《Corruption {Percabeth Fanfiction}》Epilogue


Two Years Later

I smoothed out my robe and continued pacing around my room. Silena, my hairstylist, was digging through her bag, rambling on about her new boyfriend, Charles Beckendorf.

I, on the other hand, was on the verge of a panic attack. In less than two hours, I would be walking down the aisle and giving the love of my life my hand in marriage. Then, less than an hour after that, I would be pledging my life to Olympus and receiving the title of Queen.

"Annabeth, have a seat," Silena called.

I nodded, walking over to my vanity. As she brushed out my hair, I thought about how much my life had changed over the past couple of years.

My father immediately called a meeting with the council the day after I had my discussion with him and effectively removed them from office. That day, Percy was also released from his cell and we had a very affectionate reunion, where I confessed my evergrowing feelings for him and asked him to marry me. He was shocked, of course, having only known me a week, but said yes.

We began planning our wedding but left most of the fine details to my father and stepmother. Although Helen wasn't my favorite person, she certainly was a good party planner. Percy and I spent about a year growing closer to each other before I asked him to move in with me. The two of us stayed in my room but decorated it a little more fitting for a young man to spend his life in.

As Percy and I's relationship progressed, we also progressed in our understandings of how to be a king and queen. We went to daily classes and spent a lot of time watching my father and stepmother work things out. I was pleased to see my father morph into a more loving ruler.

The compassion had always been in his heart, but he didn't know how to implement that into his life as a king. Surprisingly, Helen assisted in transforming his persona from a stonecold king to a caring one. After dismantling the council, he abolished slavery, created amendments that pushed the civil rights movement, and funded several poverty associations. I would have a lot more work to do as the queen, but my father had undone many of his and the previous rulers' mistakes.

"Are you excited, Princess Annabeth?" Silena asked me, pinning up separate locks of my hair.

I blinked, a small smile gracing my lips. "Yes, as well as nervous."

She grinned. "Understandable. When I went on my first date with Charlie, I was very anxious. But he's such a great guy, there really was no reason to be anxious. Percy is also an amazing guy, so you have nothing to be worried about. You two will make a wonderful pair."

I sighed, thinking about my amazing soon to be husband. Percy was the most affectionate, kind, and stunning man I knew. He was a jokester and a troublemaker, always causing mischief around the palace, but was amazing at toning it down to take care of me and calm me. We were almost complete opposites but drew the best out of each other. I turned him into a more responsible man and he made sure I was living life to its fullest.

Silena laughed. "I can tell how much you love him by the look on your face," she teased.


I blushed a little but retorted, "It's just about the same look you get on your's when you go on about 'Charlie'."

Once the council was taken care of, all of the revolters came out of hiding in Percy's old village and began normal lives. Charles Beckendorf, one of the people I shared my first ever Insurgent meal with, applied to be a guard at the palace. Once he met Silena, it was practically love at first sight.

My hairstylist tucked one last strand of hair into its place before smiling at me through the mirror. "All done," she told me. "I'll just do your makeup now and then call Drew in."

I nodded, turning so Silena could apply makeup to my face. She kept it simple, just like she knew I wanted, and was done rather quickly.

"You look amazing, Annabeth," she told me.

I smiled. "Thank you, Silena. I really appreciate this."

She nodded. "I'll see you walking down the aisle, Your Highness," she commented, rushing off with a wink and a smirk.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror. So much had changed in two years, and I couldn't believe it.

A knock sounded at my door, and I got up to open it. When I stepped back, Drew rushed into my room with a small tote in her hand. Behind her, a petite black girl was hoisting a large fabric package above her head. Once she entered, I shut the door and walked over to my bed, where the maid had laid the package.

With her face no longer being partially covered, I recognized her as Hazel, the maid who had first shown me my eighteenth birthday ball dress and continued being Drew's apprentice.

"Hey," I greeted her.

She gave me a small wave and smiled. "Hi, Princess Annabeth. Are you excited?"

I grinned at the young girl. She was about sixteen years old, but she would always be a little girl in my mind. "I'm very excited, but also nervous."

She nodded understandingly. "I get it, but don't worry. Percy is great."

"You've got that right."

With that, Drew clapped her hands impatiently, causing Hazel and me to jump. "Alright, ladies, let's get going. We do not want to be late."

I nodded and stood. I untied my robe and was immediately forced into a corset. I rolled my eyes, reminiscing on the most memorable time I'd worn a corset. Drew laced up the strings and tied it up, but not too tightly for once.

Once the corset was on, Hazel was ready with my wedding dress. The dress was beautiful. It was pure white with a sweetheart neckline. Lace material made up the torso of the dress and faded out into a beaded tulle material for the skirt. I stepped into the dress and, with the help of Hazel and Drew, it was properly fastened up.

Drew passed a pair of silver heels to Hazel before rushing over to her my vanity. As Hazel guided my feet into the heels, which weren't too tall, Drew fastened a silver necklace around my neck and inserted plain owl earings into my earlobes.

