y/n)." Hugo grinned. "How are you sister?"

"Not much time for talking, Hugo! Today is the day I am going to be working with Thor Odinson himself! I can barely handle the excitement."

"That sounds well, sister. Have you seen Thor before?"

"Only once a long time ago. I must go now brother but I will catch up to you later." And with that I ran off.

I reached Lady Sif's resting chambers and lay the linen neatly over her bed. She came through the door, frightening the shit out of me.

"Oh, Lady Sif I am sorry. Just replacing your bed linen for the day." She chuckled softly.

"It is okay maid. If you would excuse me I must have some privacy to freshen up." She had just came out of fight training and was drowning in sweat.

"Yes of course ma'am." I excused myself and walked back down the hallway towards the sewing room where I was to take Thor's measurements for his armour plates for the ceremony.

As I was walking down the hallway I heard footsteps. I turned around, but no one was there. Confused, I decided to ignore it and keep walking. Then, someone tugged on my skirt. Once again I turned around but nothing was there. Feeling brave, I called out.

"Hello? Who is that there?" Nothing. I must be dreaming.

I turned around to start walking and bumped straight into some cold chest plate and fell backwards onto my side.

"Well hello..." a deep voice purred out. My hair had fallen out of it's pleated design, damnit. I pushed it back out of my eyes and looked up. I made contact with a very familiar pair of eyes. I knew those eyes...icy blue with a mischievous gleam...

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