《Love on Top》Ch.8


Currently,I was on the phone with my mother who was telling me about this event her and my father are hosting tonight with many entrepreneurs and other elitist they know. My mind started wondering off to Daphne. She was a beautiful woman with confidence that I admired. I thought back to two days ago when she asked me out on a date for this Saturday.

"Sāi móu ěr, nǐ zài tīng wǒ shuōhuà??" She asked (translation: Samuel, are you even listening to me?).

"Ń.... Shì de. Duì, wǒ shì," I responded (translation: Ummm....yes. Yes I am).

"Wǒ xiǎng wǒ yǒngyuǎn bù huì kàn dào zhè yītiān wǒ wéiyī de érzi huì piàn wǒ," She dramatically (translation: I thought I would never see the day when my one and only son would lie to me). I rolled my eyes at her exaggeration.

"Māmā, wǒ tīng nǐ kěndìng," I sighed (translation: Mother,I am listening to you for sure).

"Shuōhuǎng zhě. Wǒ zhùyì dào, nǐ yǐjīng bèi wǒmen de tánhuà guòchéng zhōng fēnqū chū de quánbù shíjiān. Shénme yǐjīng dédàole zài gěi nǐ?" She asked (translation: Liar. I noticed that you have been zoning out the whole time during our conversation. What has gotten in to you?).

"Nothing, Mother," I responded.

"Sāi móu ěr, nǐ néng gàosù wǒ. Wǒ shì nǐ de mǔqīn bìjìng," She said (translation:Samuel,you can tell me. I am your mother after all). I thought about telling her for a moment and then not telling her but she is my Mother after all. Knowing her,she'll be very elated.

"Fine. There's this woman who I have a date with this Saturday," I confessed.

"Samuel Zhāng actually has a date with a woman that I didn't even set him up with!" She gushed in English.

"Yes I do, Mother," I smiled broadly.

"What's her name? How old is she? How did you ask her out? When did you ask her out?" She questioned.


"Her name is Daphne, I don't know how old she is, and I didn't ask her out exactly," I responded.

"What do you mean by 'you didn't ask her out'?" She queried.

"She asked me out," A warm feeling came over when said that.

"Oh. What a confident young lady," She giggled.

"Yes she is. Our date is this Saturday," I informed her.

"Oh. Tell me how it goes afterwards. I have to hear about it," She beamed.

"I promise," I chuckled.

"I have to go. The maids need me to tell them what kind of flowers they should order for our gala for next month," She informed.

"Oh. Alright. Talk to you later," I said.

"Bye," She murmured. I hung up the phone then I massaged my temple before getting back to work. I looked over some files and things that needed my approval.

After work, I drove home to my house. It was 10 pm when I had gotten off work and I even brought some files and other things that needed my approval with me. Dave greeted me at the door. I smiled and chuckled.

"How's it going buddy?" I greeted. He barked at me in response. I closed and locked the front door before taking off my coat. I get out my phone and dial Daphne's number. She picks up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?" She groggily said.

"Good evening,Daphne," I greeted with a small smile on face.

"Oh. Samuel,how are you?" She yawned.

"I'm fine. Thank you," I replied.

"That's great," She murmured.

"Daphne,I know this great restaurant that's downtown called La Grenouille and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me for our date on Saturday," I explained.

"I'd love to," She yawned.

"Great. I'll see you then," I said.

"You too," She yawned again.

"I called at a bad time right?" I queried.

"No. No. You didn't. I needed to get up anyway," She yawned.


"Long nap?" I asked.

"You're correct,sir," She chuckled.

"Wish I could take a nap," I sighed.

"Why don't you?" She asked.

"I have to work on some things I brought home from work," I responded.

"I can't imagine doing that," She tells me.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I work from home," She answered.

"Ah. I wouldn't have guessed," I murmured.

"Yeah I'm the twenty percent of Americans that the eighty percent hates the most," She jokes. I laughed softly.

"You have it easy compared to me," I tell her as I walked up the stairs. I headed straight for my room and towards my closet with Dave right behind me.

"The only stressful thing for me is submitting articles on time," She mumbled.

"Oh the pain of doing that," I joked. We both laughed together.

"The upside to working from home is that I get to roll out of bed to work and roll back in to sleep," She said.

"Are there any other magazines you plan on working at after Cosmopolitan?" I questioned.

"Vogue with Anna Wintour or Bazaar. Which ever one decides to hire me is the one I'll go to," She tells me.

"But if you had to choose,which one would you go to?" I asked.

"Hmmm....that's a hard decision,but Bazaar would be my best choice. The endless amounts of fashion show coverage I can get,the worldwide praise for my articles,and the pay is so very tempting," She dreamily said. I smiled broadly. I checked the time on my alarm clock.

"I'm afraid that I must go. I'll talk to you later,Daphne," I said.

"You too,Samuel," She yawned again.

"Goodnight," I murmured.

"Goodnight,Samuel," She softly said before hanging up. I smiled down at my phone and then I stripped naked to take a well deserved shower. After my shower,I pulled on pajama pants and a t-shirt then I walked out of my bathroom ready to take Dave outside so he could use the bathroom. As I stood out there,my mind wandered over to Daphne. She was a beautiful woman and she was kind too. I admired those traits about her. I took this time to check my mailbox while Dave sniffed around the yard. Once I finished getting what I needed,I waited on Dave until he was finished. We both headed inside and I locked the door. I walked upstairs to my room and I set my mail down on my dresser before getting into bed. Dave climbed onto the bed after me and he slept at the foot of the bed. I soon fell asleep as well.

The next day, I had woken up at around 7. Crap. I didn't even look over those files I had brought home last night. Slowly,I get out of bed and Dave raises his head to look at me before laying back down. I passed across the room to my bathroom so I could shower.

After getting dressed and ready for the day,I grabbed the files off of my desk in my study before walking out to my car.

"Samuel," I heard the sound of Morgan's voice and I groaned loudly. Why?

"Morgan,I already know what you are going to say and I don't want to hear it. End of story. Now leave," I coldly said.

"But,Sammie," She pouted. I picked up my phone and pressed one of the buttons to call Bridgette.

"Bridgette,please have security escort Miss Faulkner off the premises and also be sure to tell them that she is banned from even setting foot on the property," I said.

"Yes,sir," She replied. I hung up the phone and soon Security walked in. They grabbed Morgan gently and walked her out of my office. Why was I attracted to that immature leech?

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