《Corruption {Percabeth Fanfiction}》Chapter Fourteen


Percy smiled, diving forward to encase me in a hug and immediately holding himself back. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't do that."

I frowned. "Why not?"

He looked into his lap. "This is strictly a business relationship. Once the plan is over, you go back to being the princess of Olympus and I return to my humble abode. You're going to find a husband and forget all about me. There's no reason to get attached."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Do I look like the type of girl to turn down a friendship because of social status?"

He blushed. "No, but you don't look like the type of girl to carry a dagger around either, and I was quite wrong about that."

I grinned and held my arms open. "I'm full of surprises."

Percy leaned forward and wrapped his arms around my waist. I rested my arms across his shoulders and entangled my fingers in his messy black hair. We stayed there for a moment, enjoying each other's company until there was a loud knock at the door.

We sprung apart and Percy rolled his eyes. "Come in!" he called.

Someone jiggled the handle before grunting, "It's locked."

Percy stood from the bed and unlocked the door. When he opened it, he revealed a disgruntled-looking Luke.

"It's dinnertime," the blonde muttered. "You two have been in here alone? With the door locked?"

My black-haired friend rolled his eyes. "Yes, Castellan. Is there a problem with that?"

"If boss finds out - " Luke began to threaten, but Percy cut him off.

"I got his permission to keep her here with me."

The older, taller boy frowned. "There are no spare rooms?"

Percy shook his head. "Apparently not, and I wasn't about to let her sleep in one of those jail cells."

Luke hesitated, a frown dragging his lips down, before saying, "Alright. I'm heading to the mess hall, and I suggest you do too." Then, he turned and went down the hallway.

I stood up from the bed with help from Percy and the two of us followed Luke's lead and joined the crowd of people heading toward the mess hall. Once we were back in the common area, we took a right so we were going down the hallway that contained the infirmary, kitchen, and dining area, as well as some other things.


The mess hall was a large room filled with around thirty dining tables that could seat ten people each. There was a counter of food with a line of people waiting to be served something of nutritional value onto their tray. After they were satisfied, they made their way to one of the tables and began to eat. I noted that Kronos was not present and concluded that people of extraordinary ranking probably ate somewhere else.

Percy and I grabbed a tray each and waited in line. The noise level was high enough that I decided to ask him a question.

"Is Luke one of the people who don't trust you?"

Percy looked down at me and smirked. "Yeah, you could say that. He blames everything on me and has tried to peg me for sabotaging plans more times than I can count. He's only been right about a handful of times, but no one ever believes him."

"Earlier he mentioned there being a mole. Do you have something to do with that?"

He shook his head. "No, that's actually quite worrying. Either a revolter went haywire or there is an Insurgent member who's changed their beliefs but isn't aware that there is a group of people they can join."

I nodded. "Got it."

When it was my turn to get food, I chose mashed potatoes, carrots, and some sort of ground beef concoction. I filled my glass with water and hobbled over to a table with Percy.

"Hey, guys," Percy greeted, helping me sit down and then sitting across from me. "This is Annabeth."

Everyone at the table chorused their hellos. A tanned girl with brown hair mentioned how glad she was that Percy had made it back safe, and he smiled at her. My stomach wound up in knots and suddenly my mashed potatoes didn't look so appealing anymore.

The boy sitting across from me, a Latino with messy brown hair and brown eyes, cackled. "Don't let the mystery meat freak you out too much, Princess."

I recoiled. "Is it beef?" I asked.


All six members of the table, including Percy, shrugged.

"Great," I muttered, stirring the mixture with my fork.

"Just try it," Percy murmured. "I've been eating it for years and haven't died yet."

I gave him a look. "Yet."

I took a bite as Percy began introducing everyone at the table. They were all younger than me. The girl with brown hair and tanned skin was Piper and the Latino boy was named Leo. There was also an Asian boy named Frank, a bulky black boy named Charles, and a scrawny blonde boy named Michael.

We chatted about simple things for a while until Percy had to get up to take care of something. Of course, that was when things ended up transferring to a heavier topic.

"I'm surprised boss is letting you socialize with everyone instead of holing you up in his chamber and watching your every move," Leo commented.

I bit my lip. "Percy convinced him to not lock me up, saying something about giving me a good incentive. I don't really know, but I'm grateful I don't have to stay with Kronos. He freaks me out."

Piper frowned. "Where are you staying?"

"With Percy," I explained. "We got pretty close during the past day or so."

Frank chuckled. "That's unheard of."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Not many people can crack that boy's shell open," he said.

"Yeah," Michael carried on. "All we know of him is that his parents are dead and he's a rebel."

Piper coughed. "Basically, he isn't usually very open with people. You must have quite the personality if you warmed him up that quickly."

Leo grinned. "Or a wicked body."

Frank smacked the Latino upside the head. "Ignore him," he told me.

I nodded, but my cheeks were already blistering. "I can assure you we haven't had any physical relations. We just bonded over some things."

"Did he tell you about - " Michael began to say, but all four of his friends sent him a glare. "What?"

Beside me, I heard Percy pull out his chair. "Did I tell her about the revolution? Yes, yes I did. She's already in on it, aren't you, Princess?"

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "Yes, I am. I agree with the fact that my kingdom is being ruled poorly but do not agree with using violence to combat it."

"So you're going to help us?" Frank asked.

"Yeah, I'll do my very best."

The rest of the dinner consisted of storytelling and friendship making, and by the end of the period, I felt as though I had bonded pretty well with those people. Percy dumped my tray as well as his own before coming back to collect me. We went back to his quarters and got ready for bed. Percy had convinced Piper to lend me some of her clothes to use during my week in the Insurgent base.

Once we were both dressed, Percy helped me into his bed and tucked the covers in around me.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked him.

"On the floor," he answered matter of factly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "No way. That rug is so worn you'll be practically lying on the cement."

Percy scoffed. "Where else do you suggest I sleep, Princess?"

I looked around the room, noticing there weren't any couches or chairs. I blushed but said, "In bed with me."

His mouth opened and closed without letting any words out. "Are you sure?" he finally spat out.

I nodded. "I trust you, and I don't want you to get a crooked neck sleeping on the floor all week. There's enough room for two, surely."

Percy smiled a little and climbed into bed beside me after putting out the candles in the room. I fell asleep quickly, exhausted from the day's events. It was one of the bests sleeps I'd ever had.

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