《The backup Bride》EPISODE 24


20/11/2019 - Wednesday- At Chennai.

Shiva's P. O. V :

She looked at me through the window with wide open eyes. Her hair was tied above her head into a messy bun. Her face slightly visible from the light inside.

She cut the call and shook her head smiling. She signalled me to wait ten minutes and ran in.

There I was waiting in front of a girl's house, 4:30 in the morning standing under the streetlight ,without any fear of being misjudged as a thief or rogue. I was smiling a lot standing alone. Hari also told me that I am being this smiley because of my sleeplessness.

I hadn't slept the night before. I sat all night with Hari and planned out this day, to be as perfect as possible.

My parents are thankfully out of town. They would have reached Theni by now, and my Amma would start the engagement works as soon as she wakes up. The thought of my engagement triggered the fear which I was trying to hide underneath the happiness.

I know that this is an illusion. Whatever that might happen today will be stored safely under a secret locker of memories which I would hold close to my heart. For one day, even if this is not true, I am free, I am free to choose.

In three days, I would be engaged. But for now, all that matters is being with Aparna. I am scared of breaking her heart. In this stupid wish of mine, I hope she doesn't get affected.

I was praying to God that both of us come out of this day happy and content.

The screech of the gate brought my attention back to the reality. She walked out with a pink jacket and black jeans. She locked the gate and walked quickly towards my bike. Her hair was tied into a pony tail, with few hairs springing over her forehead.

" Sorry ,i was late, So, where are we going? " She asked, her eyes shining with curiosity. She is doing this for me. Maybe she likes me too, but I know that my wish has hugely influenced her.

" Are you going to say something or stare at me the entire day? " She asked raising her eyebrows.


I shook my head and handed her the helmet. She got it from me and looked inside. She dug out the map that I had hidden.

While she was busily looking at it, I wore my helmet and started my bike.

" Wait! What is this? " She asked pointing to the map.

" Sit first, you will figure out on the way " I said. She nodded and sat behind me in my bike.

I drove out as soon as she wore her helmet. It was freezing cold, added with the mist and the chill from the rain yesterday.

The road was free from the crowd, it was still dark.

Aparna was trying to figure out the map, while I went on the road.

The map had all the places that we were going to visit marked in stars, numbered in the order of visit and none of the places were written. The map was clean without any text.

" I can see that this is the map of the Chennai city. But I don't understand the numbers, where we are! " She said to me.

" We started in 1 , now you are supposed to direct me to 2 " I said.

" Okay! Okay! We are going old school.I think we should take the next left! " She said.

I nodded back and followed her directions.

In few minutes, I felt Aparna tightly holding my shoulders. In the rear view mirror , I looked at her smiling at me. I smiled back instinctively.

" Is it okay if I talk? " She asked bringing her head closer to mine.

" You can! I am not kidnapping you or something! " I said laughing.

" What is your favorite color? " She asked.

" Blue , right now " I said.

" Favorite actor? " She asked.

" Thalaivar forever " I said and she laughed.

" Favorite cricketer? " She asked.

" Dhoni, wait, give me a break to ask you questions. " I said.

" You are driving, focus on that, ask when you get your turn. What is your favorite song? " She asked.

" Unakenna naan " I said and suddenly she became silent.

In few seconds, she started playing the song in high volume in her phone.


" Haven't heard it before, mind if I play it now? , the road is empty anyway " She said laughing.

" Go on " I said.

( for people who haven't heard of this song, here it is.)

She sat silent till the end of the song.

" Play yours next " I said.

" I can't. I want this day to be about you. Not me. " She said.

I didn't know how to tell her that it was never about me.

And we reached our first destination.

" Where are we? " She asked as I parked my bike safely.

I started walking and she followed me.

As the beach came into view, she stopped for a second and looked at me.

I continued walking smiling at her.

The time was nearly 5.

I sat down close to the waves and she sat beside me silently.

" Why are we at Besant nagar beach at 5 in the morning? " She asked.

" I thought, maybe we can watch the sunrise together " I said.

" That's totally..... Totally awesome. " She said staring at the waves.

There was no sign of sun, I was hoping for the sun to stay there for some time. I wasn't ready for the day, yet.

" Have you been here before? " I asked.

She nodded her head looking at me, trying to bite down her smile.

" The sunrise? " I asked surprised.

" Yes, remember I was in Chennai for four months. " She said looking down.

And ladies and gentlemen, that's how my perfect plan started.

" Well, first time with you though " She said grinning.

" Thanks " I said.

In some time, small streaks of orange were seen at the sky over the sea.

She was looking at the sea too for the sun to come up.

That's when a group of clouds from nowhere appeared. I was cursing under my breath and praying for the clouds to clear away.

But they decided to stay there, and the sunrise was gone. We saw the sun only after it jumped out of the clouds.

" This is so unfortunate " I said. But her face showed no sign of regret.

" No, it isn't. We were the first people to look into the first light of this day, here. I didn't come here for the Sunrise anyway. I came here to be with someone and that's all that matters." She said looking at me.

I smiled and got up. She looked at me sitting down.

I gave my hand and waited for her to hold it.

She looked at me with a lop sided smile shaking her head.

" Come on! If you are not coming, I might drag you out, we have so much to do. " I said threatening her.

She held my hand and I forcibly pulled her up. Maybe with a little extra force,that she got up and fell on me, I slipped and fell on the sand along with her.

We both had sand covered on our entire back. Aparna looked at me shocked and I started laughing out loud. She sat up and dusted off the sand from her hair. I sat up and dusted my jacket.

" My hair! I washed it yesterday! You are going to pay for this! " She said.

" So much for a good start! " I said laughing.

Aparna shook her head with a wicked smile on her face. Within seconds, she pushed me down again and locked me down with her hands above my jacket. I saw her face much more clear with the soft sunlight.

Her eyes and her nose, it was as if I was seeing her for the first time , I restrained myself from rolling over and lock her under me. She tightened her hold on my jacket, crushing the fabric in her palm.

Her face few inches away from mine, she was staring at me tensed .Part of her hair was falling on my face. Her lips parted letting out her long held breath.

I slowly brought my hand up and moved away her small hairs that fell over her eyes to behind her ear. Her eyes were still unmoved from my face. I placed both of my hands behind my head and smiled at her.

At that moment, I didn't care if this was a dream or an illusion, all I wanted was to pull her closer and kiss her.

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