The necklace was my mother's, given to her by my father on their first anniversary and passed down to me on my twentieth birthday, just one month prior. The earings were given to me by my father on my fourteenth birthday and I wore them almost every day. Owls were my mother's favorite animal, making them mine as well.


"I believe," Drew began, stepping back to admire her look, "that you're all finished."

I looked at Hazel for confirmation, who was grinning at me. "You look amazing, Princess Annabeth."

I smiled. "Thank you, Hazel, and thank you, Drew. Your work is amazing, as always."

She nodded. "Of course. Try not to trip on the train down the aisle, Your Highness," she teased.

I laughed, glancing at my appearance in the mirror. The strapless neckline swooped low, but not too low as to where I was indecent. The dress hugged my chest and waist before flaring around my hips and flowing straight to the floor in typical ballgown fashion. A short train dragged along the floor behind me. Overall, I looked like the perfect bride, but I was missing one thing to make me look like a princess.

I walked over to my wardrobe carefully and pulled my crown off of a shelf. I placed the crown on my head and lingered in the closet for a moment, savoring the scent of my fiancé's clothing.

I couldn't wait to see Percy. As per tradition, I hadn't seen him since we wished each other a good night and he left the castle to go to his old home. He slept there and was getting ready there.

Satisfied with seeing him in just an hour or so now, I left the closet and walked into my room. Hazel gave me a once over. "Wow," she breathed. "Now you really look like a princess, and soon enough, a queen."

I smiled at her. "Thanks again, girls."

They nodded, wishing me luck and rushing off.

I sighed, looking at my appearance one last time before sitting carefully on my bed. In less than an hour, I would be married. I was definitely nervous, but mainly, I was excited. I truly loved Percy and wanted to rule by his side for eternity.

In no time at all, there was another knock on my door. I got up and opened it, revealing my father. He was dressed in a black suit with a white dress shirt and a skinny black tie. His dark blonde hair was neatly gelled and his blue eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"There's my little girl, all grown up," he said.

I laughed, holding out my arm. He linked his through mine and the two of us walked down the hallway and all three flights of stairs to the main floor, where the wedding chapel was.

"You ready, Annabeth?" my father asked as we neared the chapel doors.

I took a deep breath and nodded. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Two guards opened the doors and the music began playing. My father and I slowly strode down the aisle. The room was beautiful and decorated just like I wanted. The floor to ceiling windows making up the walls were framed with flowering vines, as was the aisle. I saw some familiar faces in the seating area, including Silena and Hazel, as well as my friends from the Insurgent base. I gave them each a small smile, but my focus was on the man at the altar.

Looking down the aisle at my fiancé, I was already holding back tears. Percy was dressed in a well-fitting navy suit, white shirt, and black bowtie. His black locks were artfully messy and his green eyes were also shimmering with tears and happiness.

I grinned at him, and he sent me a heartwarming smile back.

My father and I continued walking down the aisle, and once we were at the end, he kissed my hand before passing me over to Percy.

I held Percy's hands and stared into his beautiful eyes. "I love you," he mouthed.

And the tears poured down.

The wedding officiator began his spiel, but I was in another world. Suddenly, time was running at two times its normal pace. Percy said his vows, cracking a joke or two, and then it was my turn.

"Percy Jackson, when I first met you, there was not a single fraction of my brain that thought you were the man for me. But you grew on me, and it seemed that I was falling in love with you. I proposed to you after a week, being insane, and you - being even more insane - said yes."

There were a few chuckles, and I smiled at Percy before continuing. "Over these past two years, you have proven time and time again that you are the only one with the key to my heart. Your smile is contagious and your touch makes my heart race. Just being in the same room is intoxicating. I'm in love with you, Percy. Oh, and, by the way, happy birthday."

Percy's birthday was the anniversary of a multitude of events, including both of our parents' deaths. We wanted to bring a little cheer to the otherwise dreary day by making it our wedding day.

Percy grinned. "Thanks, beautiful," he whispered.

The wedding officiator listed off the official vows, and we repeated them respectfully. My younger brother, Matthew, handed us the rings and we slid them on each other's ring fingers.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," the officiator stated. "You may now - "

Percy tugged me into his arms and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss, cupping his face with my hands. His hands were placed on my waist and he rubbed his thumbs against the curve of my hip.

"Well then," the wedding officiator drawled. "I guess he didn't need my permission."

"Sorry, sir," Percy said, grinning and not looking sorry at all. "I've been waiting to do that since she walked in. Did you see how beautiful she is?"

The officiator rolled his eyes. "I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Jackson!" he announced to the room, and everyone clapped.

Percy gave me another kiss before grabbing my hand and tugging me down the aisle. We ran out of the room with smiles on our faces.

As soon as we left the chapel, I wrapped my arms around my husband's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. He hugged me impossibly close, running his hands along the exposed skin of my back.

When we pulled apart for air, Percy tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and brushed his nose against mine. "Ready to become the queen?" he asked with a smirk on his lips.

I nodded, scanning his face. "With you by my side, I'm ready for anything."

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