《Wrong side of town (Dele Alli fanfiction)》Chapter 22


I arrived at the training ground, I was nervous for some reason. I was hoping Dele wasn't still being awkward, after getting changed and doing the first load of laundry. After doing so I went to get breakfast, I was met with Dele in the hallway and he gave me a big hug.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" I asked

"Everything with Zoe" he said

"Oh it's just something between her and Eric" I lied

"Oh did they have a fight or?" He asked

"Something like that" I lied

"Lets get some food" I said

After we both got our breakfast we went to other guys and say down next to them.

"Hey Eric, what happened between you and Zoe?" Dele asked

"What do you mean?" Eric asked

"Amelia told me about your fight, she came and picked Amelia up because she was upset" Dele continued

"I'm not sure what you're talking about? I didn't see Zoe last night, we didn't have a fight?" Eric said confused

"Wait? Did I say something to piss her off? Is she planning on breaking up with me?" Eric asked in panic

"No, no she's not planning on breaking with up with you" i said reassuring him

"Then what was last night about?" Eric asked

"Also weren't you and Zoe fighting?" Winks asked

"I should get going" I said standing up and taking my coffee

"Ames what's going on?" Dele asked

"I'll see you later" I said before rushing off

What am I suppose to do now? I'll have to tell Dele the truth about last night, I'm going to have to tell him I found the whole ruby situation awkward.

I decided to give Zoe a call, even if she saved my ass last night I think she's still angry with me.

"Hey Zo" I said after she picked up

"Hey, is everything okay?" She asked

"What are you doing right now?" I asked

"Amelia, I know I saved your ass last night with Dele but I'm still not happy with you" she said

"I'm so sorry Zo, could you come here so we could talk, I really need to talk you and I want to apologise face to face" I said to her.

I really wanted to apologise to her, I knew she was just trying to help and I was in the wrong, I hate fighting with Zoe.

"Fine I'll come" she said

"Could I make a request?" I asked

"You want ice coffee" she said and I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me

"No it's just if Eric calls you, could you maybe not answer until I explain everything" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Please just please" I pleaded to her

"Okay, I'm coming, I'm very confused" she said before hanging up


I leaned against the wall and slowly slid down and cradled my head in my hands. I let out a sigh, I needed to talk with Dele, Eric and Zoe, it all started with one small white lie and it spiralled into this big mess.

"Are you okay?" I heard someone ask

I looked up to see son with a smile on his face, he always had a smile on his face. He sat down next to me and put his hand on my knee.

"I told a lie"

"What kind of lie?" He asked

"It started of as a small white lie to get me out of a situation, but then it spiralled into this big huge mess and everything that comes out of my mouth just adds to this mess and it keeps on getting twisted and I don't know how to stop from ruining everything" I said

"Have you thought about telling the truth?"

"No it won't lead to any good" I said

"What did you lie about?" He asked

"Nothing, I have to go. Thanks for the talk Son, thank you for checking up on me." I said as I got up and started walking towards the car park.

I stood at the entrance for about 15 minuets before I saw Zoe's car show up.

I went outside and got into the car.

"What's going on Amelia? Eric has called me like 5 times" she said

"You helped me last night, I know you didn't want to, but it's the rules no matter if we're fighting we help each other in awkward or bad situations and that's what you did last night, so thank you"

"Don't thank me, you'd do the same thing for me"

"I'd also like to apologise for being a bitch towards you, I know you just wanted to help me and you know me better than anyone, better than myself, you knew I was self sabotaging, but I didn't want to see that. I'd like to apologise to you and I hope you can accept my apology, because there's nothing I hate more than fighting with you"

"Of course I accept your apology, you know I just want what's best for you and I wasn't saying all that to be mean or anything else. I love you Ames!"

"I love you too Zoe" I said as I started tearing up and she pulled me into a hug.

