《Corruption {Percabeth Fanfiction}》Chapter Twenty (Pt. 1)


By the time I was at the stairwell, I was wincing with every step and breathing heavily. I hobbled down two flights of stairs, making my way down to the basement. Several guards tried to stop me, but with a harsh glare sent their way, they stayed at their posts.

Once I was in the basement, I took a right and shuffled along to the prison ward. Two guards stood at the large metal door.

"Hello there," I said as I approached them. "Don't mind me, I'll be out of your way in just a second."

I tried to pull open the door, but it was locked. I sent one of the guards a helpless look, and he sighed, bringing out a key.

As he unlocked the door, he muttered, "Please don't mention my name to your father."

I smiled a little, holding a finger to my lips as I stepped into the room. Five cells lined each wall, and only two of them were filled. One held an old woman with wiry grey hair, wrinkled skin, and watery blue eyes. She smiled at me, revealing crooked yellow teeth.

"Have you come to let me out?" she screeched.

I shook my head rapidly and rushed to the second occupied cell. Inside, Percy was sitting on the thin mattress in the corner, one leg bent and the other straight. His eyes were closed and his lips were parted, and I would have believed he were asleep if he didn't open one of his lids. The second we made eye contact, he sprung up and rushed over to the bars separating me from him.

He wrapped his fingers around two of the bars and pressed his forehead against them. "Annabeth," he whispered, "are you alright?"

I smiled serenely, nodding. "I'm fine. How are you doing?"


He shrugged, his green eyes dull. "Not the best. I've missed you, Princess."

I could've broken down into tears at the helpless expression on his face. "I've missed you, too, Percy. I would have come sooner, but the nurse said I couldn't leave until tomorrow morning, so I waited until she left and I snuck out."

Percy smiled and caressed my cheek through the bar. "I've turned you into a rebel," he teased.

I shrugged. "Did you talk to my father?"

He shook his head. "I was interrogated by some high up guard. I told him everything, save for our...closeness, so don't be afraid to mention anything to your father when you go."

I nodded, smiling when he mentioned our newfound relationship. "I wish I could get you out of here, but I've already broken enough rules today. Besides, I don't think any of the guards are very happy with me. I sent them all a glare when they tried to stop me from coming down here."

Percy chuckled, and it was music to my ears. "Having been the receiver of said glare, I don't blame them." He paused. "What floor is the infirmary on?"

"The second," I answered. "Why?"

He looked at me. "You walked down two flights of stairs in your poor medical condition?" he exclaimed incredulously.

I smiled sheepishly. "I missed you," I reiterated.

Percy sighed, removing his hand from my face and stepping back into the cell. "I know because I missed you just as much, if not more. But you should get going. Try to get an audience with your father. We have a promise to keep."

I nodded, suddenly remembering the whole reason I was dragged into this mess. Percy wouldn't have kidnapped me to help Kronos if he didn't need me for his own project, which was convincing the king to become a better ruler diplomatically.


"I'll be back," I promised.

Percy grinned. "Not without good news," he warned mockingly.

I smiled, waving goodbye before booking it passed the creepy old woman and out of the prison ward.

It took me a very long time to hobble up two flights of stairs, but, eventually, I made it to the throne room. The throne room was a room with high ceilings, golden pillars, luxurious rugs and tapestries, and two thrones for the king and queen. The queen's seat was empty, but my father was sitting in his throne with his legs crossed and a book in his hands.

"Father?" I called.

He looked up from his book and his blue eyes lit up. His face, although tiredness weighed it down and dark circles ringed his eyes, was filled with a surprising amount of joy. "Annabeth," he said, "it is so good to see you safe and sound."

I smiled and nodded, walking over to him with my hands clasped behind my back. "It's good to see you as well, Father. I was going to tell you of my time away, but if you have already heard of it, I can skip that part and go straight to my...request."

He set his book down and stood from his throne. "Let's head somewhere else and you can start from the beginning. I know of the story, but I want to know from your point of view."

I nodded and followed him out of the room. We slowly made our way over to the library, my favorite room in the entire castle. The two of us sat across from each other in a set of armchairs.

"Tell me what happened," my father requested.

I took a deep breath and began to tell my tale.

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