《Back together Hunter x Hunter (killugon)》The Birthday X Planning


Killua's POV

Walking through the city is sometimes nice. But sometimes there's assholes who think they own the place.. and idiots like the one behind me.....

Killua glares in front of him as gon skips happily saying hi to everyone he walks by.

"I haven't seen so many people in forever!" gon walks up next to killua.

"Well, yeah. Doesn't your dad hate people?" Gon walks a little ahead of killua

"Yeah, Gings not a peoples person.." Killua raises his eyebrow at gon. Gon fixes the red scarf hanging around his neck

"I've always wondered.." Gon turns his head to look at killua

"Hmm?" killua puts his hands in the pockets of his dark blue jacket.

"why do you call him Ging and not Dad?" Gon stops walking and puts his hand to his chin. Killua also stops and looks at him

"I don't know actually" Gon smiles

"tch." Gon tries fixing the scarf again but fails.

"its not that cold gon"

"I kow! But it smells like you!"

"Baka" Killua blushes and glances ahead of them.

"Hey! There's kurapika!" Gon stands on his tippy toes and looks in the direction killua is pointing. Gon sees kurapika in a Green jacket and a blue hat covering his blonde hair. Gon smiles

"KURAPIKA!" kurapika turns his head and spots Gon running to him dragging an annoyed killua behind him.

"Gon!" kurapika smiles. Gon stops in front of Kurapika.

"Hey, how've you been gon?" gon hugs kurapika.

"Good! You?" kurapika notices killua behind gon rubbing his hands together.

"You cold killua?"

"Tch. No" killua puts his hands in his pockets and looks in the other direction.

"Here killua!" gon wraps the red scarf around killuas neck.

"Now you'll be warm" Gon smiles as he turns back to killua. Killua grabs the scarf and moves it above his nose. 'it smells like gon now..' killua looks at the back of gons head. His spikey hair blowing in the wind. 'I missed his smell..' gon notices killua looking at him and gon glances back. Seeing a blushing killua with half his face behind the scarf. Gon blushes slightly and turns back to kurapika. Kurapika notices what's going on


"Want to head to the mall now?" gon and killua both look at him and nod.

-in a store-

"Hey kurapika?" Gon asks while he looks at a red, white, and blue sign that says 'Happy 4th of July!'

"Hmm?" he grabs the price tag.

"How do you know you love someone?" kurapika turns and looks at him. Gons looking up at him with killua in the background smelling candles.

"Uhh, what kind of love?" Gon looks down. Killua's still in the background smelling candles. And he picks up a red one and makes a disgusted face after smelling it quickly putting it down and moving away from it.

"I don't know to be honest.." gon looks down.

"I mean I think about them all the time. And when I was away I panicked. I thought something bad would happen.. and when they said they would go with someone else I think.." Gon looks up "Something died in me.." he tears up. Kurapika can only look at him. Gons sad expression caused him to be sad.

"Gon." Kurapika kneels down by him. "I think you love that person you were talking about."

"Really?" gon wipes his face.

"Yeah, I mean, do you want to protect them?" Gon nods "Then you love them" Gon smiles

"Hey kurapika.."

"Hmm?" kurapika stands straight and grabs a glass vase with red, white and blue on it.

"What if i want to do.." gon pauses then whispers. "Naughty things with them" Kurapika drops the vase and slowly turns to gon whose scratching the back of his head blushing. Killua walks over and puts his hands behind his head then sees the shattered glass. "kurapika, you klutz"

-After the whole store incident Gon, Killua and kurapika are at a different store-


"CANDDDDDYYYYY" killua runs around the store stuffing candy in his mouth. Gon watching him and also stuffing candy in his mouth while kurapika is still pale.

"You okay sir?" the lady at the counter asks as kurapika slowly falls over. "oh dear!" the lady walks around the counter trying to help kurapika.

"Gon! There's robos!" killua shows gon a red, yellow and blue robot shaped box

"I found lollipops!" gon stuffs a red, white and blue lollipop in his mouth as he heads in killua's direction. As both the boys fill up bags full of candy kurapika is conscious again. As he leans on the counter to help himself up he sees killua lifting gon to the higher shelf. Gon falls landing on Killua. Now, gon on top of killua nose to noes they both laugh. And kurapika falls over again. Causing both boys to look at him.

-In the taxi-

kurapikas leaning against the window asleep as gon and killua go through all their purchases.

"Gon, let me see your stuff!" gon hides his bags behind him.

"NO" he sticks his tongue out.

"But whyyyy" Killua complains

"I have your birthday gift." Killua smirks

"mayyybee you can show me early!" killua reaches for the bags.

"I say no" killua makes a pout face.

"fine then" after some silence.


"yeah?" gon grabs killua's chin and pulls him into a kiss, surprising killua.

"That's one present" Gon smiles and looks out the window watching all the people they pass. Killua slowly lifts his hand to his lips. 'present?' killua looks at gon and smiles.

-in front of the building Killua and Alluka are staying in-

"bye kurapika!" gon waves at a waddling away kurapika

"come on Gon" Killua walks inside carrying his bags. Gon follows.

"so what will be for dinner?" gon asks as they enter the elevator.

"hmm, maybe curry" killua says looking up at the number that's going up by ones

"sounds good" gon smiles thinking about food. The elevator rings and the door opens "hey killua, how did you learn to cook?" they both walk out of the elevator.

"the neighbor downstairs always came over and cooked for me and Alluka, so I learned from her." Killua sweat dropped. "still not good with old lady's tho.." an image of the gray haired lady hitting Killua with a wooded spoon flashes in to mind. "she only cooked cuz of Alluka" killua sulked

"Killua.." Killua stops walking and looks at gon

"Yea-" Gon pushes killua to the wall causing their bags to fall. "g-gon? What is it?"

"Killua.. would I.. be an okay birthday present?" gon looks up at him.



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