"So do you want to explain why Eric keeps on calling me?" She asked

"Well when Dele asked why I practically fled his house last night, I panicked and said you and Eric had a fight and you needed me, but then stupid Dele goes and asks Eric about this fight that was so bad that I had to leave his house in the middle, he asked about this fight, a fight that never happened and Eric panicked and started to think about everything and he thought that maybe you'd break up with him" I said


"What I don't want to break up with him and I don't want him to think that" she said panicking

"And that's why I'm kinda panicking I don't want to have to tell Eric and Dele why I lied about last night" I said

"Okay we can fix this" Zoe said

"No more lies" I said

"Well we're gonna have to lie, you go talk to Dele and tell him that the reason why you left was that I needed to talk about something personal, that you couldn't tell him so you just said it was a thing between me and Eric" she said

"What are you gonna tell Eric?"

"I'll figure it out, you just talk to Dele, then tonight you're gonna come over to mine and we're gonna have a bunch of snacks and very unhealthy food, then we'll watch a bunch of chick flicks and have a proper sleepover" Zoe said

"I'm really in need of that" I said

"I'll see you tonight" she said

"I love you Z" I said as I started to get out of the car

"I love you too"

I left Zoe in her car and I went inside to the training facility where the guys were in the gym today. I waved Dele over so he'd come and talk to me. He was a bit confused but after a minute he came over to me.

"So last night when I left, it wasn't because of a fight Zoe and Eric had, It was a personal thing about Zoe and I couldn't tell you, she didn't want me to, so I lied and that's what got us into this mess, sorry I should of been honest and just said that Zoe doesn't want you to know" I said

"I just don't understand why you'd lie" he said

"I don't know I was trying to protect Zoe and it was just a stupid lie" I said

"I get it, shes you're best friend and there's stuff that she'd rather me not know, I understand that, if you would of just said it a thing with Zoe and she'd rather you not know I would accept that. So just be honest next time and I'll understand" he said

"Okay I'll be honest next time, I'm sorry for all this mess" I said

"Can I kiss you? Or are we being professional at work?" He asked with a smirk

"We're being professional" i said

"Hmm okay how about tonight? Come over to mine and we can kiss as much as we want"

"I can't tonight I'm sleeping over at Zoe's"

"So everything's good between you two?"

"Yes everything is good between us, I'll see you later Bamidele" I said

"Okay I'll see you later, and don't forget you owe me a kiss" he said with a smile

"You can get all the kisses you want" I said walking away


"So are you going to talk to him about why he got all weird?" Zoe asked as we sat on her bed

"I'm not sure I just feel like if i ignore it it'll go away" I said

"That's not how it works Ames"

"I know, I just don't know what to do, he was all weird about it and it had just finally felt like we got to a good place, so I don't know" I told her

"I understand, you don't want to ruin things by having to talk about that, but sooner or later you're gonna have to" she said

"I know"

"What did you tell Eric?" I asked changing the subject

"I told him that you had a thing that you didn't want to tell Dele so you made up an excuse to be able to leave and that was that me and him had a fight" she said

"Did he believe it?"

"It took some convincing but I think so, but I think he's having doubts" she said


"I guess it's the whole sex thing, we've been dating for months and we haven't had sex, I know it's been months and almost couples would of already have had sex, it's not like I'm waiting for marriage but how do I tell him I'm a virgin?"

"Just tell him Zo, he'll understand, he hasn't pressured you once about it, he's frustrated yes but he'd understand"

"What if he leaves me? What if me being a virgin is a dealbreaker to him"

"He doesn't seem like a guy that would leave you for sex"

"I know but what If it is? We can't be sure about anything Ames, I could tell him and he could break up with me right after"

"I know we can't be sure but you'll never know unless you tell him"

"Or maybe he'd act all understanding and then we'd have sex and he'd leave me after taking my virginity" she said as she started her downwards spiral

"Okay lets take a deep breath now and not overact, let's not thing about that. How about we watch a movie?" I asked trying to get her mind off of it

"Yes okay, how about me before you?"

"Yes that's a great movie" I said


Zoe.lane, Harry.winks and 6543 liked your post

look at my beautiful best friend🥰


I love you!❤️

damn my girlfriend is hot!🤤

so beautiful

friendship goals!!


James.BP, Amelia.Bbl, and 1254 others liked your post.

damn I'm lucky to have this one in bed with me😜


I'm the lucky one I get to share a bed with a goddess🤤❤️



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