《The backup Bride》EPISODE 23


19/11/2019 - Tuesday- At Chennai.

Aparna's P. O. V:

He stood staring at me.

Never in my life, had I imagined I would lie to a person about my feelings and be this much desperate to be with a person. I knew that he was scared of a relationship with me now, he was scared of breaking my heart.

I don't know how this started, if it was because of his regret, or because of his longing, or because of his notebook, the only thing I was very sure of was, as much as he regretted not having a chance, I did the same too.

For once, this lie that I have no feelings attached to this should help us. For once, maybe we can start a fresh.

" Why are you doing this? " He finally asked. I looked at him gulping.

" Why did you come back? "He asked, he caught my arm and pulled me close to him. He was glaring at me.

" Why are you breaking my wall again and again? " He asked, his face was inches away from mine. Tiny droplets of water were still on his face and hair. His body was radiating with anger. I stood there stupefied.

" Do you think I can put a straight face like this everytime? " He asked. I was looking at him with wide eyes, he tightened his hold on my right arm.

" Why are you testing me? " He asked shaking me.

" I didn't " I said stuttering.

" Guess what, I am done. " He said releasing his hold over my arm. Small tears were flowing from my eyes.

Then suddenly he hugged me and I was out of breath. I was still too shocked to believe what was happening.

" Damn, I really wished I had run after you in that bus stand. I really wished I was able to stop you then and there, hugging you. " He said as he slowed released me from the hug.

" I really wished I had one day with you. " He said smiling.


This time I hugged him tight and he hugged me back. He placed his face over my shoulder and pulled me closer. I smiled under him. After a really long time, I felt at home, under his strong hold.

He fake coughed to signal that we were in public. I slowed untangled myself.

" The rain has....stopped. I think we should go " He said with broken words.

I nodded and followed him to his bike.

The trip to Shwetha's home was much more silent. Both of us didn't know what to talk.

As he stopped his bike in front of her house, I got down slowly. I waved to him and started walking inside.

" Aparna! " Shiva called and I turned back.

" When should I pick you up tomorrow? " He asked.

" As early as possible! " I told laughing.

He smiled and shook his head. He started his bike and waved at me. I waved back and walked inside the house.

As I opened the door, Shwetha pulled me inside.

" Tell me! What happened! Did he say yes? Did you people kiss? " She asked.

" Slow down shwetha! " I told smiling.

" Tell me!!!! " She said again.

" He said yes! " I finally told.

" Good! Now let's plan for tomorrow! " She said and dragged me to the couch.

We both sat down and she took out her notebook.

" I have everything planned out for you people. " She said running through the pages of her notebook.

I opened my phone and went through the messages I got.

I had two from my sister.

" Aparna, I am missing you so much. I really wish you were here now. Come back soon! I want to hear all your stories. " She texted.

Something felt off on her tone.

" Are you okay? " I texted back to Prerna.

" Feeling a tiny bit of headache, I am good other than that. " She said.

" Don't worry a lot. I will be there soon. Take care. " I texted and closed the phone.


" Why did your mood suddenly drop? " Shwetha asked.

" Missing my sister, that's all" I said.

" She is with her husband, she will be alright ,don't think too much. Now listen " She said.

I nodded back hopefully.

" First, we are going for a movie in the morning, then a good restaurant and then beach will do. Are you okay with that? " She asked.

" What do you mean by 'we'? " I asked confused.

" Well, we as in we " She said.

"Hell no, this is not going to be a double date. " I said throwing a pillow at her.

" You would be uncomfortable with him, trust me " She said.

" I would be good! I think you and Hari would influence me a lot. You both should have your own time! " I said.

" That's a cool idea too, only if you are okay with being alone with him. " She said with a wink.

I threw a pillow on her again laughing.

We changed into pyjamas and got into bed soon. I was scrolling through Instagram and my email notification broke my distraction.

I opened the mails and checked them. There was one from my old office.

The subject made me shiver with fear. It was a mail from the architects association.

" This is regarding the removal of all honorary rights of the Architects association of Bangalore to Ms. Aparna. The following witnesses have subjugated the same statement regarding her immoral behavior in the office premises. "

My hands were shaking as I looked at the list of people who had signed for my removal.

It was signed by all my friends in the office, including Priya, who informed me earlier.

I started crying and Shwetha woke up shocked. She took the phone from my hand and read the letter.

She sat beside me silently and hugged me tight. I started crying aloud.

After a really long time, I was letting out my grief.

" It's okay " Shwetha said as I released her. She wiped off my tears and patted my shoulders.

" I don't know what I am going to do. My career is done if they pass this statement. " I said.

" Sometimes, you need to trust on the future. It will always show you the right path soon. Stay positive. Nobody can ruin your career just like that. I know who you are. Trust yourself. Some miracle will happen. " She said.

I slept with tears, soon after she turned off the lights.

My phone rang and woke me up. It was a call from an unknown number. My heart was racing in fear, was that Michael, he would have known about the statement being signed by everyone, what am I going to do!

I cut the call and sat up. The time was 4 in the morning. Good bye to my beauty sleep.

My phone rang again and I picked it up terrified. It was the same unknown number.

" Hello " I said slowly.

" Hey! It's me Shiva! " He said. I breathed out relieved.

" Why are you calling this early! " I asked laughing.

" You told me to come as early as possible, so here I am, standing outside your door in this biting cold. And you are sleeping so warm. Get out of bed and come out quick. " He said.

I opened the window and looked at him waving at me from outside. He has definitely gone mad !

" Why? " I asked tensed, I hadn't even bathed or brushed yet. He was standing there all prepped.

He was wearing a cool black jacket and was sitting on his bike without a care in this world.

" If this is going to be just one day, I want to spend all of it with you. " He said.

What am I going to do with this insane unnerving idiot!

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